Author Topic: Steve's Sidetrack  (Read 53412 times)

Offline steve_w

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Steve's Sidetrack
« on: July 20, 2007, 04:24:57 am »

just my opinion. i think the reason why this site gets soo many europeans is because they are just now realising what their ancestors did to ours. i cannot comment on freijas film because i have  not seen it yet. she talks about making a profit from the film.well that sounds like she is using indians to make money off of. which in nothing new to indians. i think that we have been so used to being used by swedes, germans, dutch and scots  that we are pretty much numb to it. i can't wait to see the film. we will see if freijas intentions were honorable or selfish. thank you.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 01:36:45 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Johnnie

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Re: Lekay Embarasses Himself Yet Again
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 12:51:13 pm »
Hey Steve,

You like need to read a little history.  Cause the ancestors of the current Europeans?  Well, they stayed pretty much in Europe.  It is the Euro ancestors of Americans who exploited Indians.

History 101.  Helps to stay awake in class and take notes.  As a teacher I stress that, a lot.


Offline educatedindian

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Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 01:30:57 pm »
Steve, you need to learn some basic manners.

Quit sidetracking threads and going off topic.

Quit shoving down everyone's throats opinions that no one asked for. What you've repeatedly done is the equivalent of me telling you how to raise your kids within seconds of meeting you.

Quit with the snide remarks and left handed compliments. I'll leave them up, just to show everyone what I'm talking about, but any future ones get pulled. We don't reward the kind of immaturity you're displaying.

And finally, come clean about who you are. It's clear you are an ally of Lekay's, if not Lekay himself. You repeat his lies, often word for word, and you do a very poor impression of an NDN, except that like many outsiders your pose is of a generic one.

No one whose grown up NDN, or even around NDNs, would act as you have.

First you posed as a white guy worried about his brother the Christian faith healer, then a Cherokee, and then a Lakota.

Start with the obvious. There are a grand total of three Europeans on this board out of over 300, not counting (probably) you.

It's pretty hypocritical to blast a film being put with the enthusiastic cooperation of the most respected elders in the country, let ignore that Lekay is out to make money promoting a clear fraud like Dupree.

It's also hypocritical since Lekay is clearly out to dominate Lakota people and religion by his promotion of a fraud and his attempt to replace the Lakota's recognized elders with an out of touch hairdresser.

This section of the thread sidetracked by Steve will now be a new one. I'm curious to see how he'll hang himself further.

Offline Johnnie

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 02:15:02 pm »
You know Ed Ind,

You prolly know this from experience.  But one thing I have encountered repeatedly through the years is how those who would "act on your behalf," like Lekay and Steve, really get upset when Indians get ourselves educated.  Recently had a student who gave me an evaluation.  It ran something like this 'don't like to go to class cause he talks about Indians all the time.'

OK, I says back.  How do you know I talk about Indians all the time if you don't go to class?

Another student wrote that I was "anti-Christian."  Even wrote an email to a whole bunch of people that my class "was full of anti-Christian remarks."  She was in class for a total of one hour during which time I was discussing how Santa Claus got into the nativitiy scene and wondered aloud who at the Resurrection brought the chocolate bunnies and colored eggs.  She came in late and left before the class was done.

But what they see is a brown man with college degrees who can stand toe to toe on their religion, tell them things about what they believe.

I know that you, and other educated native people, have to blaze trails and thus are the first to run the gauntlet.  My first years of grad school I had to work twice as hard as any non-minority student.  And still there was the suspicion that we could not do the work.

We will see.



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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2007, 04:54:30 pm »
Johnny, The stereotype is always used to deal with anyone they precieve as a threat. Especially the men more than the women. Never have completely figured this out, if it is their own insecurities or just control. Apparemtly Lekay finds Frejia film a threat to his own. If he didn't there would be no reason for sock-puppets or trolls. frederica

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2007, 11:14:48 pm »
It's not unusual for white students to immediately insist that any mention of racism at all somehow must mean I hate whites. The good news is that, at 18 or 19, very few of them have their views set in stone yet. A lot of them are from very sheltered backgrounds. Some tell me they've never met even met someone who wasn't white before, much less had their views challenged. Best I can tell, most of them can be reached. The ones that can't may be beyond hope. At ASU several of them demanded I be fired and that what I was teaching should be barred from being discussed, things like US invasions of other countries. They were outnumbered by the students who were happy to finally hear the subjects they'd never heard about in school.

Back to the original topic:

"Steve" (John Lekay) sent me this message by IM two days ago. I asked him to post it in this thread, he changed the subject and went into another harangue exactly like Lekay has spouted before.

Since Lekay is afraid to post his latest impression of an NDN in here, I'll do it myself:

"Why do you accuse me of being a white-guy, i am half cherokee and half-white. my name is steve williams, i am 56 years old, i am a semi-retired plumber living in the Tampa, Florida area.
i have six children and 10 grandchildren. i can send you a pic of my family if you wish.

now, since we are playing private investigator what's your real name and occupation. not that i really care but if you are going to accuse someone of being somebody else then you should be upfront about who you are. are you even indian or one of those euro-wannabes?

if you don't want me posting on this site then simply boot me off but don't accuse my being someone esle, especially a snake like that lekay guy. thank you."

 ;D Like I said before, it's amusing to keep giving him the rope to hang himself.

