Author Topic: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK  (Read 162900 times)

Offline crazyeagle

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Statement from Zoi Lightfoot – Director of Legal Affairs – Treaty House London UK

An Explanation of who Zoi Lightfoot is:

Zoi Lightfoot is enrolled Anishinaabe. She is Leonard Peltiers Cousin and she also is a lawyer who works for Native Rights in the UN and lives in London UK. Zoi Lightfoot is also recognized by the Women Title Holders of the Mohawk Nation.

This statement was made to the committee members yesterday Saturday 20th October 2007 of Friends of Native Nations Network in London UK which comprises of English people with regards to Volunteer work for the Gathering in May 2008 in London UK which is Being organized by the Members of the international Intertribal Community.

It is my understanding that members of the International Intertribal Community (IIC), Linda Lou Flewin and myself are present at your AGM to update you all on the Gathering of Nations. Unfortunately that is somewhat difficult for us as a member of your own committee has seen fit to contact Linda Lou directly stating that they have heard certain falsehoods concerning the Gathering. Falsehoods they choose to believe without having the decency to check before they wrote to Linda Lou Flewin to tell her on the basis of FALSE accusations, they could not/would not support the Gathering of Nations.

This begs a question from me. When the founding NNN members sat in MY home certain founding principles were agreed between the groups. Concerning malicious undermining and illegal slanders. You either have a problem of internal communication which you need to address amongst yourselves at your next meeting or you feel you have come so far you no longer need to hold true to your founding principals.

Question? Where did your committee member get the notion the Gathering of Nations did not exist, that it was some “activist??? plot orchestrated by Linda Lou Flewin, Consular Director for Canadian Affairs, Liz Roemer UK Based IIC member and Larry D. Nichols IIC member based in Germany.

That this “plot??? is to defraud the pow wow hobbyists in the UK of donations, which will be used to bring “AIM Activists??? to the UK for the sole purpose of destroying the Pow wow re-enactments in the UK and Germany.

Our peoples have been obstructed from presenting the DOCUMENTED facts at the Pow wows in relation to these highly illegal accusations. They are subject to a form of hobbyist racial segregation. So, before I update you on the Gathering, let me bring you up to speed on the total background of this matter the Indian Nations themselves are monitoring closely.

Our Peoples overseas are not just a “few??? Indians scattered across Europe, the IIC represents approximately one eighth of our combined sovereign nations populous residing overseas. We respect the fact a majority of you do not see our ethnic community as a social club or playground for the racially confused. Sadly, there will always be those who presume that reading a few books and dressing up and enjoying a Pow wow for a few hours gives them the right to lie directly to us and assault members of the Indian Nations when they make false claims of being Indian.

Our Members have been spat at, subject to threats concerning homes, families and personal safety. Cut and paste slanderous misinformation, some lifted and corrupted from our own central communications with Indian Nations. One individual even going so far as to play a real life 21st century game of Calvary vs. Indians on a US Army Base in Germany when their apparent racial ignorance was so bad they were told to produce their CDIB card and prove they were Indian.

Another two are a husband and wife team. He is British and she is German. She claimed the following: her mother was a veteran of Alcatraz, currently in hiding in Germany from the FBI. That her sibling whose hair she hangs in her living room to honor her was murdered by the FBI at yet another confrontation with the federal forces during the reign of terror and that she murdered her abusive father.

Problem was she chose of her own free will and volition to broadcast this to the Indian Nations through our central communications. The Veterans of Alcatraz were listening as were the grieving families of those who did not survive those dark times and they did not care much for this woman whose own horrified mother was telling us she was lying and whose father was alive the last time he introduced himself to members of the IIC.

She took their personal history, their grief and pain and turned it into a Twinkie lie and a mockery. It would be fair to say the direct response to her was swift and in some instances “colorful???

The spouse of this individual however was less concerned for his wife’s well being and more interested in blaming someone for the fact the Indian people themselves would have the audacity to object. That he ignored sound legal advice to the contrary and at the Bison Farm Pow wow UK did seek out and instigate an aggressive confrontation with Linda Lou Flewin and Liz Roemer. Such was the personally misplaced anger of this man; he did literally spit his low racial opinion of the Mi’kmaq peoples and Nation into the face of Linda Lou Flewin. In turn becoming equally abusive towards Liz Roemer.

Linda Lou ended any further abuse by slamming her hand on the table in front of her stating “that’s enough! You are an arrogant racially abusive Englishman??? when this individual turned his attention on our ancient clan lodge system, declaring our clan mothers and protocols to be “sexist???

