Author Topic: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again  (Read 41292 times)

Offline cherokeesissy

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2007, 03:45:15 pm »
Osiyo, been a while since I've been here. I've been having trouble getting signed in. Anyway, I read this post first thing and decided that I needed to send this over. I think that it came to me about a week ago, and to my yahoo mail, which I never use. Thought you all might like to see it. I also have more to let you all know about and I'll do those updates once I've gone over some more of the posts on Jerry Edwards.

--- In, "Ann" [email address deleted, just for fairness's sake] wrote:
> It's been a while since I'd been online and I'm trying,
> to sign in to the NAFP's Offical Site. Can't get in for trying.
> someone please help me out with this. I have no idea what to do.
> Ann

Hi Ann,
here is a link to thier site. A lot is going on right now. My sister
Robin who is Cherokee is under attack by the NAFPS. Al Carroll is
taking it upon himself along with some others on the site to demean
and attack TRUE Native Americans and has been deleting and adding
words to make them appears as he wanys them to. The link I am sending
you is to the post on my Sister but it will get you into the site,
just click on home at the top.

My personal email is [deleted at request]. Please send me messages there
as I don't always check this site. Have you got any more news on
Edwards who is a FRAUD?

PS I think I just sent this to be posted and that was not my
intentions. I must somehow get them not to post this personal email.

[Al's note: Email address removed at Joyce's request, nothing else altered.]
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 09:31:00 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2007, 06:26:57 pm »
Glad to see you here, Ann.

Kind of ironic that the two of them endlessly repeat that they were "attacked" in NAFPS when we all had to walk on eggshells around them and did our best to help them for years. Generally people request information and we help them. But in their case, they demanded that we *do something* repeatedly, anything, everything, to get the word out on the CKY.

Which we were glad to do. We respond to requests for help. But it was unusual to see someone demanding that repeatedly for over two years. Given all that Edwards and the CKY did to Robin, the threats she described, rumor spreading, and so on, it's understandable.

I may as well make this public, for Robin and Joyce and all others to see:

I haven't had any contact with Robin after she left to go and try set herself up as the "spiritual advisor" to an obvious fraud, Scarlet McKinney. Best I can tell, that was only a few emails between them anyway, as much as McKinney tried to claim otherwise. It was more of a case of Robin not realizing how she was being used.

I have kept confidential all of information in the dozens of emails Robin sent me, as she repeatedly asked me to, and I will continue to.

As I pointed out in the other thread, the person that supposedly "attacked" Robin for selling items on ebay could not have been me, since she herself admitted to tracking the emails to a school district clear on the other side of Texas. It might do her some good to look at a map before making herself look silly, or even call up the district to find up I've never worked there. 

I think it's important that we don't let Robin's actions lately make us forget the good work she did in helping to expose the CKY. For that she needs to be praised. For one foolish interview with a racist promoter of exploiters, a persecution complex, and a few comments here and there, I can easily forgive.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2007, 06:16:45 pm »
I feel somewhat responsible for some of these bad feelings so i guess I should make some attempt to repair any damage I may have created .

First , on the issue of Robin or Weheli's posts being edited by anyone other than themselves .

When someones post is edited , at the bottom it does say it was edited , and who edited it .

Before I joined NAFPS , seeing the posts of some people edited,  did make me mistrustful that the moderators might be unfairly tampering with peoples posts , and I watched for a long time to see what it was that was being edited out , and why .

I guess if other people are mistrustful they will need to do the same , and see for themselves , but what i saw was what was being edited out , was people using too many words and side issues to obscure and avoid the questions , ad hominum attacks , name calling and threats . 

As I said before , I did see Al edit his own post in the last thread Raven posted in as a regular contributer to NAFPS ( link to this thread  ,is in my post above ) What I remeber was Robin was objecting to a comment Al made and Al edited it out  . The comment was something about Star deserving as much support as Robin and Al reminding Robin she was also an ex member of the CKY group . Robin objected saying she had joined knowing the group was unhealthy because she wanted to help people in that group get out. Maybe it would have been better if Al had apologized in another post,  and left his original comment , as I seem to recall Raven / Robin's objections didn't make much sense after Al edited out that comment . It really didn't seem a big deal to me , but then I wasn't on the other end of this conversation and apperently it was a big deal to Raven and Weheli . Shortly after that ,Weheli and Robin appear to have deleted all their posts from that thread . There was nothing in these deleted posts that I saw , that anyone else would want to delete ,and they are the only other people besides the moderators that could do this , and Al says they didn't ..

