"would it be your contention that it's fair to place people in the 'frauds' section here solely on the basis that their behaviour is annoying and does not match up to what you require in an Indian spiritual leader?"
Rasas, it's very condescending of you to reduce what we're saying to a caricature, and bordering on racism to for you to assume that you (as a European, judging by your British spelling) know better than NDNs do what should be the qualities of a Native spiritual leader.
Since you're having trouble getting the obvious, let me make it clear yet again.
He explicitly told me his alleged lineage was *secret*. Secret means no one else knows.
He's not just "annoying". (Well, many would disagree with me, including on the SR board.)
He's a bully.
He's a liar, and a pretty obvious one.
He's very disrespectful in the way he treats women. No Native leader would do that, outside of some of the more self aggrandizing Russell Means types who mostly have nonNative followers.
He's sanctimonious, with no humility whatsoever.
Obviously you don't have much contact with NDNs, except for types like him. On the rez or in an urban NDN community, people whould immediately avoid him for his behavior, perhaps even shun him. Any followers of his would be pitied for being so out of touch as to somehow still believe in him.
And most Native spiritual traditions say that a lack of humility or abusive behavior to others would drive away the spirits and power behind them that would make someone a spiritual leader.
Obviously, since SR is made up in large part of survivors of the Cleargreen cult, you are far more familiar with the caricature of Native beliefs by the likes of Castaneda than with actual Native beliefs.
Since many of you are cult survivors, you have my sympathy, and I also know from speaking with many in Cult Studies that many survivors repeat their mistakes, fall for other cult leaders or emulate the patterns of behavior they learned in cults, often without realizing it.
Blackbeardd claims that Castaneda followers don't take out their anger on being abused and lied to on Natives, yet that is clearly exactly what s/he is doing.
And s/he is repeating almost word for word much of the racism that is throughout Castaneda's works and public statements, that NDNs "live in the past" and that whites are superior, racially and mentally "more advanced" than Natives.
It's also interesting that Blackbeardd calls him/herself "us Native American".
Yet his/her IPS shows s/he's posting from the Netherlands. S/he also uses an email with the address CastanedaContinues@gmail.com. While others on SR might be survivors from Cleargreen trying to recover from
cult experience, s/he likely remains a True Believer of the most notorious Nuage exploiter of all.
Both Rasas and N also keep repeating the lie that the "genuine" Natives are somehow being falsely accused.
Both of you continue to refuse to do something as simple as use the Search button for this site (or even use google), where you'd see that virtually all NDNs see "genuine" types like Andrews, Samms, Carson, WBE, and Archie Lame Deer as pretty obvious and notorious frauds.
It's also pretty revealing that N feels the need to resort to racism against mixedbloods. My being mixedblood didn't matter to him before though, when he hoped to use my academic credentials to get legitimacy for his group.
If he consents, I'll gladly post the half a dozen emails where he repeatedly begged me to be a consultant for his group.
You or others at SR may continue to believe in N if you wish. Some of the more racist among seem to like that he fulfills your stereotypes of what you expect NDNs to be.
But don't claim you haven't been warned. He's no spiritual leader. He's actually a cook living in a small town in Texas. His father was an actor, not a spiritual leader among his people. Among most Plains tribes, medicine traditions are passed down in the family.
If you want to believe he could be the sooper-secret leader of that sooper-secret tradition that's been sooper-secret for over 500 years, well, stranger things have been believed. You all believed Castaneda, didn't you?