Author Topic: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott  (Read 219539 times)

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #135 on: August 24, 2015, 07:39:51 am »
This guy is truly insane--he still trying to find a way in our Island--

He stop announcing his schedules to the Island--yet we have people that inform us--

He found a new place of business and is conducting his job as usual--

He was thrown out of the other places but he found new ones--

We are getting Signatures and people who will testify against him--

But to be honest and with all respect--you have to be insane to come back where you pissed off so many people

Hes Truly insane-

We have over 500. People giving testimony to Crow Dog and his son--

But he keep working. Business as usual---obviously not respecting anyone--


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #136 on: August 30, 2015, 05:20:30 pm »
White Rainbow Eagle, I'm sorry you all are going through this, your work to educate people about him is inspiring.

I'll upload some things found on his Facebook page

Ancestral Voice - Institute for Indigenous Lifeways added 2 new photos.
May 13 ·
Early March, I returned to the Island of Boriken to conduct Ceremonies, teach intensives (the Shaman's Journey and Sound Healing) and perform healings. We have a beautiful, amazing and heartfelt Tiospaye there - a strong and faithful satellite of Ancestral Voice which continues to grow and build momentum.

Ancestral Voice - Institute for Indigenous Lifeways
May 13 ·
The poster was created by the Boriken Tiospaye to announce my visit to the Island. Words are unable to convey my gratitude for its brilliance, ingenuity and artistry.

Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #137 on: September 15, 2015, 11:20:08 pm »
Yes---as always he finds woman to help him--we know that he targets lonely -woman-as well as very young and impressionable---we served the information to them--we have enough signatures--
Is now making a court date--

He is indeed aloof about what is happening--we talked with Crow Dog and he isn't happy either

We have alot of woman that say the same story---he chases them down--so they wont leave hes Cult--

Hes Like a serial stalker---he wont light up--

The court is not so nice about this things---specially about harassing woman-

Offline oak

  • Posts: 4
Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #138 on: May 16, 2016, 06:17:41 am »
I saw this event announcement on Facebook and was wondering who this person is. Using Google I found this thread. Obviously Phillip Scott is or was in Austria.

Offline ellyn68

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #139 on: August 19, 2017, 03:03:15 pm »
I notice this thread is pretty old but PS is still active according to his website and a quick google search shows he's expanded to an international audience of gullible followers. I do not know why this person popped into my head a few days ago but he did and that's how I found this site. I attended a "vision quest" as a supporter for a friend several years ago in CA and was convinced from the get go that he was a fraud...professes he doesn't charge a fee but appreciates donations, heavy monetary donations. Counted his money in front of everyone in circle, insisted on being called "chief" (I refused), made sexual comments to women, the whole vibe he gave was of an extremely huge ego, power trip, not in the least bit approachable, warm or even remotely friendly. Ordered people around, kept to himself most of the time without letting his guard down. I wish I never went but I did and now I know better to trust my instincts and common sense. I've had a few experiences with frauds like him and they are dangerous in many ways. If anyone is still pursuing getting him shut down, I'd be happy to share via pm what my experience was like.


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #140 on: August 19, 2017, 08:15:17 pm »
I notice this thread is pretty old but PS is still active according to his website and a quick google search shows he's expanded to an international audience of gullible followers. I do not know why this person popped into my head a few days ago but he did and that's how I found this site. I attended a "vision quest" as a supporter for a friend several years ago in CA and was convinced from the get go that he was a fraud...professes he doesn't charge a fee but appreciates donations, heavy monetary donations. Counted his money in front of everyone in circle, insisted on being called "chief" (I refused), made sexual comments to women, the whole vibe he gave was of an extremely huge ego, power trip, not in the least bit approachable, warm or even remotely friendly. Ordered people around, kept to himself most of the time without letting his guard down. I wish I never went but I did and now I know better to trust my instincts and common sense. I've had a few experiences with frauds like him and they are dangerous in many ways. If anyone is still pursuing getting him shut down, I'd be happy to share via pm what my experience was like.

Thank you for telling us about your experience. Witness accounts can make a big difference.

In your experience, does he have a core group of followers, an inner circle?

Offline ellyn68

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #141 on: August 20, 2017, 04:16:48 am »
I don't really know. It was a long time ago, around 2005-2009..somewhere in that timeframe that I was there. I don't recall that any of the participants had known him prior. There was a house, near the camp, I think he used their land, we parked our cars there. Near Chico. A couple of other odd things...he said he was a ballet dancer in his past! I gave him an attitude the whole time because right away I didn't trust him. I asked him what he did before and he said he was professionally trained as a ballet dancer. And I asked him who taught him what he knows and he gave the whole schpiel you already heard. And he said he was married to a Lakota woman and she had passed away. This was in private convos with him not in a group setting. He was very evasive. He told a woman, "wow cleavage" as he walked by staring at her chest. And stared at my butt while I was crawling into the sweat lodge. Creep. He was pretty startled when I spoke a bit of my own language, Mohawk, in a prayer circle. As if he never gets any actual Native people and then I refused to call him chief. He corrected people and I just kept saying Phillip. It really disgusted me at the end when he counted a wad of cash as we were all sitting around a circle after closing. I didn't give him money. I gave him beans. Literally. A small basket with corn, bean, and squash seeds.

Offline Annderling

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #142 on: September 02, 2017, 06:55:42 am »
And he said he was married to a Lakota woman and she had passed away.

I participated in his sweat lodge awhile back and no, he wasn't married to a Lakota woman he was married to a Filipina. The woman died in a car accident over 10 years ago and he's been using that to get sympathy. He's very manipulative, twists words around to get his way. I really don't like the fact that people fall for his performance and he gets away with it.

It's been a long long time since I last participated in any of his "ceremonies". But at that time, he did have a core group of people that did his bidding, his students. People pay him money to learn Native American traditions, traditions he learned from Charles Chipps, a known sex offender who died in prison.

Offline ellyn68

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #143 on: September 04, 2017, 02:12:35 pm »
That's interesting Annderling....I"m sure he told me she was Lakota, so who knows since he seems to be lying about so many things. I don't remember exactly when I was there...sometime around 2005 or within a few years of that date. At that time, he said he was married to a Lakota woman who yes, he said died in a car accident. So that was well  over 10 yrs ago. I don't remember when he said she passed, but it wasn't recent, at that time.