Some days after that Pow Wow Linda Lou was contacted by an English policeman PC3435 Ian Hallam as this individual had made a complaint of racial harassment against Linda Lou as she had called the Individual an “ENGLISHMAN??? PC3435 Ian Hallam was made aware of the entire facts about the initial assault on her personally inclusive of the fact legal council had been made aware of the incident.

Since that time all that these people have been saying and doing has been passed onto all Nations.
The latest fad to hit town, is being stupid enough to claim to be from the same rez as Linda Lou and her Sister and that they are not Mi’kmaq. This on the Facebook website which they all have access to and which will be left there so the Nation can see what is happening in Europe’s underbelly with our own peoples.

All IIC (International Intertribal Community) members in Europe are experiencing malicious phone calls from silence to native music being played loudly and toilets flushing. So we all understand each other, these are central consular communications that are accessed and broadcast to our nations. As of today my official legal council is that we will report malicious calls to both service providers and police.

Any notion that non-Indian peoples can openly assault members of our nations residing overseas is naïve in the extreme. Any notion we will be told how unreasonable taking legal actions against these people is labouring under the notion “we are all related??? needs to adjust to the fact there are no exclusion clauses for the Indian people when it comes to internationally recognized race laws. We will protect OUR OWN.

Now this brings me to the Gathering. Given that the Grand Chief of the Mi’kmaq Nation has agreed in principle to attend the Gathering amongst others, given the way one of his peoples has been assaulted and racially abused, I can understand why this tiny minority of the hobbyist culture would be nervous about his presence. So let’s set the record straight shall we.

As most of you are aware and have seen, there is in existence a document in the form of a letter dated 19th July 1995 from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II granting formal liberty for the Sovereign Nations to gather and convene in the United Kingdom.

Admittedly we do not require Her Majesties permission to convene in her sovereign territory, but as history shows and treaty obligations dictate it’s just not the done thing to not clearly state your objective and ask before one race of people descends on another. We take sovereign autonomy very seriously be it our individual Nations and their dealings with each other or the sovereignty of another races Nation.

At this present moment in time for The Gathering in London the members of the International Intertribal Community are entering a partnership with an established National Events Organizer in London UK who has lined up a major internationally recognized celeb to take on the media and press promotions side of things. We have interest from venues such as the Barbican and Roundhouse at this time. Plus have active interest from the Hard Rock Café and Hotel Chain who are due to be handed into the ownership of the Seminole Nation next year. They have expressed an interest in sponsoring the music side of the venues.

To date we are still chasing corporate sponsorship for the film venues, a theatre, and exhibition space and or convention centre of some scale. We have Chiefs from several Nations, two complete dance troops, speakers, actors, craft makers and musicians. Most of which have confirmed and the list is growing.

If you choose to support us great, if not then we thank you for at least considering it. As for the Twinkie rubbish. Well the time has come for them to stop inciting hobbyist against our peoples and take legal responsibility for their own actions. We have been polite, we have asked, we have told, and now we are pushing back through the courts because this is where the racist BS stops. End of statement

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2007, 05:36:27 pm »
Larry D. Nichols IIC member based in Germany

I'm a bit confused.  Who is Larry D. Nichols ?  Is he Comanche or Muskogee ? Is the IIC an organization of exploiters, or does it support protecting Native culture and rights?

The website below discusses a situation in Germany where some Native performers were not paid , and Larry Nichols mentions calling the Comanche Nation and arranging assistance .

August 12th, 2007 at 1:13
Larry Nichols
Knowing that the organizers had not paid the Hotel and the people, I could only guess that they had not paid the transportation bills for the buses either. That was when I called the Comanche Nation Headquarters and informed them what was happening and that the people would need transportation from Dallas, Texas to Oklahoma. I was insured that the Comanche Nation would pick up the cost and so I informed some of the people here that everything would be ok, and to tell the others that their families should pick them up at the Comanche Nation Headquarters in Lawton, Oklahoma.

Larry Nichols
I have read here also that there are German hobbyist groups that want to help, even those that have misused our culture, traditions and have even stolen Native American flags and misused them.

This mention of the flag sounds like the same incident that was posted in NAFPS in 2004. At that time , Larry Nichols was said to be representing the Comanche Nation in Germany.
Exploiters of the Comanche
October 26, 2004, 09:26:55 am
From:  "francis grey wolf" <francis@f...>
Grey Wolf
Chief Larry Nichols who does represent the Comanche Nation in Germany was stunned to discover that the Comanche Flag which was given to the Linden Museum in Stuttgart by the then chairman Johnny Wauqua ...

