Author Topic: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...  (Read 146809 times)

Offline educatedindian

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NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« on: July 05, 2007, 06:11:42 pm »
This thread, plus the section on the front page, will list all the groups NAFPS has worked with and all the sites that use us as a resource. Thus anyone wondering whether to believe the rumors being spread by spiritual exploiters and frauds can come to their own conclusions.

Groups and individuals that NAFPS Has Worked With, Including Those That Are Members of NAFPS and Other Activist Groups

American Indian Movement Chapters:
AIM Arizona
AIM Indiana
AIM Support Group of Northern Kentucky/Ohio
New England AIM

American Indian Heritage Support Center
Honor Nation
Iron Lodge (Native Prisoners Support Group)
Our Red Earth
Red Road Collective
Albuquerque Indian Center (NAFPS members toured Europe on a speaking tour to raise funds for them.)

Native Issues Supporters in Europe:
World In Our Hands Foundation
Fourth World

Offline educatedindian

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 07:14:24 pm »
A google search shows us listed at nearly 5,000 sites as of July 2007. Some of those sites are duplicate, or are for the National Armed Forces Pension in Europe.

The number of sites that recommend us is truly a nice sight to see. It seems so many people have been helped.

Sites that list NAFPS as a resource, work with NAFPS members, or whose members recommend NAFPS, in alphabetical order: (Native Prisoners Support Group)

Americas Indigenous People, New Age, and Cultural Appropriation

Anthropik Network

Blog Critics Magazine

Blue Corn Comics

Care 2 Make a Difference

Curanderismo Research Project

Dakota Lakota Singing


Do No Harm (Anishinaabe Activists)

Reviewer on Ebay

Engler Refugee's Homepage

Guru Ratings (Provides Warnings on Dangerous Gurus, Kind of a Hindu Version of NAFPS)

Health on Health

Indian Religion Beliefs

Internet Infidels Discussion Board (Skeptics Society)

Issues Affecting American Indians in Tennessee;article=16531

Kisikew Wiki, Indigenous News
(From 2007 to as late as June 2010. Then apparently a friend of the site's moderator Annie Childress or Totiake going by the ID of Dualbuster came to NAFPS.

Dualbuster claimed to be the Great White Savior of the Hopi. He also endorsed a fraud who calls herself Mary Summer Rain. Based on that, the KWIN site withdrew its endorsement and claim we engage in "unethical behavior".

That so called "lack of ethics"? Posting what someone has on their Facebook page. But apparently Dualbuster's being an imposter does not bother Ms. Tiotake. And more disturbing, she endorsed the libel put out by Nuage exploiters and white supremacists about NAFPS. Talk about naive...or poor research.)

Ladyhawk's Hogan

Library of

Native Culture Links

Native Youth Magazine (Conservation board)

Planet Twinkie

Raising Our Collective Voices (Native Woman Activist)

Red Road Collective (Anishinaabe Women Activists) (Geneology Forum)

Six Nations Reclamation Info (Urban Legend Debunkers)

Tutor Gig Encyclopedia

Waldorf Critics


Ironically, given how much I've personally criticized Wikipedia, they speak well of us.


Yahoo Answers

Many Pagan sites, whose members often mistakenly fell for Nuage exploiters, have turned to us as a resource.

Future work is needed to cover sites not in English that recommend NAFPS.

[Admin note: Edited to fix broken links and shorten some needlessly long URLs.]

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2007, 12:25:38 am »
It is hard to name individuals as they or their relatives are likely to be harrassed as educatedindian and his family have been . But here is a few more links to Native run organizations and / or websites that supoport what is done here.

A long list of articles and proclomations asking for help in stopping the abuse of native culture can be found in the  below

There is also

links to
NAFPS Forum - Dedicated to identifying and exposing frauds and exploiters of Native cultures and traditions.

Main page says they are American Indian Heritage Support Center founding voluntary board members are federally enrolled Shawnee, Kiowa, Cherokee, Muscogee-Creek, and Menominee.

The purpose and specific objectives of our organization is to help preserve the varied histories, cultures, and sacred traditions of the American Indian people

The Official Website Of Our Red Earth Greetings...and welcome to the official website of Our Red Earth, a forming non-profit (501c3) organization concerned with First Nations issues, civil rights, and human rights.

One of the pages on the site connects to this website  ;

Here are a few more native run message boards that link to NAFPS
Cherokee message board which links to NAFPS on it's welcome page .

One of several threads which speak in support of NAFPS on a Mi'kmaq message board

A message board run by Native people which lists NAFPS as a resource for dealing or learning about Cultural appropriation and wannabes:

« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 12:33:17 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2007, 01:47:08 pm »
Two members of AIHSC are also members of NAFPS. My oversight. And NAFPS began because of discussions at the old Our Red Earth yahoo group. I've corrected the first list.

Offline Skully

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 01:47:02 pm »
Too bad that the Red Road Collective is run by a single delusional woman (Fox...Jane Redfeather Hall), a known fraud who was posing long-time on as a Native woman with a stolen picture on her profile.

Turns out, she is an old white woman pug breeder.  He husband was exposed as covering for her. Both are gone from Indianz in shame.

BTW, their website disappeared overnight.

"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline educatedindian

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2008, 02:09:46 pm »
You think they "disappeared overnight"?


That shows them being around for at least fourteen years.

