Just returned from up north, from the opening of the Samii week - a whole week of Samii culture, activities, presentations, films - for non-Samiis to learn more about our indigenous people. I had been invited up there to show the film. We had hoped for someone from the film to be able to attend, too, but unfortunately it didn´t work out, so I was asked to say something at the opening ceremony. It was a great "promotion" of the film since media was there ! (I quoted some words from Arvol, I felt it would be better that a Lakota voice was "heard")
A lot of people came to see the film, both Samiis and non-Samiis. And the questions afterwards were good - apart from some guy (non-Samii) (of course) who got mad at Alex White Plume who talks about the massacre at Wounded Knee. He threw a fit, told me off for Alex´s comments (huh??) and stomped out. LOL.
It turned out that this city I went to was one of the "centres" for Rainbow Eagle and some of his followers were in the audience. One of them loved the film, said "I
knew something was wrong!!" and bought the DVD to show to the other followers!! Funny!
The Samii Council and the Samii organisations also bought the film, it will be used as an educational film around the Samii communities. They will do everything they can to spread it all over the northern part of Sweden, hopefully Norway, too.
Oh, up till now three guys from Deer Tribe have talked to me to tell me they have left. What is happening over here is that people see the film, read the books, words are being spread around and I think all of those guys who knew it was wrong finally got the guts to speak out since they can "hide" behind the film and the books. It is like a new "movement" over here, geeeeez, it feels sooooo good!
Just giving you some good news on and off. We need it