Author Topic: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon  (Read 47524 times)

Offline Skully

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2007, 06:52:29 am »
To hell with all "fairness". She's a fr***in' fraud!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 01:12:21 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline Skully

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2007, 07:54:30 pm »
We don't ever say to hell with fairness, but you're right about the second part. She's clearly a fraud. Moved to Frauds.
Oh,take the HIGH road will ya!!!
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline ironbuffalo

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2007, 12:12:13 am »

 Heheheh. I might have some fun registering and  trolling around Cinnamon Moonies forum being as disruptive as I can ;-)

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2007, 03:56:53 am »

Did you check out CinnamonMoon's board and cause trouble? If so, were they mean to you or did they ban you outright?  If so, I hope you didn't get into any trouble.  :o

Edited to add: educatedindian is right- trolling can only make the troller look bad. Ask questions, be direct, grill if you must, but please, please, please be careful! I'd hate for you to get into any sort of trouble.  :(
« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 04:19:54 pm by MaryWhiteWolf »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2007, 04:03:33 am »
I can't say I see much point in trolling. Going over there to discuss, see if you can get through to some people who might be there simply because they are naive and don't kno any better, yes. Warning people, yes. But disruption doesn't seem to have any point, at least in my view, no matter how much they deserve it. If it were part of a protest, OK.

But as some of NAFPS' failed (and prety pathetic) trolls, like Lekay and Martin, have found out repeatedly, trolling doesn't do anything except make the troll look bad.

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2007, 01:53:49 am »

Is it at all possible for you or any of the other members  to be able to go over there to help educate and to warn people? I think they would find your education a real  eye opener.  :-)

A member over there by the name of Be Water is CinnamonMoon's "student" and fancies CM as her "teacher". She is a woman of color (black) who has real "entitlement" issues.She's also a classic narcissist and likes to play dumb and ignorant.  She won't hesitate to "protect" her "teacher".

Please try to do what you can to help others see what CinnamonMoon is doing is wrong and that what they are doing is because they don't know any better. If only one can be reached, then perhaps there is hope that more can be as well. :-)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 03:15:13 am by MaryWhiteWolf »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2007, 06:54:32 am »
I wish I had more time to do that, but work and other obligations make that difficult. If others here wish to try and talk some sense into her board, please let us know how that goes. And if you want to invite any of their members who can be reached to come here, I think that might be a more effective approach. It's my experience that one NDN trying to convince a whole group of Nuagers will get the usual pop spychology diagnosis followed by lots of condescending or racist insults from the worser ones. The ones unwilling to come here are less likely to able to be reached.

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

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CinnamonMoon *Update*
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2007, 12:17:32 am »
I've been doing some research on how to complain to the web site that hosts her board. Several different things can be done to let them know that what she's doing isn't right. i.e. exploiting NA spirituality and posing as someone/something that she is not. I also learned while reading the site's policy that advertising her "psychic readings" is a board policy violation.

Here is an address that I found that one can contact to let them know what she is doing.

ezboard Inc. D/B/A (
564 Market Street, Suite 705
San Francisco, CA 94104

(415) 773-0040

They can also be contacted at:

CinnamonMoon can also be written directly at:
« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 04:07:13 am by MaryWhiteWolf »

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

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Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon-UPDATE
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2008, 07:00:58 pm »
[Barnaby's note: dead link removed]
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 06:57:17 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2008, 07:13:38 pm »
Dear Folks,

Please find enclosed a recent e-mail that I had received from CinnamonMoon. What she doesn't know is that I have become a reader at to help raise some money to pay some bills. She has no idea that she is talking to me.  ;) What's really particularly nauseating is that she actually seems to believe that she's entitled to "share" Native American spirituality with all and sundry.She's still preaching her stuff over at spirit Lodge too.


Here is the enclosed link to read her e-mail:

[Barnaby's note: dead link removed]
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 06:58:10 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2008, 11:42:51 am »
Sorry, neither of those links work.