It seems this whole situation was really tramatic for Robin and I apologize if I have not been sufficently sympathetic to her feelings of being unsafe. 

Robin being interviewed by John Lekay.
When it comes to confronting Al when he is wrong, there is no objectivity there within the group. It is a matter if you read the many posts he makes, you will not find any in the group that will voice or posts anything that might be in disagreement with what he says.

And if one does, the pattern is Moma Porcupine will come in and attack the person, then Al may come in with passiveness,.
I did feel some undertone attacks with Moma Porcupine at times, which I found somewhat puzzling. Because most of the time it was based on unimportant and unrelated issues that were borderline paranoia. Other than Al Carroll and Moma Porcupine there were no others that attacked me, yet no one made any attempts to defend me either.

What Robin said above about me ( NOT AL ) pushing people posting on this board , to clarify themselves , sounds correct .

I can see where both Raven and Weheli may have felt attacked by this , but , I'm thinking maybe Robin/ Raven/Raven_Walkingstick/ Kwakwen and Joyce/Walkingsoft/Weheli are confusing things I have said with what Al/educatedindian said ?

I won't apoplgize for that ,because I still feel all my concerns are valid , but even though I don't always agree with these two , I have appreciated many of the things Raven and Weheli have shared. I have disagreed with everybody posting in this forum from time to time including Al , and when I do I say so , and don't expect anyone to defend me . 

Nobody defended me on the subject of selling sweetgrass , even though I can show there are many traditional people who share my feelings  . Because I support these traditions as I learned them  , I have been called stupid and many other negative things have been implied about me . No one came to defend me , but SO WHAT. It was a good conversation and I'm glad we had it , even if I did feel repeatedly personally attacked for hanging on to  what I was taught by Elders . I am not going to play the victim , and I still admire many things about the people who disagreed with me. I'm not going around telling everyone how i was unfairly attacked in NAFPS . People have a right to their own understanding, priorities , concerns , and even blind spots  . We all have them sometimes .  And I think talking about our different points of veiw is a good thing . People even have a right to be rude sometimes . We all are .

It's true I'm not as nice as Al . I expect difficult things like for people to get their facts straight , be consistant in their concerns , tell the truth and be responsible and accountable for their choices . If people don't meet up with my expectations , I can be a real pain in the ass .

Yup thats me ... But get it clear , as far as I have seen , if anyone "attacked" Robin , or Weheli  , it was me , not Al .   

The reason I am concerned about contradictions is because I see that as being one of the main reasons a lot of well meaning people don't recognize when someone is an exploiter . There are a lot of people who would respect what Native people want ,but when Native people seem to be giving double messages , people get really confused about who to listen to .

Non native people dabbling in Native traditions mostly come into contact with Native people who are comfortable supporting this ,and they are often unaware of the much larger majority of Native people who feel the power and meaning of these traditions are damaged when they are practiced out of context . 

I don't really think this chaos is anyones fault . it is just what happens when traditional ways get mixed with non traditional communities . Situations come up and there is no traditional precedent on how to deal with them and even good people people don't
always agree . But I do think it is important if Native people are telling people what is and isn't exploitation , that they are consistant in their message . Otherwise it comes across as a few Native people who appear to be Spiritual authorities , ( usually only in the eyes of the naive non native community ) saying it's OK for non native people to lead or have a central role in traditional ceremonies , and on the other hand inconsitant unprincipaled harrassment from unreasonable angry Indians. Behavior percieved as unprincipaled harrassment tends to reinforce the misunderstanding that it is just racism that makes traditional leaders want to retain traditional ceremonies within the context of a deeply rooted community . I think these mixed messages really damage what NAFPS is trying to accomplish.

This is why I pressured both Robin and Weheli to clarify their positions expressed in this forum ,  and it was not intended as an attack" . I'm sorry it was percieved this way .     