In 2004 it sounds like Larry Nichols was associated with Francis Grey Wolf and Lightening

Grey Wolf
Professor Guenter Fischer, Chief Larry Nichols, my blood brother  Dr Lightning Bear, myself and others totalling approximately 24 people ...

But in other places Larry Nichols is said to be the tribal chieftain of the Muskogee / Creek

Larry Strong wolf Nichols, chieftain of the Blackwater volume OF Lower Muskokees, Member OF the Choctawhatchee Creek Indian nation OF North west Florida and official representative of its trunk in Europe had kindly ready explained itself to report to the topic "native Americans" in the English instruction.

The old website of the Blackwater band repeated this same information ;
Tvstvnvke & Representative to Germany : Larry D. Nichols "Strong Wolf"

But is the Blackwater tribe of the Lower Muskogee even a real tribe? The names and pictures in the above link aren't very convincing . And then there is this comment from Dabosijigwokush ;
Grey Wolf & Tonya
Reply #35 on: January 20, 2007, 12:49:00 am »
The Blackwater Tribe of The Lower Mvskokee ring a bell thats whats on you addopation forgies the real name is The Blackwater Band of Lower Mvskokee inc. a 501 c3 club not FEDERALLY NON-RECOGNIZED not STATE RECOGNIZED not FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED a club and that is all not native bye any means

Reception in Untergruppenbach Creek Indians fight for  their rights

 "This day is a step in the  history of our tribe," said visibly moved Strong Wolf.  His real name is Larry Nichols.  He is the brother of Creek-Häuptlings Blue Eyes and lives in Heilbronn.  "We need help so that our American government recognizes as a people," said Nichols, Europe ambassadors of his tribe.  And the official reception in
Untergruppenbach show the American leadership that people of other countries recognize the Indians
. Mayor Haiber went even further: "If they go back home, you have the certainty that this new found friends."

So Larry is a tribal ambassador in Europe , but his tribe isn't recognized , and may not rightly deserve recognition , but he is hoping getting tribal recognition from European officials is going to help ?

And the group the IIC is working with Larry Nichols in the hopes of teaching Europeans to treat Native people and culture with more respect ?   

Like I say , I am a bit confused . It isn't at all clear who is working with the exploiters, and who is working against them . Maybe I just don't understand who Larry Nichols is, or what the IIC is trying to achieve ?

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2007, 06:45:31 pm »
Hi Moma ..

OK..IIC stands for International Intertribal Community...this is merely another way of saying ex-pat natives. The need for a NA community spirit is strong in Europe as so many of the Nations are now over here and we could all do with a lil support from time to time.

Larry D Nichols is Muskogee...and yes Larry Nichols did arrange with Chairman Coffey of the Comanche Nation to help the stranded natives.

Larry Nichols DOES NOT represent the Comanche Nation in Germany..they have their own representative there who I have met.Larry Nichols helped them to get the flag back. I dont know the ins and outs of it all or who he was with or the circumtances behind it.

I will leave the rest up to him to explain to you all as I wasnt there at the time and have only known him for a year and a half.

Larry Nichols is a member of the International Intertribal Community(IIC) Just as the rest of us are as we are all ex-pat natives.

I hope that makes things


Offline earthw7

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2007, 07:55:41 pm »
The whole thing confused me
In Spirit

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 01:26:04 am »
Let me make sure I am understanding this so far ...

The IIC is organizing a Gathering for May 2008 .

The Friends of Native Nations Network( NNN )  in London UK , is made up of English people , who sound like they had considered doing some volenteer work in regards to this gathering .  The statement , written by Zoi which is quoted in the first post , was addressed to the NNN . 

The NNN , was given some information which made them decide they did not want to support the Gathering that was being organized by the IIC . Zoi and other members of the IIC attended a NNN meeting to explain that the information the NNN had been given was false .

Have I got that straight so far ? 

I was wondering what kind of support the IIC provides to Native people living overseas, but I wasn't able to find out because when I do a Google search on the IIC or "International Intertribal Community", or IIC UK ,nothing comes up .

Is there an on line link to this international organization?

I see in the first post it is mentioned that Zoi is "the Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK" , but then I do a google search on "Treaty House" UK the only thing that comes up is a treaty house in Uxbridge UK , that has been in existence since the 1600 , and as far as i can tell , has nothing to do with indigenous peoples . There is also a treaty house in New Zealand .

