I am nervous about posting on this site as everyone seems really angry all the time with anyone not Native American. It is a bit scarey trying to be friendly
I find most of the people posting here to be issue oriented , and people usually try to be fair and balanced in in their comments . But I gota tell you , anger is fact of life if you spend any time with real Native people ( the ones who have just lived through 500 + years of genocide ) I would suggest watching the movie "Crash" as it does a good job of showing how racism and past trauma and pain can echo down in a community affecting everyone , even the most thoughtful and well meaning . To have any expectation Native people would not feel angry , is very unrealistic , selfserving and ignorant of the real supression and suffering that has gone down.
Am I right in saying that you do not allow others to enjoy your spirituality too? Do you have to be Native American to understand it or could you learn a bit about it.
One problem for people from different backgrounds wanting to learn "Native Spirituality" , is there is many different Native cultures and a lot of why traditions work for Native people is because these traditions are deeply connected with the land and the thousands of generations of ancestors who have lived on that land . Traditions are traditional because they connect with the many generations who practiced these traditions before us , and the many geneations who will practice these traditions into the future .If it isn't your tradition , it isn't a tradition at all , and as much as people might long for that deep sense of being connected with something much bigger than themselves , if it isn't your tradition, practicing someone elses ancient traditions just isn't going to do it , in a real way .
For example , the Makah on the West Coast traditionally hunted whales for food and ceremonial purposes , and so there are many traditions which include songs , dances , and ceremonies . What would you think if a bunch of Lakota decided , they would adopt the Makah traditions around whale hunting , and while living in Lakota communities , they began using Makah songs , dances and ceremonies ? Do you think that would make anyone happy ?
I think we can all learn from the core values and morals of all religions , but if people were studying Confucism , it would be silly to try an dress like you were Chinese , take a Chinese name , eat Chinese food and go to Chinese camps and speak English like it is your second language . That would be about escapism and fantasy . Not learning to live in a responsible and harmonious way with reality . There is a big difference .
Just my own understanding of this . I hope it helps .