Author Topic: Ya can't keep GOOD people down!!  (Read 9370 times)

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Ya can't keep GOOD people down!!
« on: August 07, 2007, 04:54:42 pm »
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, we're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Diana

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Re: Ya can't keep GOOD people down!!
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 04:01:38 am »
Thank the Creator we're back! I went on vacation, came back and to my surprise no NAFPS. What can we do to stop this John Lekay? Any suggestions?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ya can't keep GOOD people down!!
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 04:20:31 am »
Contact his server and demand they pull the libel and outright lies about myself, Moma P, Barnaby, Annika, Tachia, Debbie, and other members of NAFPS, as well as the libel about Looking Horse.

Point out that they hare hosting a server now being partly run by a violent criminal, John Martin. Demand they bar him from the site.

And let every NDN listserv and activist group know what Lekay is pulling.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ya can't keep GOOD people down!! Ending Lekay and Martin
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2007, 08:57:02 am »
NAFPS is back! Nuagers and violent racists like John Lekay and John
Martin could not silence us or intimidate us with their campaign of
libel and racist smears.

But we still ask for everyone's help to send a message that their
efforts to silence hundreds of Native traditionalists and activists
working to defend Native spiritual traditions from exploitation will
NOT succeed.

Write to the host of the Nuage racist rag "Heyoka magazine" (even the
name is an insult to Native traditions) and DEMAND they pull all
libelous, defamatory, and false information on NAFPS, Dr. Al Carroll,
World In Our Hands Foundation, and Arvol Looking Horse.

legal @

Tell Ready Hosting Inc. that Lekay and Martin are guilty of violating
their TOS for the following:

1. The access, monitor or disruption of another's account, computer,
computer network, or security measures.

Lekay and Martin have repeatedly tried to disrupt NAFPS under
multiple accounts and identities based from Ready Hosting Inc.

2. Other Illegal Activities. Customers are not allowed to engage in
activities that are deemed illegal by ReadyHosting.

Lekay and Martin are engaged in libel and, were they to actually go
to a court and repeat their libel, also would be guilty of perjury.

3. Offensive Communication - harassment, defamation, libel and hate

Lekay and Martin have repeatedly defamed, harassed, libeled, and
engaged in hate speech against American Indians, American Indian
elders and activists, and NAFPS and Arvol Looking Horse in

Martin has also repeatedly engaged in hate speech against Mexicans,
Muslims, Arabs, Blacks, and American Indians. Lekay and Martin are
openly supporters of white supremacist and John Birch Society member
David Yeagley.

Lekay also has repeatedly compared American Indians to mass
murderers, FBI agents, and tools of Bush and Cheney.

4. The act, or intention, of intimidating, threatening or otherwise
tormenting others using our services. Harassment can result from the
language used, or the frequency or size of a message. Hate speech or
literature includes, but is not limited to, anything that prejudices,
creates a hostile bias or grossly defames a group.

See above.

Tell Ready Hosting Inc. to quit hosting racism and bigotry, to quit
using its site to defame American Indian activists and
traditionalists, and quit defaming, libeling, and spreading numerous
lies about NAFPS, Dr. Al Carroll, World In Our Hands Foundation, and
Arvol Looking Horse by these racist and exploiters!

All are welcome to use this email as a model.
Thank you,