Sweat Lodge Workshop
Enota invites you to attend
"A Day of Discovery"
Teachings on: The Initi (Sweat Lodge)
Weekend Workshop February 11 & 12
Finding your own way through Ceremony
Sacred symbology of the Lodge
Power through Sacred Song
Power of the Purification Lodge
Recognition of Differences in Tribal ways
The weekend will include the proper way to create relationship in
Natural Ceremony, collect Grandfathers (rocks), the gathering of the
willows, the sacred herbs, building the lodge and in depth
participation in Initi preparations.
With: GARY FOURSTAR, Assiniboine and Ohlone lineage, Wadopena,
Thunderbird Clan, Sun Dancer, Lodge Keeper, Pipe Carrier, Leader and
Keeper of the Spirit Animal Dance, Spiritual advisor and holder of
healing knowledge through the Earth Peoples perspective.
Workshop and lodging Fee: $200 includes 5 meals and two nights lodging
at Enota
Ceremony is separate from the workshop and there is no charge for any
ceremonies conducted by Gary
Workshop: Friday night February 11th 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. & all day
Saturday February 12th
Call 800.990.8869 to sign-up for the workshop or reserve a space for
the sweat lodge ceremony
Initi Ceremony will begin at 5:00 pm on Saturday, Feb 12th at Enota.
Please remember that ceremony is open to all and that there is no
charge for the ceremony, only the $10 Enota (
www.enota.com) Membership
CLOTHES - it is traditional to wear clothing during the ceremony. Men
usually wear shorts and women traditionally wear a cotton shift or
something appropriately modest. Shoes are not worn inside the Lodge.
Jewelry generally is not worn due to the heat. It's a good idea to
bring a towel to sit on while inside the Lodge. Showers or hoses may be
available after the ceremony.
Your help in covering the Lodge with blankets and then uncovering the
Lodge after the ceremony is greatly appreciated.
Part of the Purification Ceremony is the meal afterwards; it is
traditional for those attending to bring food to share and to help set
up and clean up after the feast.
While walking around the grounds before the ceremony, please do not
walk between the fire and the Lodge.
You are welcome to participate in the Songs and Ceremonies that are
experienced in this sacred ceremony. However, please be aware that
these Songs and Ceremonies belong to this Lodge and should stay with
this Lodge. Please do not take them elsewhere.
Women who are on their moontime (menstrual cycle) cannot enter the
Lodge. Please seek out one of the women and ask her to explain. Women
who are on their moontime are also asked to stand far back from the
fire, the Lodge area, and any Medicine or Ceremonial objects.
In these ways it is customary to help the leader of the ceremony (the
water pourer) cover any expenses that may have been incurred or help
him/her on their journey. One gives what one considers or perceives is
the value of what one receives from the ceremony; but there is never a
charge for ceremonies.
Donations of wood or blankets are always appreciated.
If you have any questions about what you see, please don't hesitate to
ask someone. You may notice several people tending the fire. These are
"fire keepers" and may help answer any questions you may have. If you
are a first time visitor, there will be an individual who will greet
you and you may ask questions of this person as well.
Enota Mountain Retreat
1000 Highway 180
Hiawassee Georgia 30546
www.enota.com _________________
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