A pretty strange link on that site.
http://www.somoteitbe.co.uk/Another link has a picture of EGW.
http://www.reikibythelakes.co.uk/htm/contact.htm#Click picture board, and you'll see them building that "sweatlodge." I sure wouldn't trust something that poorly built.
EGW is in the bottom picture on the right, holding a ridiculous looking shield with a Franklin Mint picture on it, woves, eagles, and crystals.
Check out these other "ceremonies" for sale.
"Drumming Workshop
A Shamanic Drumming workshop in the traditional Canadian way. Throughout the day you will hear and learn native songs and have an opportunity to join in with the singing and drumming using drums made in a traditional fashion.
Weather permitting a ceremony will be held around a ceremonial fire and you will get in touch with your own rhythm, the rhythm of your heart and the rhythm of the earth and as a result start to learn of your own personal power. A Drumming circle can create a lot of energy which can be used by the people present as well as some being given away to the earth. The whole day is very much based on our connection with the earth and increasing our understanding and awareness of this connection to both the male and female energies within the earth.
Dates: TBA
Time: 11.00am - 4.30pm
Price £30
Fire Ceremony
The Fire Ceremony is a traditional Canadian way of giving thanks to the fire and giving away our negativity to the fire so that it can be transformed. In learning about the nature and spirit of fire we can learn about ourselves."