When I feel confused I usually look for more information . I found lots more information , but I am still confused . Maybe someone else will know what it all means . Having it all rattling around in my head is keeping me awake at night . My own comments are all initalics and [ ]
Elder Kathleen is of Mi’kmaq descent.
She was trained as an Elder by the internationally-known Grand Spiritual Leader of the Mi’kmaq Nation, Elder Nöel Knockwood of Nova Scotia. Elder Kathleen is a Sacred Pipe Carrier and Traditional Medicine Healer.
She is past president of the Eldawik Council of Nova Scotia and holds a clergy license in Alberta."
[ Is this person below "Elder Kathleen" ? The personal details all fit .]--------------------------------------
http://eldawikmetis.tripod.com/htmpages/eldawik_history.htm"2000-2001 Board
Kathy Osborne, Speaker (
"An interested group of people wishing to become members of
The Confederacy of Nova Scotia Métis first met in February 2000 at the Friendship Center in Halifax. ( con ... )"
"October 2001, member
Kathy Osborne, also an Elder in training under the guidance of Noel Knockwood was honored with the title Aboriginal Elder of Nova Scotia. Later the
members elected Kathy Osborne as Elder of Eldawik. ( con ...)"
http://eldawikmetis.tripod.com/htmpages/eldawik_photos.htm[ photos of Kathy Osborne and other Eldawik people. ]
[ The Eldawik Council is a part of the Conferderacy of NS Metis. A link to their website is below] http://www.geocities.com/nsmetis/member.html"
There is NO blood-quantum requirement. We do not see ourselves as simply being a percentage of our Native heritage, but as being 100% Métis and nothing else."
[This group gives out "Certificate of Aboriginal Status" . Which they claim is; ]---------
"First and foremost, it is a membership card signifying that you are a member of the Confederacy of Nova Scotia Métis and our National Affiliate, the Canadian Métis Council.
CNSM represents and responds to the political, social, cultural and economic interests of Nova Scotia's Métis People.
It is an identification card - signifying that you are a person of Aboriginal ancestry and recognized under the Canada Constitution Act, 1982 as such, and therefore have all the rights, opportunities and privileges accorded to Aboriginal people. This card system is similar to the way "Status" Indians are registered with the Government of Canada through Indian Affairs and receive a "Certificate of Indian Status" card with an identification number.Used as an identification card for purposes including, but not limited to, the following:" (con... )
http://web.archive.org/web/20040630092503/www.geocities.com/nsmetis/nsnews.html"From the CBC WebPosted Dec 19 2003 11:14 AM AST INDIAN BROOK, N.S. ? Illegal status cards are circulating in the Maritimes that claim to give Metis the same rights as natives to
fish or hunt. " (con ...)
"Ron Surette, the
speaker for the Confederacy of Nova Scotia Metis, has been fighting to get his members recognized as Metis for several years. He says he makes it clear
when anyone in his organization sells a Metis card that it's for identification only. "Probably some day we'll have some rights. Right now we have no rights at all," says Surette."
http://web.archive.org/web/20040120031245/www.wabanakiconfederacy.com/appropriation.html"cultural appropriation: The appropriation or taking of another people's culture.
The following organizations are NOT endorsed in any way by the Wabanaki Confederacy nor the Nations of the Wabanaki Confederacy. The Nations of the Wabanaki Confederacy being the Míkmaq (Micmac), Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet), Peskotomuhkatiyik (Passamaquoddy), Panawahpskewi (Penobscot), and Alnôbak (Abenaki), their respective governing Grand Councils, and their People. These organizations do not represent Wabanaki people in any way, and any claims to do so are fraudulent. They are not citizens of the Wabanaki Nations, and do not have any status as "Indian" with their own countries, the USA & Canada. These are American and Canadian citizens infringing on the rights of the Wabanaki People. Their claims are fraudulent, and their actions are cultural appropriation. The Wabanaki would like for the American and Canadian governments to inact laws to protect the Wabanaki and other Aboriginal People from cultural appropriators and the organizations they invent."
[ there is a long list of organizations and amoungst them ]"Confederacy of Nova Scotia Metis (Headed by Wendy Annand )"
Eldawik Metis Council (Member of Confederacy of Nova Scotia Metis, located in Halifax, NS )"
[I am not sure who the Wabanaki Confedracy is, or if they really have the authority to speak for the Nations named here .There seems to be different opinions, as Noel Knockwood apparently supports this the Eldawik Metis , while the Wabanaki Confederacy does not . Even if the political agenda of the CNSM is questionable, that does not mean everyone involved knew this . Maybe some of the Mi'kmaq NAFPS forum members would know who these people are ? ]-------------------------------------------------------
[Noel Knockwood donated some of his books and CDs on Spirtuality and culture to raise funds for the Eldawick Metis . ]http://eldawikmetis.tripod.com/htmpages/eldawik_knockwood.htm-------------------------------------------------------
[It looks like Kathy Osborne has done some good work for the Mi'kmaq people through encouraging culturaly senstive mental health programs ] http://abilities.ca/include/article.php?pid=&cid=&subid=&aid=1642"Winter 2005
Kathy Osborne, an elder with Cree and Mi’kmaq blood living in Dartmouth, who has been working on a project with the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia to get most of the information on schizophrenia translated into plain language and made available on reserves."