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

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UPDATE-Letter I Got From CinnamonMoon
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2008, 12:23:06 am »
Oh Dear, I'm so sorry about that Barnaby *Blush*

Here is the letter (e-mail) that I received from CinnamonMoon and it reads such as this:

Hello StarrMoondance35( My name at btw)

*Soft Smile* Thank you for your kind words of concern and bringing this to my attention. However, these people at NAFPS do not know me nor the path I have walked for the past 6 decades. I am an old woman, not some Yuppy New Age wannabe. I learned long ago how to pick my battles though I do acknowledge that the New Age is seeded and is part of the Change that is upon us. In that process of Change this sort of conflict arises from time to time--it's part of the chaos energy and this is simply an example of the resistance demonstrated by those who kick and scream.

My pathwork is conducted with Spirit's blessings, not theirs. Unfortunately there are those who do not want Native wisdom shared beyond their own People. It's an old war that is going nowhere, this knowledge is not exclusive, it is meant to be shared. They can spout what they choose, Spirit guides my path and I walk it with conviction, with heart and guidance, not ego. I simply choose not to engage myself with those who have to cut someone else down to make themselves feel superior. I don't need that sort of drama in my life. If we are going to evolve it needs to be a willing process of looking at ourselves, not others.

Spirit's blessings to you and yours,

All I can say to this is- what an arrogant witch  :o :(

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2008, 01:35:37 am »
Well doesn't look like she fools too many. A pagan magazine reviewed one of her books:
"In no way can this book be considered to be truly "An Exploration of Native American Spirituality" as the subtitle claims. It IS an explanation of personal (or Shamanic) spirituality but, even though couched in Native American terminology, it bears little resemblance to the spirituality of the Native Medicine people I have known. I was privileged to spend time with a Medicine Man of the Massachusetts Wampanoag tribe. Although he accepted that members of my family came closer to his definition of Shaman than that of Witch (as he understood the term), he did not offer to share his medicine with us. We were not of his lineage, and thus not eligible for these teachings.

Most traditional Elders share those views. This book flies in the face of their beliefs. They would not accept the fact that these beliefs should be shared, without a very long probationary period. They would feel that their spirituality should be held in trust for "The People".
...At times this book seems a bit too "white light and fluff" for my tastes...

Would this be a good book for someone interested in a traditional Native American point of view of spirituality? Probably Not."

And you can excerpts of her book online. On page 14 she describes herself as white, and claims only to be taught by an alleged Lakota named just "Mary." Mary was neither very bright nor traditional, because she recommended Heywhatever Storm to her, just before conveniently passing away so no one can ever know her actual name. The "Old Indian" trick. Castaneda's model once again.
Link to Google Book Search

On page 15 she claims a Delaware woman called "Little White Chicken" taught her. You can't make this kind of nonsense up. Don't think I've ever heard of NDNs named after domestic animals not native to this continent before. Coming soon, we'll hear whites claiming to have had NDN teachers named Fat White Pig and Big Dumb Sheep.

She claims she was told to read Oklahoma Delware Ceremonies, supposedly long out of print. Actually it's a widely available old anthro book from the 1930s.

She also claims to have been taught by two more unnamed medicine women (not even the tribes are named), an Apache medicine man (also not named), and "friends of Cherokee blood" also not named.

So basically she got her alleged knowledge from people she won't say who, H Storm, and an old anthro book. No wonder none of what she sells has little resemblance to anything NDN.

Most of the book is extremely vague. The only thing even remotely NDN is her misunderstandings of the White Buffalo Calf prophecy.

And she repeats the old phony "Warriors of the Rainbow" pseudo prophecy.

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

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Re: Need Some Help With A Suspected Fraud-CinnamonMoon
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2008, 02:15:36 am »
Thank you so much for all of your help, everyone!!  :) ;D