Author Topic: Steve McCullough aka Iktomi Sha & Salt Creek Sundance  (Read 442042 times)

Offline MatoSiWin

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2008, 06:33:02 pm »
Yeah, that was my first "red flag" about this guy... on a website I found "advertising" the Sundance, it mentioned that it was a Lakota ceremony.  It didn't say it copied a Lakota ceremony, so I got to thinking... if it's a Lakota ceremony, wouldn't it be sponsored by Lakota people?  I wrote my good friend about it, and am waiting to hear his thoughts on the situation.
I also mentioned it to my other good friend, who is Lakota, and danced in the Sundance many years ago, on the LAKOTA rez... not in Indiana, and he said that it did not sound legit at all.  he said the same thing everyone else here is saying... if it's Lakota, why is't it on the Rez?  People aren't going to travel that far. 
Apparently the people attending these are not researching anything at all.  Apparently those who believe in nothing will fall for anything.  I don't claim to be an expert at all, but I was taught enough growing up to sense when something isn't right.  I don't have to step in it to know it's $h!t.


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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2008, 06:01:25 pm »
I have read what all of you are saying about this Sundance and the people who go there and have to ask a question- Have any of you ever gone to it?

I have signed up on this site specifically because of this thread. I go to this Sundance and know several dancers that dance there.

I was told that it was brought to Indiana because of the work Steve and his family did to get the NAGPRA laws passed after the 900+ graves were dug up at Slack farm in 1989 and was sanctioned by Vernal Cross and Elmer Running. Anything you want to know about McCullough and this Sundance, ask away and I will try to answer the best that I can.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 06:13:34 pm by AskMeFirst »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2008, 02:33:46 am »
I have a question
Do you allow non-indians to dance?
How many enrolled member dance

OH please not adopted member!!
if you want a definition of the adoption and the rights check out this post
To use the concept of adoption is fraud

Oh wait Steve is Non-Indian!!! of course not Lakota and not from my nation
he is just another fake who steal culture.

Who signs for your permit to use the grounds at the dances.

I also work on NAGPRA and know what the problem with steve.
He has been an issues with the family of cross and other native

Of course white people get all holy with our beliefs

In Spirit

Offline MatoSiWin

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2008, 03:55:33 pm »

You said you joined specifically because of this thread, but this is not the only thread regarding Steve.  I'd recommend going back and reading all of them (you can find them by using the search feature).  Some of the things that were said were just hear-say, but other posters on here provided verification of what they were saying.  I don't know him personally, so can't speak for anything other than what I was able to find here.  But one thing to be careful about... you can't drop names in the NDN community (such as that of the Cross family), because eventually you are going to run into people who are either close to or related to this family.  Name dropping is common outside of the NDN community because non-natives don't really have the resources or connections to thoroughly verify things.  I don't like to judge anyone that I don't personally know, but when it comes to someone hosting an "open" ceremony and calling it "Lakota", I am responsible for researching it and using my best judgement. 

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2008, 09:37:41 pm »
Elmer Running was there the first year or so but he left and never went back, I dont know why. The first year Vernal Cross was invited, Steve McCullough though Vernal would give his approval but he didnt and was asked to leave by Steve, without being given gas money to get home, one of vernals relatives who lives in Indiana went and borrowed money and drove down to Salt Creek at 2am to give Vern the gas money to get home. We never did understand why he went back the next year but a lot of family believes that is what caused his death. And McCullough and crew went to the funeral, while there they promised to buy a gravestone for him.  They also invited Darlene to come to Indian for a ceremony and she went with her sister-in-law Emma. While there she was treated really disrespectfully, they are Lakota sand they werent even given a place  to sleep off the ground. Emma caught Steve's kids making "spirit" rattles in the woods and she said he is a fraud. They also reneged on the promise to buy his gravestone. Someone I know made one (family is in the business) and my nephews and his dad brought it from MI to Rosebud, I took Michael and a cousin with a pickup over there to pick it up from my nephew and bring it back to 5 Mile corner. 
Vernal never taught Steve McCullough and what Steve is doing is not under Vernal's altar or sanctioned by his widow.  Steve McCullough is NOT Lakota.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 09:40:20 pm by Cetan »


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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2008, 01:22:49 pm »
I meant no disrespect!

