Author Topic: Freedmen Groups-Legit & Questionable  (Read 30611 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Freedmen Groups-Legit & Questionable
« on: October 26, 2004, 05:00:29 pm »
"ttownestelusti" <>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 08:51:27 -0000
Subject: [newagefraudsplastichshamans] Re: The (Freedman) Naming Ritual


Hello all,

I just wanted to give you all the links to what I have written about
the subjects of this thread. We are well aware of what is going on
and are rather upset about it and highly insulted. What this seems to
boil down to is that some Freedmen were raised in Indian Country in
Indian communities and learned about their culture and how to conduct
themselves with respect while others have left there tribal lands and
no longer have any sort relations with other Indian people and so
they have no clue of who they are or how to act. The rest looks like
plain old greed to me.

I say that this is about money because I know that at least one of
them proudly sells what he calls "genuine counterfeit indian goods".
I know this because the man had the nerve to show up in my home town
enviting Indians to this so called "Black Indian pow wow" and he gave
me his card.

Here is the link to what Al mentioned.

The following is the link to the thread in which the subject of the
naming ritual came up. I asked several questions and this person did
not answer them. I sent my questions to the president of their
organization and she failed to respond. There is one post missing
from this thread because it was deleted by the moderator...guess I
wasn't being friendly enough. I try but as you all know, it's not
easy being greasy. LOL

Black Indian Pow Wow

This EDUK8TOR person really needs a new moniker.
I decided to follow the suggestion of this EDUK8TOR person. The
following was sent to Gypsy at on
september 27.  I was hoping that they would be willing to share but
no one has replied to me on this and I don't expect them to. I guess
they figured out that it was a trick and refused to take the bait.
Darn! Better luck next time. ;)
First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a descendant of
Muskogee (Creek) freedmen and Choctaw by-blood citizens.  I and
several (non-black) Indian friends and family members of mine who
follow the pow wow circuit in Oklahoma and surrounding states are
interested in attending the upcoming Black Indian pow wow. A person
using the name "EDUK8TOR" recently posted about the upcoming Black
Indian Pow Wow and naming ritual on the African-Native genealogy
forum. Some of my friends were asking about this. They are
traditional people so they just have a habit of asking questions so
that they can pass on adequate information. So, when I say the post
about it I asked a few question but was told that I should ask you.
My questions were as follows:
First, I'm looking at the pow wow page and I have a few questions
about the day's events. Will this be one of those, bring your lawn
chairs and dance shawls with intent to participate type events or
will it be more of an exposition where guests are invited to watch?
Will their be contests? Who are the head dancers?

For the naming ritual, would you mind sharing with us its origins?
What tribe does this ritual come from? What language is "hey ya" and
what does it mean? What (other than sage) will be burned in the
sacred fire? Meaning, what will be burning when the fire is
originally started? Also, who will be giving names to the individual
participants and who is entitled to participate and be named?


As you may already know, this is the time of year when the pow wow
circuit slows down so when natives catch wind of another one they
like to jump on the information, tell family and friend, get out and
get involved. However, most pow wow advertisements offer a bit more
extensive information. I was just wandering if you could offer a
little more. Also, the naming ritual is something that my friends and
family are not interested in but I'm real interested in learning more
about it.  Please excuse me for being so inquisitive. I just have a
strong thirst for knowledge and would like to be able to have all of
the facts when I tell people where going and what I'm participating

Thanks in advance,

Anissia Vo


I hope that this helps answer questions that some may have.

Thanks guys,