Al is right when he say's both these people shared a lot of valuable things here , and I am sorry to see that get dragged through the mud of interpersonal misunderstandings .

If I have had a part in this , I apologize .

But as for Lekay who seems like he is looking to promote divisions within Native communities , bad feelings and misunderstandings  .  ::).
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 07:00:01 pm by Moma_porcupine »


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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2007, 07:24:51 pm »
I sent a PERSONAL email to Ann as she was asking for help and I continue to try an follow the activities of  Edwards who is a FRAUD and continues to hurt many people with his sick teachings.
Nothing was ever demanded of this forum to do anything more than what has been done with many other links, research ect.
Ann and I have had a couple emails between us before esp.,after I Traveled to Burnside and to the police there as to what Edwards was doing. I also posted on the Burnside forum concerning Edwards and some responded to my posts, esp. after the interview by the Sommerset paper with Edwards and his claiming to be building a museum which I proved to be a lie. Al and I had emails back and forth as to my going to Burnside and what occured there. Thats all I have to say on this subject.

Posting  of a PERSONAL email I sent to you Ann with my PERSONAL email address, I find totaly unethical. I will not be pulled into what has gone on concerning my Sister Robins interview with Lakaye. What I said to you, ANN, was personal, and I ask Al, out of respect Not only for me and all I have contributed to this board but as a Cherokee Grandmother to delete that post of the email I sent PERSONALLY to ANN, I did not give her permission to give out my personal email address or did I in my farthest thoughts ever think she would feel a need to share this with the NAFPS. It serves no perpose! My heart is sooo very Heavy over all these things here. Wado MP for shedding some light on sone things. Prayers for all. :'(

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2007, 09:28:44 pm »
Kind of a strange situation. I don't think Ann acted out of malice, but I can see why Weheli/Joyce Troxell feels she doesn't wanted her email address posted. But I'll do it anyway.

Interesting, but strange. Joyce and Robin complained on other boards about how bad Robin had been treated, even while Joyce remained a member for years and took part in most of the discussions, often long and detailed discussions. It's clear from her posts in here that Joyce doesn't agree at all with the kind of exploiters and fringe characters Lekay promotes.

I also should point for the Lekays of the world that I didn't delete the criticism of me, and don't plan to.

You see, Mr. Lekay, the only thing that gets censored in here are childishness, personal attacks, and spam, which is all that ever got deleted from your posts. Some of us don't fall apart and whine to the whole world for months at a time just because of losing an argument.

So shame on you for taking a mild disagreement and exploiting a good woman whose been trhough a lot like Robin. You are nearly the equal of Jerry Edwards in how you've used her and badly treated her.

Offline steve_w

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2007, 09:15:18 pm »

That lekay englishman made some good points but i think he is just another fraud. i am so amazed how this site is able to locate and then confront fruadulent people. it's great. oh yeah why doesn't nafps just ban troublemakers like lekay. thank you

Offline wasna papa

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2007, 08:17:13 pm »

kola....does lekaye practice medicen or sell cerimoney.

wasna papa


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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2007, 08:40:48 pm »
No, not that I am aware. He promotes people that do in his magazine. Showed up here abut a month ago promoting S. Dupree, LookingBack Woman as the "true" pipe carrier of the Lakota Nation. He is no longer here on this list. frederica

Offline wasna papa

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2007, 11:46:48 pm »

i have seen his magizine and know lekay has help our people with the uraniam siteration. we have a serouis probelem,. our peopel suport him for his work and thnak him. no other wasicu has done this.  why do you atak him so much.

is this beucse of s dupres

wasna papa

[Al's note; WP was banned. This is actually John Lekay/marlon doing a racist impression of an elderly Lakota woman. So Lekay is a cross dresser too. Pretty funny.]
« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 05:16:37 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2007, 12:42:52 am »
I just happened on this today and I thought it explained very well why some of us have felt concerned about some of what Lekay promotes in his on line magazine .

Michael Nenonen
12 July 2007 01:43 PM

The essence of commodification is the transformation of communal and localized rituals into amoral and abstracted vehicles for self-development. It strips these rituals of their ethical, social, and often political content.

