Author Topic: Hi I am Nikita  (Read 7696 times)

Offline NikitaGianttower

  • Posts: 1
Hi I am Nikita
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:12:50 pm »
My name is Nikita, in my ancestral language it means "Giant tower warrior" in Slavic language. I can bet few white people like me come to NAFPS they rather go to the fake shamans and buy a vision quest.  I am here to make a statement on behalf of white people that feel the way I feel.
In our Bible, it speaks of Cain who brought palnts he collected to God but God Liked Abel who brought meat from his agriculture was chosen, so Cain was cast out of the Garden of Eden and Abel made our civilization. Since the bible times, we can see when we stopped hunting and respecting the land and building big cities and farms to mess up the land for more and more.
           We were scared of nature, so we made big weapons to destroy nature, we were always hungry so we planted even more food. Now our hearts are empty and we take spirit from someone who still has it, Native Americans, we are now trying to take their dignity like we took their land and way of life. Soon if we succeed and there will be nothing to take, we will take our own lives and this world and destroy it forever. We are already doing that infact with our wars, nuclear bombs, greenhouse gases and melting polar ice.
          My story is typical of any white story you will hear now a days. My people who are Slavic Russians lost their awareness of balance and nature 1000 years ago when Christians changed us, then they lost that too with 100 years of Communism. Now they are as hollow and plastic as any other white human on this planet. I never known anyone who had medicine and only the Siberian Natives who are not Slavic and that were left living their old way knew medicine but we were ignorant to it just like and white person you meet. When I was young my family separated because our leaders wanted young people to fight in a war, my father said no so we moved to America. We thought we can get away from white crimes by running from war, but when I came here I see that I am guilty again because I live off of conquered land that whites took from Native Americans.
            I don't like our white way of life, we live off the land till there is no more, you Native People live on the land a part of it. I dont expect for you to teach us your way because we've done enough to you and all like you all over the world. But as a white man I am sorry and I apologize on behalf of those who are willing to apologize to all of you.

Offline chiefytiger

  • Posts: 71
Re: Hi I am Nikita
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 06:36:20 pm »
Kinda late for apologies ,dont you think ,But myself why dont you just go back to your own country and re build what you left behind

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Hi I am Nikita
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2008, 04:59:43 am »
Welcome Nikita (if you are still here after that last response) we have all kinds of people here on the site and it can be a good place to learn and share. There is also a bit of angst and that is as it is. Aloha....

Offline Kevin

  • Posts: 182
Re: Hi I am Nikita
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2008, 03:02:09 pm »
"don't like our white way of life, we live off the land till there is no more, you Native People live on the land a part of it." (Nikita)
There are alot of Indians living in the cities - I've seen them buying groceries on numerous occasions. You ought to come hunting with some of us ol' boys that go hunting on a regular basis. I could fry you up a couple of squirrels with onions that would make you smack you lips. YUM YUM!

Offline Ari

  • Posts: 39
Re: Hi I am Nikita
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 10:52:24 pm »
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 10:59:03 pm by Ari »