I had some trouble getting on this board, kind of technical difficulties. But I read a lot, like I do on the Indianz board, before I posted. My suspicion, confirmed by his last post to you, is that SteveW is a plant, trolling to make trouble.
I know an Oglala man who travels the country making ghost shirts. He is a direct descendent of those who died at WK in 1890 and his family was deeply involved in WK II. When I first saw his displays, I admit i was disturbed, but I am not Oglala, I have no say in the matter. But we talked. He does not make millions, only enough to go in and out of Pine Ridge and take care of his family. right or wrong, he believes what he does is therapy.
That is how I look at what you do. Therapy. Therapy for those overseas who would exploit Native religions. And therapy for us who are concerned.
SteveW did not see the posts you made about giving the profits back to those who helped with the film, or he chose not to see that. Or worse, he saw it and ignored it in order to try to pick off a few people from this board. Cause his real intent is not as says, to "come and learn" but to come and discredit.
I believe in what you are doing. I use these kinds of films in my classes. And when the opportunity comes, I would use your film.
And SteveW, the reason why Indians have not done films about European religion? Throw away line, cause what exactly is European religion? Do you know? Do you mean Roman Catholicism? Do you mean Lutheran?
I know a lot of Native film makers and actors. And they have such a hard time with funding their artistic enterprises. In short, your concern is not with Native filmmakers, it is not even with Freija and her film. Your concern is discrediting the people on this board.
Tell me I am wrong.