So what is "Treaty House"? Is there an on line link to this international organization?

Is Linda Lou Flewin's position of Consular Director for Canadian Affairs with the IIC , or Treaty House in the UK , or something else entirely ?

Sorry to ask what might be dumb questions but I did try and find the answers but couldn't find anything for any of these organizations at all .

Zoi says the IIC represents approximately one eighth of the combined sovereign nations populous residing overseas.  She also says she doesn't like people making false claims of being Indian , and there has been problems with Native people being assaulted when they confront these lies.

Because the IIC has been exposing peoples lies , they say they have been experiencing harrasment ;
"All IIC (International Intertribal Community) members in Europe are experiencing malicious phone calls from silence to native music being played loudly and toilets flushing."

So , I would guess from these statements , the IIC does not support people claiming to be Indian who aren't?

Zoi , speaking on behalf of the IIC says ;
"We take sovereign autonomy very seriously be it our individual Nations and their dealings with each other or the sovereignty of another races Nation."

As the IIC claims to take sovereign autonomy very seriously , what is the IIC's position on supporting the claims of unrecognized tribes and people claiming to be the chiefs or ambassadors of these possibly bogus tribes in Europe ?

Does the IIC know if the federally recognized Creek/ Muskogee Nation in Oklahoma , officially supports and recognizes the Blackwater band oF Lower Muskokees, or the Choctawhatchee Creek Indian Nation OF North West Florida ?

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2007, 02:06:07 am »
The thing I picked up on was the mention of the couple. One was allegedly Indian and married to an Englishman. A very abusive Ibdiab man. I think that couplke might be the ones in another thread. The woman that calls herself "hounting wolf."

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2007, 02:42:09 am »
Yes , the couple that is mentioned sounds like the same couple previously mentioned - Tonya Hountingwolf or Billington , and Francis Grey Wolf or Billington. There is a thread about them , and they misrepresent both Native culture and themselves as Indians. 

I am still not sure what exactly the IIC or "Treaty House" is, what their policy is towards questionable claims of Indian identity , or how these groups are interconnected with the unrecognized Blackwater Muskogee tribe. I hope someone will explain.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 03:08:29 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2007, 08:44:56 am » will explain it best as I can here.

Treaty House London is in its infancy is currently being set up as a Ltd Comany for the purpose of the was decided a Ltd company as charitable status is long winded and covered with red tape..However it also serves as an educational resource for the non native community and a support resource for ex-pats living/travelling abroad. A mission statement on Treaty House will be issed soon.

Yes, you have it right in that FoNNN is composed of english people. Zoi was the Chairperson of the original NNN and Linda Lou was looking after IT resources.

To be pedantic..The Gathering is being organised under the wing of Treaty House and the IIC members are doing the organising. The reason for this is so that finances can be scrutinized if so required by an independant body.     

Linda Lou's position of Consular Director of Canadian Affairs is for Treaty House London UK.

You are absolutely correct in that IIC members WILL NOT support people claiming to be indian when they are not.

Treaty House will not support bogus tribes or chiefs or medicine men/shamens in any form.

"Does the IIC know if the federally recognized Creek/ Muskogee Nation in Oklahoma , officially supports and recognizes the Blackwater band oF Lower Muskokees, or the Choctawhatchee Creek Indian Nation OF North West Florida ?"

I cannot comment on the above question.

A web site is currently being created for Treaty House but a myspace site has been set up for Teaty House and the Gathering

Here is the link

OK..I hope I have managed to answr you questions..I hope i havent left anything out..that was quite  along

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2007, 12:44:34 pm »
Thanks for answering most of those questions Crazy Eagle . It was quite long , and maybe even a bit obnoxious of me to ask em ,  but I guess asking lots of questions is what we do here . It is really difficult to know who people are in cyberspace .

I'm glad to here your organization won't be supporting frauds or exploiters .

You might want to ask some questions about that black water tribe . Below is a link to a picture of guests to Germany from the Blackwater Tribe of the Lower Muskokees in Northwest Florida:

David Lee Nichols, Vice Chief Turkey Caller Tolbert, Tribal Princess Erin Ford , Larry D. Nichols and Bryan McCaullum

Do the Muskokee really have Tribal Princesses ?   

Their flights are paid by the Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees Germany e.V. from donations that are taken in on an individual voluntary basis. Therefore, any and all donations for this purpose only, are welcomed and appreciated to support the Lower Muskokee/Creek Native Americans of Northwest Florida in our fight for recognition from the United States Government and also to offset the costs needed to help fulfill our cultural exchange goal.