Actually I never heard of Jane Hall. Marie Blacklodge Myers was the one I spoke with most often, but there were about half a dozen other young women, in their teens and twenties when NAFPS first met them five or six yars ago.

Sure you don't have the confused with someone else, or maybe Hall was just pretending to be one of them?

Offline Skully

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2008, 03:13:41 pm »
Nope. I call BS and I stand firm on this one.
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline earthw7

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2008, 04:25:38 pm »
I would like to add that I use this site
for my tribe and also give the information
to many tribal elders from the Dakotas.
In Spirit

Offline Skully

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2008, 06:23:32 pm »
I would like to add that I use this site
for my tribe and also give the information
to many tribal elders from the Dakotas.
I must add then, I do not rely on the internet to hip anyone to anything about Indians.  If they have to ask, then they don't need to know.

Can you point us to a live link for the Red Road Collective? It was working just fine last PM.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 06:26:45 pm by Big Paulie »
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline earthw7

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2008, 07:42:52 pm »
Hey Paulie don't be mean??

I use the site to let people know what their relatives are doing in
Europe or other places.
Many of our people marry white women or go to Europe
and become Instance medicine men or they say they have
been adopted by someone in our tribe.
I turn the information over to the different tribal families.
When you live on the rez you tend to know what is happening
at home and you never know that people are using your family
name on the net or across the water.

I am not a part of your personal fight with Al, please don't
bring me into it.

I find this site beneficial for me and my people.
In Spirit

Offline Skully

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2008, 10:33:41 pm »
I hear ya! Do you have a live link to their site?

Hey Paulie don't be mean??

I use the site to let people know what their relatives are doing in
Europe or other places.
Many of our people marry white women or go to Europe
and become Instance medicine men or they say they have
been adopted by someone in our tribe.
I turn the information over to the different tribal families.
When you live on the rez you tend to know what is happening
at home and you never know that people are using your family
name on the net or across the water.

I am not a part of your personal fight with Al, please don't
bring me into it.

I find this site beneficial for me and my people.

"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2008, 11:23:12 pm »
I hear ya! Do you have a live link to their site?

Same as mentioned above:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2008, 03:01:11 am »
Doesn't seem like your BS meter is working too well Paul. A book from an academic press (Oxford) makes reference to them, and Paula Giese seems to have thought they were legit. I wonder if you confused RRC with a group of exploiters they went after for months, Sweetgrass Lodge.

The SGL were middle aged white women posing as NDN, pseudo enviros and pseudo feminists who set up their own "clans" and got pretty vicious when criticized. RRC went toe to toe with them for a good half year. The oldest members of NAFPS remember that, because SGL did everything they could to try and intimidate us and shut us down too.

Also seems like the RRC got into it with some white feminists.

Offline sunka nunpa

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2009, 10:06:08 pm »
That's an amazing list, Al.

Wikipedia started out as a good idea, but there's stupidity. However, if you want a Battlestar Galactica episode guide, they're the place to go.

My general rule? If it sounds like the Force from Star Wars, but it doesn't have a dark side, it's probably New Age.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: NAFPS Is Proud to Work With Or Be Used As a Resource By...
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2009, 11:15:24 pm »
We've gotten a flood of letters complimenting us and thanking us after a number of news reports used us as a source on the sweatlodge deaths in Sedona. Also many requests for investigation, and a single piece of hate mail.

Here they are, locations left in when known but no names included.


Inyo CA


[Long description of encounter with fraud omitted]

Good luck with your work,


I was reading that terrible article about the sweat lodges and people dying, came upon your website and wanted to send a quick email.

What a pleasure to see this website! I have been sick for years about the kind of crazy workshops I have seen people run- charging huge amounts of money for things that they clearly know little about and
amazed at people 's willingness to pay that money. Healers and teachers not equipped for these roles at all.  Then, here and there, I have been lucky enough to meet the "real thing" -

Thank you


I am staggered that so many people ,some professional, still fall for the trickery of the week-end shamans and other New Age gobbledygook. When will they ever learn.
[name omitted]


good work, good site

I'm an anthropologist (Pacific Islands) and I applaud your work.


Great to see your site...
...which was linked to in the NYTimes, after all those people died in that idiot's sweat lodge.

Keep up the good work!

[name omitted]
Portland, OR


Just found your site after reading about James Arthur Ray and what happened in Sedona.
I just wanted to say thanks for putting this group and website together.  It is very encouraging,
and keep up the good work.

I am not Native American, but have a strong respect for the different Indian cultures of our country.
I do not claim to have been Indian in a past life, and do not aspire to become more spiritual by taking part
in rituals which may or may not be authentic.  I do feel the guilt, being a US citizen, for the unjustices that have
been committed against Indian tribes in conjunction with our countries history.  And finally, I hope that the authentic Indian Arts, beliefs, and cultural practices are preserved and that punishment be dealt to people like J.A. Ray so that future incidences are prevented.

Thanks again for the good work, and I look forward to the new pages on the site being developed.


Keep Up the Fight!

Your website was a very informative source, providing everything from the Forum to links to newspaper articles.

I am a white, retired attorney very supportive of NAFPS's opposition to fraudulent operators, and a life-long advocate of the native spiritual ways.

Today's New York Times article []    made it obvious your work is necessary.  I hope you keep up the fight as long as fraudulent operators are at work.

[name omitted]
   Stevens Point WI