Consider the difference in the uses of the term "healing" as it's used by First Nations and non-First Nations people. For most First Nations people, the term seems to imply a collective process by individuals which heal as part of the healing of their communities. For most non-First Nations people, the term seems to have purely individual connotations.

There are several dangers here, given the onslaught First Nations cultures are experiencing and the challenge of cultural ransmission under a brutal occupation. First, by appropriating these rituals the colonial society may well alter them significantly, such that First Nations youth--many of whom are alienated from their own cultures--will mistake these corrupted practices with their own cultural legacies. Second, since non-Aboriginal control of media and educational institutions is so entrenched, these corrupted practices may have a competitive edge, such that they may flourish while the original practices die out. Third, these practices perpetuate romanticized stereotypes about First Nations people, and thereby supplant the actual voices of Indigenous cultures.

Hi Wasna papa

It is a lot to read through it all , but if you do I think you will see no one has attacked Lekay . The first thing Lekay did here was to start the thread on Thomas Lighteningbolt asking what we thought of him  . ( and appaerently it was Lekay who posted Thomas in the fraud section as i don't see any of the moderators moved that thread there from somewhere else . ) I think everyone here has done their  best to truthfully and politely answer Lekays questions , but Lekay doesn't like what we say , and has been attacking us ever since .

How i see it , Lekay has been acting like a two year old having a full on temper tantrum because he thinks Grandpa's heart medicine is jelly beans Grandpa doesn't want to share  ... And he can't hear a word anyone is saying over his waiils of protest .
Wasna papa , I don't know anyone who is all good or all bad . Even people who do really horrible things that harm many people often have friends and family who they have been good to , or they make some good contributions to their communities . Just because Lekay does good by giving publicity to some good things with his on line magazine , like bringing attention to your uranium situation , doesn't mean everything he does is good , and it doesn't mean everyone Lekay has in his magazine claiming to be a Spiritual leader or Medicine person or a healer really is one .

People who get people to trust them , by claiming some sort of "Indian wisdom " when Indian communities just think they are silly or
con artists do hurt people  . In the section titled Ect there is a topic titled " But Whats the Harm ? " . Maybe if you read through that you will understand better why we are concerened , and why we do, what we do here .

If people feel attacked by people telling the truth about who they are , or about what true cultural practices are , that is their problem not ours , especially if they are coming into other peoples lives and affecting them with their lies and delussions . I believe people speaking up and telling the truth is one of the ways Spirit takes care of things .

Take care  :)

« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 01:07:56 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline steve_w

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2007, 01:10:47 am »

perhaps attacked is too strong a word, my mistake, how about disagree? i have read lekay's mag. and it does some good reporting for issues in indian country. i think it is because his is white that many indians here dont trust him. we must remember that we must not judge someone until we have walked a mile in there mocassins. it's an indian quote that i have always loved. thank you.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2007, 02:05:16 am »
It's not becaueds he's white, Steve, it's because he promotes frauds. Like LBW and "Red Elk" to name two. "Red Elk" is allied with a pervert named Harley Reagan who promotes "Cherokee Sex Magic." Reagan is also a fake vet. If LeKay just did serious issues, and did not promote frauds, I would have no problem with him. His color has no bearing on this.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2007, 01:43:45 pm »
The latest news is that Lekay is apparently making a film about Dupree, a full length feature devoting to smearing Looking Horse. And Lekay is backing the film entirely with his own money. He sent out a series of press releases only last month promoting it.

So it seems that Lekay was lying the entire time he was here. He is not disinterested or nonpartisan as he repeatedly claimed, even though everyone saw through that right away. He is the one who is out to protect his investment in a film.

Offline steve_w

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2007, 03:25:06 pm »

that lekay guy is trying to exploit indians. do you have the actual news peice where you got the news about lekay? i want to print it out and read it on my way to work, or a link about his fraudulent films. have to be careful, many fake indian documentaries floating around out there. thank you.

Offline steve_w

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2007, 03:30:16 pm »

sorry, are you cherokee by any chance, we may be relatives, you never know. do you powwow. thank you.