I guess members of the IIC already know these people ... .

Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees e.V.
15. and 16. September 2007
in Heilbronn-Horkheim, Germany

Special Guests (Subject to change)
Prof. Dr. Günther Fischer Ambassador Comanche Nation Lawton, Oklahoma
Elder Frances Helen Elliott Muskokee/Creek from Florida
Elder Liz Roemer Muskokee/Creek from UK
Elder Ben Sherman from the Lakota Nation
Elder Peter “Pedro??? Woerner Choctaw/Creek from Germany
Steve Travis Muskokee/Creek from Alabama
Linda Lou Flewin from the Miqamag Nation Canada
Alan Roy from the Lakota Nation
American Legion Post 79 Veterans Department of France

« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 12:48:42 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2007, 01:53:52 pm »
Thank you for the information Moma...

IIC know of some of these people - tho not all.

I can state that neither Liz Roemer or Linda Lou Flewin attended the 2007 Pow Wow in Germany.

I also appreciate your you dont know how many guises people come under on the Internet and it is wise to be safe.

Should you have any further questions I will only be too happy to answer them to the best of my ability.

Have a great weekend!

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Re: Statement from Zoi Lightfoot - Director of Legal Affairs Treaty House UK
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2007, 07:39:22 pm »
I read that again and just realized those two nuts actually did carry out their threat of suing for "racism" because someone said "Englishman." Lucky they didn't win, or Barnaby could get every penny I have...

And it looks like they took it even further, actually, spitting and threats.


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« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:09:54 am by nighthawk »

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Sure,as my statement,what i actualy DID write,begin's with the words:"It is my understanding" and therefore I am expected to explain what some one else ADDED to a statement i wrote.For your info,I am Mississippi Band Anishinabe.Word of warning,I am no fraud,my statement was geared to those who physicaly assaulted members of the indian nations (ex Pats)residing overseas,and I am well aware some folks currently lurking in Napfs are members of the same UK Pow wow network,whom are labouring under the illusion they can attack Indian peoples,these wouls be the fakes and PODIAs you all seem so anti.Got better things to do than play game's with people,if you have a problem spit it out then get a lawyer.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Sure,as my statement,what i actualy DID write,begin's with the words:"It is my understanding" and therefore I am expected to explain what some one else ADDED to a statement i wrote.For your info,I am Mississippi Band Anishinabe.Word of warning,I am no fraud,my statement was geared to those who physicaly assaulted members of the indian nations (ex Pats)residing overseas,and I am well aware some folks currently lurking in Napfs are members of the same UK Pow wow network,whom are labouring under the illusion they can attack Indian peoples,these wouls be the fakes and PODIAs you all seem so anti.Got better things to do than play game's with people,if you have a problem spit it out then get a lawyer.

(my bold)


I am having a hard time understanding why someone who joined this message board to expose frauds and educate people about exploiters would be so hostile to people for noticing inconsitencies and asking the type of questions  that get asked here all the time. Sure sometimes people are suspisious ans ask questions and these concerns turn out to be unwarrented , but I can't see how people can know if peoples claims ar true without asking questions . I have to wonder why you come accross with such a threatening tone , like you are trying to intimidate people into NOT asking questions, when encouraging people to do this is the whole point of this forum. How are people supposed to know who is trustworthy and who isn't if they are scared they might offend the people who are legit if they ask questions ?

Although I have had no reason to spend too much time wondering about your claims to be Anishinabe , I do notice you are frequently giving out what sounds like legal information and even advice, when you have provided no way to verify you actually are licenced or trained in law.

Giving out legal advice is a position of public trust , and asking for some way to verify this through an on line link showing your law office , or your attending a UN meeting as a lawyer, seems like it should be something that would not be impossible to provide, and if you were who you claim to be , people asking for a way to verify this , does not seem like something that would give offence.

Your hostile and defensive reactions to people making reasonable observations and requests for ways to verify claims, really do make me wonder wht you really care about. If you wanted to stop frauds and exploiters,  it would seem you would understand people needing to be skeptical and ask questions - even if sometimes the concerns turned out to be unfounded or include being skeptical of claims made by YOU and your friends...
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 01:52:51 pm by Moma_porcupine »


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I think Crazy Eagle posted the first part of Zoi's being Anishinabe and with the Treaty House, UK.  She also posted a statemement. Later Zoi came and posted she was Mississippi Band, Two different people. Two different ways of writting something. If I have time, I will look for it laterl