Author Topic: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott  (Read 219858 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #120 on: September 17, 2014, 01:49:58 pm »
It never stops with these people :o
In Spirit

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #121 on: March 31, 2015, 07:22:03 pm »
Hello everyone I am new, Iam from Puerto Rico , and I was investigating this supposed
 Chief Black Horse due his been coming to my Island and his claims of being a Chief seemed fake to me
I went to his ceremonies and he conducted  them with much knowledge and at first I thought was real
Till I started to see a few red flags and realized something was off.

You see , Iam a Taino native that found out I had Cherokee and Powhatan blood,
Due I found such, I wanted to know about my ancestry, I met this amazing teacher in West point Virginia, at The Mattaponi rez, He became my Spiritual father, hes Name was John Sun Eagle, he had the charity. Work of Spirit rising helping the children of Pine ridge area...he adopted me as his daughter and guided me through my new life inside the red road...I was under his wings for over 12 years before he passed away.
Learning the Cherokee and Chippewa ways
Through him I met another great teacher, from the Powhatan nation, Robert Green Two Eagles.
From the Stafford, Aquia Landing area, in Virginia.
This Phillip Scott has been coming to my Island to teach the supposed Lakota ways,
He claimed Crow Dog made him chief, yet is my understanding that to become Chief you have to be under y he trained guide of a holy man for over a decade (dont know for sure) and you must have blood under that nation to be such.
So how can he be a Lakota chief if hes claiming to be Cherokee..?

I was so proud to know I had Cherokee and Powhatan blood , I wanted to know everything about my people, ceremonies, traditions....

He seems to renounce his Cherokee inheritance to be Lakota, How can that be ?

That was the first Red Flag, the second was the charging for he sweat lodge ceremonies,
Ceremonies are sacred, not to make profits, Cherokee does not do sweat lodges,
But I know charging is not sacred
I told him , he seem to change it to donations....he knew I knew about Indigenous traditions and he tried to make friends with me to calm me down cause I told him I would investigate him, I  .  Dont want my people to be taken as fools....we been having a problem in our Island with false Shamans charging for Ceremonies over 500.00 per person some of them

Iam a spiritual leader of my community and I dont want this to keep happening in my Island

How can I stop people like Phillip Scott to keep working in my Island

I tried to contact Crow Dog but they haven't answered me back,
And this Tom Wolfe hes charging 600.00 for Ceremonies as well

Where can. We go to stop this people.?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #122 on: April 03, 2015, 06:45:06 pm »
I hope you or anyone else taken in by him who went to one of his fraudulent ceremonies takes him to civil court. Sue him. He committed fraud. He defrauded you of your money by selling you a ceremony under false pretenses.

You don't need a lawyer. Filing in Small Claims Court can be done by anyone. Demand the return of the fees you paid and an amount for punitive damages and emotional distress.

Scott may choose not to respond. Then you have a default judgment against him for fraud which can be used to warn off others. Or if he does respond, the cost of defending himself may cost more than he made from the fake ceremony and may discourage him in the future.

Court also is a chance to enter sworn testimony showing how he is a fraud. I'd be glad to testify for you or anyone else pursuing such a case.

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #123 on: April 30, 2015, 07:06:49 am »
Thank you for all the information given, in private as in public.
I have taken your advice .

Thank you.

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #124 on: April 30, 2015, 11:08:02 pm »
Due that I have called him a Fraud in public, my bravery
Paid off, for now new.people has come forward to help to get him off the Island.

At first hes group attacked me, now some people that had gone through the same,
Has come forward and want to be part of getting him off the Island due they too were bullied by him,
Some are man.
This has set a sequence of events, Iam very proud my people want to stand up to him

Thank you so much EducatedNative for your courage and wisdom shared

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #125 on: May 01, 2015, 04:36:45 am »
Happy to informed that my people in Puerto Rico will be closing the doors to Phillip Scott, for repeating the same abuse Bullying and self serving ceremonies he does
He is one.lie after another after another, this is the.beginning of the end in our Island for tonight groups are uniting, and closing doors he makes this ceremonies in the Island....people are catching up the truth of who he is...they don't want him here anymore
 But is hes own doing, hes abuse is finally catching up with him, this is a very mentally Ill person, with real mental issues
Very frightening to see.

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #126 on: May 08, 2015, 08:11:25 pm »

Thank you for your encouragement, hasn't been an easy task,
We know Phillip Scott started in a good way in the Red road and later became corrupted
We wish he heals from his personal and emotional traumas that has caused for him
To loose his ways . After hes a child of the creator too.
Is saddens me when people loose their way, for he had much potential to become a great
Leader of his people.
Yet, we must do what it takes to protect the sacred teachings of my people,
And that is what is at hand, the protection of our culture and our ceremonies,
He has chosen his path and we have chosen ours.
We cant have people abuse us anymore.

Thank you for taking the time to write me and for the encouragement
 , and many blessings to you and yours,


Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #127 on: May 08, 2015, 08:16:49 pm »
Phillip Scott, has taken out his name of  "Chief" from his websites
 ,hes Cherokee Ancestry , as well as  the Lakota teachings, from his seminars.

