Author Topic: Steve McCullough aka Iktomi Sha & Salt Creek Sundance  (Read 442584 times)

Offline Sacred4s

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #165 on: July 02, 2010, 05:20:08 am »
As of July 1st, 2010. The elders of Lakota Sioux nation is look for the name of the person sign off to National Forest Service in hoosier. Please we all indigenous and our way of life is not for give away in wrong hands for profit, asking who sign off. Steve McClough is chain line to across sea Sun Dance and Sweat lodge Ceremony chaos in Europe.   

Offline earthw7

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #166 on: July 02, 2010, 01:54:36 pm »
I thought it was Nathan Chases His Horses, the actor from Dances with Wolves
In Spirit

Offline sapa

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #167 on: July 03, 2010, 02:44:35 pm »
A few years back (maybe '07) it was posted on the Nat'l Parks page the permit that is and it was Nathan Chasing Horse that signed. Dont know if I can find a copy and dont know if its still under his name but you can request a copy of current permit under freedom of info act, must be done in writing and will take a little time but they have to give it to you by law

Offline Ogichidaa

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #168 on: July 12, 2010, 08:20:33 am »

Can't believe this is still going on.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 08:02:28 pm by Ogichidaa »

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #169 on: July 13, 2010, 03:48:46 pm »
I cant believe Steve McCullough is still claiming to be NDN and claiming he has the authority to ryun ceremonies but I guess people will still trust these frauds

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #170 on: July 20, 2010, 05:40:34 pm »
Just re-reading this thread and one thing ...

The only reason Steve has not tried (yet, anyway) to attribute some kind of spiritual "apprenticeship" to Norbert Running is that Norbert is STILL alive and could and would put Steve in his place. Steve is very disparaging of Norbert because of this fact.

Unfortunately Elmer (Norbert) has passed on but I do know that the last time he tried showing up at Elmer's Sundance on Rosebud a few years ago Elmer had him thrown off of his property.

Offline Ogichidaa

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #171 on: October 14, 2010, 05:36:33 am »
Oh my god here we go again could someone call the Archdiocese of Louisville? Everyone call and tell them about Momfeather and Steve? This is so damn old! Chief Red Spider? Seriously? It has come to this?

They doing the ceremony posted below at the Festival of Faiths cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Louisville

For more information about the Festival of Faiths please contact:

For information about the Center for Interfaith Relations please contact:

502.583.3100 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              502.583.3100      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

415 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd
Louisville, KY 40202

Native American Community
Soil Blessing
5 to 6p, Brown-Forman
Amphitheatre,Waterfront Park,
The Circle of Indigenous Spirit Women
offer prayers and a community ceremony.
Participants include Martha “Momfeather”
Kaelbli Erickson, founder and Executive
Director of the Mantle Rock Native Education
and Cultural Center in Marion; Steve
McCullough, “Chief Red Spider” of the Salt
Creek Sundance, a medicine man who travels
the world performing Native American
spiritual ceremonies; and Native American
and Kentuckian Sarah Elizabeth Burkey a
singer, song-writer and musician. Native
American ceremonial drumming provided by
the Kentucky-based “Istayapi.” Please bring a
handful of soil collected locally or from around
the world to offer as part of this ritual.

Offline Ogichidaa

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Re: Chief Red Spider McCullough and Momfeather Ride again!! Yawn!
« Reply #172 on: October 14, 2010, 06:17:24 am »
It almost feels like it is not worth doing anything anymore.These hobbyists are being paid left and right to perform at museums, to play NDN for the archdiocese, to dance around with pajamas on and some feathers and no one cares. It is very disheartening and at the same time, slightly funny? We used to confront these people back in the day. Now we just post on a message board? Isn't there more to us than this. Yes I know momfeather and Stevie are on here and reading this stuff. I had pretty much moved on with my life because in the past it was just one or two of us that wouldn't take a pay off to say something. Furthermore if people are willing to pay Chief Red Spider to rip their chests out? Then he is a talented salesman. Supposedly and this is second hand but if it is true it is a dismal state of affairs. John Crazy Horse/Wexler/Fools Crow and Steve paid thousands of dollars to a certain respected Sundance Chief and were anointed Chief Red Spider and Chief Buffalo Dung. If and I said if this is true then it is a sad day. I would be wiling to stand up and say something but I guess NDNZ are getting paid to anoint these "Chiefs" so at least someone is getting paid? NO NO NO!!! This is wrong.

Offline Ogichidaa

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Re: Chief Red Spider McCullough and Momfeather Ride again!! Yawn!
« Reply #173 on: October 14, 2010, 04:09:57 pm »
% bucks a head to see the Wopila ceremony? There's a new one.