(con ...)
"Elder Paul is a recognized Treaty Status Nakoda Native Elder. He is a Sacred Pipe Carrier, Sweat Lodge Keeper and Traditional Medicine Man (Herbalist).Licensed as a Native Spirituality clergy under the laws of Alberta, Elder Paul has authority from the Director of Vital Statistics to perform legal marriages. Elder Daniels is also
Grand Chief of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders and holds an office of
Bishop in Canada’s only Native Spirituality Church. He served as Elder at the well-known Poundmaker’s Lodge in St. Albert and trained the Elder who currently serves there."
[In the webpage found under the Healing link ;]"In our Sweat Lodges we give worship to the Creator and Jesus Christ as well as our respect to the Helping Angels (known in Native Culture as Grandfathers and Grandmothers) and our Honoured Relatives who have passed into the Heavenly World.
We ask the Creator through Jesus Christ to send His Messengers to help us in our earthly difficulties and to heal our bodies, minds,emotions and spirits of illnesses that we may have."
[I wondered about this "Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders", mentioned above .
The only thing that comes up when I google it , is the link below ;]"Private Collateral Lenders Corp."
www.invernesstechnology.com/PCL/staff.htm[(check out the picture !) ]"His Excellency, Charles I is Metropolitan Archbishop of the only government-recognized and
certified Christian Spiritist Church in Canada. ( con ...)"
"Most Rev. Dr. Charles, although a white person of Scottish ancestry, is also fully
recognized as a Native Spirituality Elder (confirmed in writing by Treaty Status Native
Elders from the Nakoda, Cree and Mi’kmaq First Nations), a Sacred Pipe Carrier and
Traditional Medicine Person. He is a Life
Member of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality
He is founder of the only government-recognized Native Spirituality Church in the world.
In that capacity,
he ordained the first Correctional Services Native Spirituality Elder as a clergy in 2005. "
(con.... )
"All profits from both St. James Financial Services and Private Collateral Lenders Corp. go directly to the work of the street and prison ministry of the Church. This includes Miracle Native Healing Retreats (see
www.miraclenativeretreats.org) and both a Halfway House and a Women’s Shelter." (con... )
"Rev. Dr. Father Gordon Roebuck was educated in England. He graduated with a Master's Degree
in Theology (with Honours) from Canterbury University. For many years the parish priest for the Stony Plain/Spruce Grove region of Alberta, Father Gordon was deeply respected and loved by his parishioners. "(con ...) " Father Gordon, following his retirement from active ministry, graduated from the Mortgage Agent Course of Study and was licensed as a Mortgage Agent in the Province of Alberta. He worked as a Mortgage Agent for Mortgage Alliance (now Mortgage Broker.com) until his death on March 5, 2006 in Edmonton. Gordon was co-founder of the concept of Private Collateral Lenders Corp. along with His Excellency, Charles I and he was looking forward to being an essential part of the Healing Retreats ministry of the Native Spirituality Church and Retreats."
http://www.invernesstechnology.com/PCL/about.htm"We are incorporated in the province of Alberta under the Business Corporations Act and are a group of both small and large money lenders gathered together as a consortium. We lend from $100 to $100,000,000 USD based upon the collateral in land, receivables or equipment. As a consortium of private lenders we have a wide range of funds to loan."
[ If I do a google search on "Native Spirituality Church" the only other related link that comes up is this ]www.invernesstechnology.com/Visa/"Native Pride - Worldwide
Visa Card"
Apply Now
"Private Collateral Lenders Corporation is offering all Aboriginal People who are proud of their Great Heritage the FIRST AND ONLYNATIVE PRIDE – WORLDWIDE VISA CARD View Available Designs"
(con ...)
"All PROFITS from this VISA CARD will be given to support the work of Canada’s Only Government-Recognized
Native Spirituality Church. This will assist the Church in offering FREE TREATMENT at our beautiful 160 acres Miracle Native Healing Retreat (just 40 minutes South East of the City of Edmonton) to all YOUTH suffering from Alcohol and other Drug Addictions."
"So, SUPPORT NATIVE PRIDE – WORLDWIDE and NATIVE YOUTH! This is what your application for
this card will do for you and yours.
Offered by Private Collateral Lenders"
[I always thought credit cards were a way a lot of people get tricked into something strongly resembling indentured servitude , but that is just my personal opinion. How is it possible that if some Indian person has low income or poor credit or no credit this is absolutely no problem ?
Seeing VISA distribution together with the Christian Church and advertised Ceremonies, Medicine people and a Native Spirituality Church , has me feeling like this is my first encounter with space aliens . ]