Exactly same way of writing as Lekay, often word for word. More of yet another changing story. Now he's "half white" deliberately avoiding mention of what, exactly.

Seems like he doesn't know the first thing about Cherokees, which European ethnic groups they generally mixed with, where they are most likely to be, etc.

Like how he's insulting himself.

Keep trying John. The more time you waste failing to disrupt us in here is less time you have for promoting frauds.

Offline Johnnie

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2007, 05:28:46 pm »

I put my tribal affiliation on my first post back up there where members are supposed to introduce themselves.  And, I never said you resented Indian kids getting an education.  Typical debate tactic is to duck the substance of the argument by putting words in your opponents mouth they never said and then argue that instead of the substance. 

I also indicated elsewhere what I teach which is Religious Studies.  Also Native studies and developing a course in women's studies cross-listed in several disciplines.  Also involved in Potawatomi language projects which includes a lot of things including teaching.  Also am assisting with the development of courses for Native prisoners.

Although you said you were Cherokee, what band or tribe?  If you pull up the right to ask tribe and profession of people here then you have to also come up with the same information.  Where do you work?  What are your bands and clans?  I posted mine in Podwewadmi zhesh mowen for other Podwewadmiek.  So you are free to post yours in cherokeee.  And I will ask someone to translate for me.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2007, 06:40:40 pm »
Mr. Lekay,

 ;D Nice of you to admit to being who you actually are.

You see, when you go into the *exact* same sorts of harangues you have in the past, often word for word, you reveal yourself.
(That's why I'll leave these up. But we will delete any more personal attacks on anyone, and any more sidetracks, absolutely everything that is on any topic other than you discussing who you are.)

You also amuse me and prove me right, that by giving you rope, you keep hanging yourself.  ;)

If you're too lazy to read whagt I've said in here many times before, that's not my problem, just like it was not my problem when you were either too lazy or too incompetent to know how to research urban NDNs or unenrolled NDNs.

So tell us who your people are "Steve". After all, Cherokee communities are fairly small. Chances are someone in here knows the family you will *claim* to be.

(Probably Debbie, who in my experience seems to know *every NDN in the country.* It's amazing, it really is.)

Let's see how foolish you make yourself look next, Mr. Lekay.

Offline steve_w

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2007, 09:14:46 pm »
But one thing I have encountered repeatedly through the years is how those who would "act on your behalf," like Lekay and Steve, really get upset when Indians get ourselves educated.


you said you teach? ok, [childish insult]. what do you teach? [childish insult, personal attack]

EI [childish insult, personal attack]

Look, in your bio you say Apache. you [childish insult] Dr. Carroll. that's you right? sorry to [childish insult] but you [childish insult]. you Apache eh? [racist insult] a person [racist insult] what makes you qualifed to expose other full-blooded indians, you are [childish insult] nobody has the right to call any indian a fraud. [[paranoia and childish insult]

I am not lekay, let's just say i am someone you teach with. thank you.

[Al's note: Edited since Lekay is a slow learner. Once again, we don't reward childishness, personal insults, and especially not racist insults. Future posts from Lekay will be deleted unless they directly address him coming clean about who he is.

Judging from his behavior, his medication seems to be wearing off. Or the strain of seeing his failure to do anything to NAFPS except amuse us or make us pity him further is getting to him.

How else to explain his magically changing from a mixedblood Cherokee retired plumber in Florida to a teacher working with me in Texas?

Maybe those crystal skulls he makes do it for him?]
« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 09:38:09 pm by educatedindian »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2007, 03:26:41 am »
Maybe you need glasses. Al doesn't teach at ASU. Oh, and which ASU did you call? There is one in Tuscon and one in Phoenix.  It's easy enough to find out where Al teaches. If you look.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2007, 07:41:01 am »
[Replying to Steve's Lekay's now-deleted post] Of course Al taught at ASU, you idiot. He did his doctoral disseration there, and studying for a doctorate includes learning how to teach: graduate students have students themselves. Al is not telling "obvious lies" but you are obviously ignorant of the most basic facts about academia.

The Department has a well-developed program to prepare students for college-level teaching, including a sequence of two seminars that train students in how to prepare syllabi, write and grade exams, prepare lectures, lead discussions, utilize information technology, and manage classroom dynamics.

The moment you stop being amusing you will be banned, and then you'll have to go back to whining about Damien Hirst. So dance for us, quickly now, faster, faster...
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 04:33:38 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2007, 01:38:23 pm »
Mr. Lekay is as poor a researcher as ever.

Or more likely he's deliberately lying. He has actually mentioned online numerous times before having seen the second link.

He's also a very slow learner. Once again, any and all posts of his will be deleted unless they specifially have him discussing his identity.

Barnaby, thanks for the link. Always entertaining to see Nuage exploiters abusing each other.

Offline Skully

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2007, 09:26:37 pm »
Maybe you need glasses. Al doesn't teach at ASU. Oh, and which ASU did you call? There is one in Tuscon and one in Phoenix.  It's easy enough to find out where Al teaches. If you look.
Actually, there's only ONE ASU (Sun Devils) in Arizona. That one is Arizona State University, with campuses in Mesa, Tempe, West Phoenix, and Downtown Phoenix.

The institution in Tucson, is the University of Arizona (Wildcats)
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Steve's Sidetrack
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2007, 10:58:54 pm »
Oh, ok. I was confused by all the different universities.