Author Topic: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter  (Read 40665 times)


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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2019, 03:02:57 am »
AnnOracle60, "This is a working board, for ending cultural abuse and exploitation."

Of course we can comment. I don't have to endure a fake sweat lodge before I comment about it. I don't have to give all my money to a fraud before I can warn others about them. I don't have to believe false information and gets hugs from the purveyor before I write about them.

Do you have a link to an obituary or other notice concerning the claimed death of Eve Lung?

Who are you?


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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2019, 03:14:22 am »
I do see discussion on Facebook stating that Eve has died.


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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2019, 03:34:31 am »
More discussion:

David Wright?
to Only After Dark
11 hrs ·

It's been a sad day for me today after learning about the passing in the last few days of Eve Lung.

Eve was very well known on the alternative club scene in Birmingham, and has been a regular attendee and supporter of OAD since it first took place in Birmingham nearly 10 years ago.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2019, 11:37:03 am »
Eve Lung does have a Facebook page. She says she is from Upper Canada Village, Ontario and is now in Moseley, Birmingham, U.K. She says she is a "spiritual teacher", speaks English and Canadian French, attended a Roman Catholic girl's school in U.K.

Here is that Facebook profile:

I do see discussion on Facebook stating that Eve has died.


More discussion:


Offline Sparks

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2019, 11:51:17 am »

This one kind of sticks in my throat...maybe it is the wording..Canadian way of doing things..

see my reply 13

Thats this one:

If you've not walked in their shoes, if you've not talked to them personally, if you've not atteneded a workshop / or class, if you've not visited their home, if you've not recieved a birthday gift from them, if you've not had a reading from them, if you've not broken bread with them, if you've not received a hug from then, - you cannot comment.
And now you can let Eve rest in peace - for she now knows more than we do. RIP EVE LUNG  194?-2019 REST IN PEACE and may this posting topic cease.

On my screen it's Reply #14, not #13. That's a quirk with all Simple Machines Forums (SMF). Sometimes, the first post is counted as Reply #1 (like on my screen). And sometimes the counting starts with post #2 which is then labelled Reply #1, which is more logical. Why this changes I don't know. This erratic behaviour creates a lot of misunderstandings, i have noted over several years, having written more than 5,000 posts in several different SMF forums.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2019, 12:04:08 pm »
On my screen it's Reply #14, not #13. That's a quirk with all Simple Machines Forums (SMF). […]

I started a new topic about that, where comments and replies may be posted:
[An issue with the automatic numbering of replies in SMF threads]

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2019, 12:39:02 pm »
If you've not walked in their shoes, if you've not talked to them personally, if you've not atteneded a workshop / or class, if you've not visited their home, if you've not recieved a birthday gift from them, if you've not had a reading from them, if you've not broken bread with them, if you've not received a hug from then, - you cannot comment.
And now you can let Eve rest in peace - for she now knows more than we do. RIP EVE LUNG  194?-2019 REST IN PEACE and may this posting topic cease.

If the extent of your understanding of Native traditions comes from knowing so little you paid for phony ceremony, you should not comment other than saying "I'm sorry," "I didn't realize what I did was wrong, but now I do," and "What can I do to make up for the wrong I did?"

The last thing you should be doing is racist White-splaining. It's condescending, and contemptuous of the cultures you claim to admire or imitate.

The question becomes, do we move this thread to Archives?
Thankfully, Eve Lung didn't have much of an impact beyond taking advantage of her local circle. Most of her online presence has ended. It's mostly old ads for her ceremony selling. Her websites are down, and the only book I saw of her was about King Arthur.

Ironically her defenders are the main argument for keeping this thread active, since they naively believe her genuine and only seem to know her falsehoods.

Again, AO, can you point us to an obituary?

Offline AnnOracle60

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2019, 10:53:59 am »
no details of obit - or funeral. would think facebook wud be the best place to find info - or Bham Evening Mail for anyone wanting to pay their respects.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2019, 01:57:41 am »
no details of obit - or funeral. would think facebook wud be the best place to find info - or Bham Evening Mail for anyone wanting to pay their respects.

That's this one:  — Nothing found about Eve Lung.

The newspaper was founded as the Birmingham Daily Mail in 1870 and was titled the Birmingham Evening Mail from 1967 until October 2005.

No results (so far) here, either:

Offline Diana

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2019, 05:46:15 am »
I looked up her daughter's birth notice in the UK and her maiden name is Dodd. I'm not sure where Lung came from, it's an unusual name for sure. In English it's a variant of Long and comes from Germany and French Lunge. In Chinese it means dragon. So go figure.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2019, 12:33:00 pm »
I doubt AO is making up Dodd/Lung's death. It seems to me we should do one last search to see if she "trained" others in falsehoods and they naively cite her. If none come up, we can move it to Archives.

No doubt, she will have to face her creator and account for her career of many years of deception and harm.

Offline Sparks

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That's this one:  — Nothing found about Eve Lung.

Except a short mention in 2015 (no photo):

Eve Lung didn’t have far to travel from her Moseley home to appear as Morgana a pagan priestess …

Offline educatedindian

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no details of obit - or funeral. would think facebook wud be the best place to find info - or Bham Evening Mail for anyone wanting to pay their respects.

Can you tell us how long you knew her? Did she train you or others in what she claimed to know?