Reply #29 ra6as
"I would say between Weheli and Kaioatey for now, and my intention is to suggest a more abstract basis for discussion, less about each other and more about whatever the issues may be that underlie the rift."
"as far as I've been able to find out, the argument that Castaneda and/or Cleargreen are racist has not been clearly presented anywhere;"
Hi ra6as
What strikes me as blatently racist, is that when someone claims something is a Native tradition or secret Native wisdom , or a traditional ceremony, or that they are authorized to lead Native ceremonies or teach Native Spirituality ,
and this isn't true , that people assume this is something that should be open to debate .
It is like people think Indians aren't real , that indiginous peoples don't have a real culture , that Native people don't know their own culture well enough to be able to authoritively say "that is not true" and that Native people aren't real enough to know what is right within their own Spiritual traditions , and protect this from corruption.
So to me, just the continued presumption that all this should even be open for debate , seems extremely racist .
Native peoples are real , Native people have real cultures , with real cultural norms which are well known to the real people living within these cultures . Native communities have the internal authority to select their Spiritual leaders and protect traditions from corruption , and to say what is and is not corruption .
To think any of this is open to debate, is to be willing to replace real Indian peoples and cultures with fantasy Indians and cultures ,that were dreamed up to fufill the desires of bored , Spiritually lost, non natives .
To imagine New Age fantasies are more important than than living Native peoples and cultures , is extremely disrespectful , selfserving and racist .
Which is one of the reasons why people keep saying the poster Kaioatey , over at SR , is racist .
( obviously there are other reasons and comments made by this poster which are too numourous and stupid to even bother addressing )
Of course people with racist attitudes are rarely aware they have racist attitudes , because if they were , they would stop being so ignorant and full of stupid presumptions .
Hope this helps you understand what the perspective is here . And why most of us sound like we aren't really interested in debating this further ... To turn things around , it would be kind of like thinking we have a right to debate with you what you had for breakfast , when we weren't there , but you were , but we still think we know better than you do .