Not sure if this was due to the investigation that is taking place, or if is another trick of his sleeve
Yet we are still working in the legalities so he won't  return to the Island to teach or conduct his business here.


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #128 on: May 10, 2015, 03:45:53 pm »
White Rainbow Eagle, thank you for all your inspiring work.


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #129 on: May 10, 2015, 04:49:51 pm »
As stated earlier in this thread, Scott has claimed Cherokee heritage through his father. He has since said that he is not enrolled.

Focusing on his father's side, I don't see any sign of NDN heritage at all.

I began with Al's find on Phillip Scott's paternal grandfather Allan Scott I've been able to trace the family back several generations.

Phillip M Scott, born 1963

Phillip Scott's father Donald Evans Scott Extensive obit, no mention of any NDN heritage.

Donald's parents are found in this obit. Donald's sister, Pippa, Phillip's aunt, is an actress with bio details online also, which helps with confirming family details.

Phillip's paternal grandparents are Laurence Allan Scott Jr. and Laura Straub. Playright and actress, I've uploaded here a wedding announcement that includes a photo of Laura.

Both Allan and Laura were born in New Jersey. They are both listed as white in the 1940 federal census, in Los Angeles. In this census they have two children, along with a nurse, and also a maid. Laura Straub's father is C.L. Straub.

Laurence Allan Scott's parents are Laurence (spelling varies) Allan Scott Sr.  and Mary Cecilia Redpath. Both listed white in 1910 census. Laurence Sr. is white on military 1917 registration Laurence Allan Scott Sr.'s parents are both from Scotland. Mary Cecilia Redpath's father is from Scotland, mother from England.


Phillip Scott says that he and his father were members of "Indian Guides" in NY. Phillip had a bad sledding accident and claims visions from that accident. The YMCA Indian Guides are now usually called Adventure Guides And of course, membership in YMCA Indian Guides did not make Phillip NDN.

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #130 on: May 28, 2015, 08:22:22 pm »
This is incredible work, thank you for all the information,

we were able to show some of the info we collected, to some of the people that lended him the spaces he teaches here in the Island and they close their door to him,

To my surprise,  the people were fed up with him as well ,
and were looking for one more thing to throw him out from their spaces

It seems hes was bullying them as well, and wanted to impose himself in the property he was using there
and the owners were looking for a reason to get him out as well, they were tired of his bullying

The owners were elderly people and they fear he would become agresive, so they were afraid of him
, but when we provided the information, and had our commitment to protect them, they right away decided to end all ties with him

We are getting a court petition, so he dont teach anything in the Island

We have many signatures and we keep collecting people's stories and information

He never has paid taxes for any workshops, he has given in his building in California or here in PR
He has no teachers licences here on in California

Or any permits to teach anything-so legally he has no back up-for he lack permission here in the Island as in USA

We are still finding alot of stuff to help our case, he is indeed a lier and an imposter

Thank you for this wonderful information, I will keep to use in our request in the court.

Thank you so much


Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #131 on: May 28, 2015, 10:09:05 pm »
A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to reserve placement in the intensives.
A percentage of all proceeds benefits Native causes.

Hes saying he does not charge for ceremonies but here hes asking for a deposit none refundable--

This guy is either insane or stupid-

Offline Superdog

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #132 on: May 29, 2015, 01:24:14 pm »
A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to reserve placement in the intensives.
A percentage of all proceeds benefits Native causes.

Hes saying he does not charge for ceremonies but here hes asking for a deposit none refundable--

This guy is either insane or stupid-

Yeah he's actually come here himself proclaiming there is NEVER a charge for ceremony.  When confronted with links that show charges or denotes an expectation of a donation for his workshops/ceremonies....either minimizing or silence. 

He DOES charge for the services he offers (under the guise that they are "ceremonies" and that he's a "chief") and he's been called out on it.  The only time he shows up here however is to do a drive by diatribe attempting to defend himself, but in the end making himself look worse.  Coincidentally, those appearances coincide with hits to his wallet by the information disseminated here.


Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #133 on: June 20, 2015, 08:58:46 pm »
Any info you guys can provide about Phillip Scott will be highly appreciated--
We were able to close the doors to a few of the places he uses here in Puerto Rico- yet we understand that we need to take him to court to be able to stop him completely--
--he has made friends with several financially wealthy woman- that we suspect a few of them are his lovers
Or has been or are-potential partners---one we know for sure is a sexual mistress to him--to the shame that he - even after having her as a lover---he has told the woman she owes him $18,000- dollars for HIS services---when in reality - hes been sleeping with her and staying in her place when he stays in Puerto Rico--

Is true the woman is being stupid and naive beyond words---but no less--he is taking advantage of her as well---NO REAL SHAMAN OR REAL Medicine Man --would do such a horrible thing to a sister--

He is indeed very Evil---and we want him out of the Island-

Any other info would be appreciated--yet we have enough info to put him in jail at this time for Fraud-

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #134 on: June 20, 2015, 09:03:16 pm »
I read Tarot Cards in my Island and work as a Clairvoyant--and he sended someone to stalk me--
--and he himself has stalked me--he found out where I Lived and once followed. Me through the city--

He is not a very smart man--thats for sure--he lies and gets cought all the time--but no doubt hes the Evil kind-