On Labor Day weekend, September 4, at the Mantle Rock Center, 318 Sturgis Rd (this is also SR 60), in Marion, KY 42420, next to the Pamida, there will be a traditional, Native American thank you ceremony, also known as a Wopila. It is a spiritual and festive occasion with a feast after the Saturday evening thank you ceremony, which will be led by Chief Steve McCullough and will be accompanied by singing of ancient songs.
Momfeather Erikson, the founder and spiritual director of Mantle Rock will also share in the event. All people from the community are welcome. Entry fee to the center is $5 per person. The feast is a potluck.

The annual Salt Creek Sundance, under the leadership of Chief Steve McCullough or Iktomi Sha, had its 19th year at the Hoosier National Forest location near Freetown Indiana. The Sundance is an ancient Native American ceremony in which all participants fast and pray. Often times one may pray to the Creator for a specific reason, perhaps asking for special help, maybe a relative is sick, or someone needs help with a major decision. Whatever the reason, people often make vows with the Creator that if he has pity on them and hears their prayers, they will pray for the people and sacrifice themselves in this way upon the Sundance altar to show their gratitude in return for his kindness. Prayers are given that the elderly will be cared for, that they might have food, clothing and shelter, and that they will not be forgotten in their age. Prayers are also said for the children, as they are the life blood of the people. Additionally, dancers pray for all people on the earth, that whatever burdens they carry or struggles they are experiencing might be somewhat lessened and eased. This is just a taste of the Sundance. It is a very powerful and sacred ceremony that has withstood severe oppression many times since it was given to the People. Yet it has survived and continues on today on many reservations and in our communities.

The participants will meet to share stories, to do a thank you ceremony and also to have a good time with each other. For them the Sundance and the Wopila (giving thanks) ceremony that will be conducted, is the start of a new year. The location, the Mantle Rock Center, in Marion, is a Native education and cultural center, where Native traditions are thought and shared with people. It is the first time that many people from different tribes will gather in Marion for this specific occasion and our hope is that this will happen more.

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: Chief Red Spider McCullough and Momfeather Ride again!! Yawn!
« Reply #174 on: October 30, 2010, 05:09:42 am »
It almost feels like it is not worth doing anything anymore.These hobbyists are being paid left and right to perform at museums, to play NDN for the archdiocese, to dance around with pajamas on and some feathers and no one cares. It is very disheartening and at the same time, slightly funny? We used to confront these people back in the day. Now we just post on a message board? Isn't there more to us than this. Yes I know momfeather and Stevie are on here and reading this stuff. I had pretty much moved on with my life because in the past it was just one or two of us that wouldn't take a pay off to say something. Furthermore if people are willing to pay Chief Red Spider to rip their chests out? Then he is a talented salesman. Supposedly and this is second hand but if it is true it is a dismal state of affairs. John Crazy Horse/Wexler/Fools Crow and Steve paid thousands of dollars to a certain respected Sundance Chief and were anointed Chief Red Spider and Chief Buffalo Dung. If and I said if this is true then it is a sad day. I would be wiling to stand up and say something but I guess NDNZ are getting paid to anoint these "Chiefs" so at least someone is getting paid? NO NO NO!!! This is wrong.

Yes. Very sad. Very true.

Offline Johnnie

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #175 on: July 05, 2011, 12:00:34 am »
Been a while since I posted cause I thought the site was down.  Been hearing some things about McCullough and John Wexler aka Crow Dog and what I am finding is not good.  What concerns me is how there are any number of Indians who are supporting what this Wexler character is doing.  Once again, someone who is federally recognized signed off on the permits for the sundance, or so I heard.  These characters get just enough support from Indians to keep pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #176 on: July 05, 2011, 02:34:21 am »
I recently heard that a Sundance started in Kentucky and while I do not know for sure who was involved I know the "chief" was a Mexican who is a friend of McCullough.  Good to see you post here Johnnie.  

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #177 on: August 22, 2011, 01:31:56 am »
Someone told me that he couldnt get the Forest Service permit to use the Salt Creek site - has anyone heard anything about this? It would be great if it is true :D

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #178 on: August 26, 2011, 04:31:53 pm »
Do you know the last name of the person that is supposed to have started one in Kentucky?

The dance was held at the Salt Creek site again this year.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 04:34:35 pm by Walks Proud »

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #179 on: August 26, 2011, 04:55:12 pm »
I do not know the name of the person who supposedly started the dance in Kentucky, the man I heard was going to be "chief" is named Martin, I dont know his last name, his wife's name is Patricia