Hello debbieredbear, Hello Moma_porcupine

It is a great pleasure and honor to meet you acquaintances.

I am so glad that I found this website too. I just didn't know where to turn. :'( I've even spoken with some elders about this woman and they told me that what she is doing is wrong, so that helped confirm my feelings.
I've always been a strong soul so I don't do well with being bullied, especially by a suspected fraud. I think she and her bretheren are seriously afraid that I'm going to come back, expose them for what they really are and that will be the end of their board. Hence, having a few of her "lackeys"- I call them "thugs" for their attitude and nastiness, following me around. As if that's going to stop me from trying to find help to report her.
Her website is definitely of the Cheezewiz tribe. Completely managing to fool and blind everyone seeking some real spiritual teachings. How someone like that can sleep at night, I'll never know.
CinnamonMoon has two books out called "A Medicine Woman Speaks" (as if this isn't a red flag) and "To Be A Feather In Spirit's Wing". They can be found on amazon.com
She's based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I lived and worked in Minnesota for 8 1/2 years with my husband who is a born and raised native from there and we both have never heard of her. Another red flag.
Her board isn't based on reality. It's based on feeding her ego and filling her pocketbook out of genuine people's feelings who don't know any better. As I said, I was banned from there when I stood up to her and asked questions. I can't be that voice for the innocents and that hurts more than you'll ever know. As Winston Churchill once said, "You have enemies? Good. It means that somewhere, sometime you stood up for something". Yes, it has made me enemies. I'd rather do the right thing than go along to get along with a fraud.
I'm so sorry to hear that your friend is going through such a painful experience from such a board like this. Just when you think that there's progress, then they back-slide. It's a never-ending cycle until complete realization hits that they've been had. :'(