Earth, if you feel the need to attack me right off the bat, so be it. I'll try to answer all of your concerns because I do understand your frustration: I did not mention adoption and am confused about that. I am only here to present another view of what is going on by repeating what I was told.  I was not there at the Slack Farm and do not know anything more than what I was told about why the Sundance was brought to Indiana. Please forgive any disrespect.

I can't remember who said something about dropping names, but again, I mean no disrespect. I am only repeating what I was told. I saw where those family names had already been mentioned here so thought it was ok to say what I knew. Please know I meant no disrespect. 

Also, yes, there are several full bloods who dance there. 3 are from Long Plain, 4-5 are from Pine Ridge and a few from Rosebud. Supporters come from all over. Several helpers and singers are full bloods as well, and some are from the aforementioned reserves. I hesitate to mention names now, due to what I was told about name dropping, and I sure do not want to disrespect anyone here or the families that support that dance in any way.

No one has ever come there to "shut it down", at least not in the 5 years I have gone there.

Yes, there is a permit to have the dance there. Yes, there are permits for feathers used there.  Yes, there are mixed races who dance there.

I only responded to this thread because it seemed like people were trying to go about finding things out, almost as a covert operation, when there are plenty of people who are willing to answer any question you may have about this Sundance. As far as I know, there is nothing to hide about it. If there is, I'd like to know it, too, and thought I might learn something here.

I will try to answer any and all questions, but please don't shoot the messenger. I am only trying to give another view from someone who attends. This dance changed my life.

I am not a nuage anything. I am not a Sundancer. I am a supporter of a Sundancer which sometimes is harder, or so I am told. I'm not here to honk any horns, rat anyone out or start trouble. I only came to give another point of view. Our Creator works wonders everywhere, as all of you know, and if great things are happening at this Sundance, why is there so much turmoil outside of it? This is what I want to learn.
I understand about protocol and violations of the proclamation.

I am a bit reluctant now to tell what I know, but will ask a few people and see if its ok. I think its important.


Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2008, 05:43:15 pm »
...there are plenty of people who are willing to answer any question you may have about this Sundance.

When will it stop?


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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2008, 07:25:22 pm »
...there are plenty of people who are willing to answer any question you may have about this Sundance.

When will it stop?

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2008, 10:43:13 pm »
Who gave Steve McCullough, a non LDN, the right to run a Sundance?

Offline earthw7

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2008, 11:29:45 pm »
sorry did not mean to come off as attacking just asking questions.

Steve does not have the right to run a sun dance that is what
we are saying.

I still would like to know who signed the permit for the dance??
In Spirit


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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2008, 11:31:00 pm »
Who gave Steve McCullough, a non LDN, the right to run a Sundance?

Thank you, Cetan, for asking a legitimate question.

I will quote Steve's own words in an answer to your question. This is taken from a newspaper article, but they are his own words:

"He was working with his vision when he came here saying he felt led to bring the Sundance," said Mr. McCullough about Elmer Running, a full-blood Lakota from South Dakota who ran the first Sundance in 1992. "He wanted to honor the ancestors of Indian people in the area by having a dance here. "

The entire article can be found here:

While I do not put much stock in the media, I was there for this interview. The reporter got the name of one of the reservations wrong, but other than that, it is legit as far as I know. Members of that family mentioned continue to come to the Sundance.

I only quote the article because it answers the question in Steve's own words. I will not pretend to know more than I do, but can answer honestly and with facts I can quote when possible.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2008, 11:34:12 pm »
so it is true that it is the Chasing Horse
I thought so......................................
In Spirit


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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2008, 11:47:52 pm »
sorry did not mean to come off as attacking just asking questions.

Steve does not have the right to run a sun dance that is what
we are saying.

I still would like to know who signed the permit for the dance??

Thank you, be honest, I do not know who signed it, but was under the impression that it was Steve himself. I do not know what he needs that would enable him to be able to sign it himself, but maybe someone here does?

Edited to add: Keep in mind that this was an article from 2004 so that is who signed it then.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 01:40:49 am by AskMeFirst »

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2008, 02:17:29 am »
Elmer has not been involved with them since the early 1990's and I do know that he never authorized Steve mcCullough to run a Sundance - so again who gave Steve McCullough the authority to run it?

Offline Creative Native

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2008, 05:17:09 am »
Isn't it a fact that Gilley was involved with this dance too for a number of years?