Author Topic: "Cherokee Shaman", Mount Shasta, California  (Read 13474 times)

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
"Cherokee Shaman", Mount Shasta, California
« on: November 29, 2007, 02:31:14 am »

'nuff said.

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
Re: "Cherokee Shaman", Mount Shasta, California
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 02:44:09 am »
From the Mt. Shasta Chamber of Commerce Site:

White Thunder Medicine School
Physical: 312 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
Mailing: 312 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
Phone: 530-926-9977

White Thunder Native American Medicine School's purpose is to educate about health and teach the way of Indigenous healing. Lynette Schmidt is Cherokee Shaman and Medicine Woman. She teaches throughout the world and works with leading edge Medical Doctors, Dentists and Veterinarians. Her studies at Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland and International Academy of Biological Dentistry teach the relationship teeth have with health. Expert Medical Intuitive and Animal Communicator. Nutritional Regeneration and PH Balancing. A Reiki Master for 10 yrs. trained and taught with Dr.Gabriel Cousens and offers Reiki Training.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Cherokee Shaman", Mount Shasta, California
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2007, 04:05:15 pm »
This is unintentionally funny. It sounds like Schmidt has faced questions from legit dentists about her practices.
"The witch-hunt like atmosphere of modern dentistry requires shamanic acumen to weed through the false and misleading information, Lynette Schmidt, Cherokee Shaman and Medical Intuit steps to the plate.

Combining her ability to “look??? at someone and see seven generations back with her experience as a certified homeopath and biological medicine practitioner, she is able to match her clients with appropriate dentist’s care. She works only with biological dentists and biological doctors around the globe.... During an in-person consultation or a phone session, Lynette guides you to your next healing step. To the disappointment of some, this may not be as instant as 1-800-DENTIST. Schmidt works carefully to discern the healing steps that resonate with each client. She may prescribe dietary changes, dispense spiritual advice, or release emotional holding patterns established way back in the family tree. She heads the White Thunder School of Medicine that heals animals and people. “The more each of us turns to our truth, the more we can heal what has gone before us,??? Schmidt tells me. “People are locked into a health care plan. Their health has been taken out of their hands.???

The White Thunder Medicine School philosophy integrates the physical body with the cosmic...Schmidt’s personal healing journey led her to assist others who may suffer from toxic effects of modern dental care. Bedridden for eight years due to mercury poisoning, Schmidt began turning inward to listen to the voice of intuitive wisdom. She heard a strong message: She must get her amalgam fillings removed. Her journey ended or began when she traveled to the Paracellus Klinic in Switzerland, where she had her metal fillings removed. “Mercury suffocates the blood,??? she tells me. “It’s like a time bomb going off. Some don’t have a reaction. The more stress you are under, the more it pushes into the brain. People are at odds to deal with their health problems.??? Her crusade against unsafe dentistry includes root canals, which she cites as major causes of cancer. “It’s like you built a dam across the river and expected life to continue as usual. It creates a toxic pool.???

Her outspoken work is part of what Schmidt calls a “strong medicine walk.??? She defines a medicine walk as listening with great willingness and openness. “It is your relation to everything around you. You can deepen it or have it be one of love to create medicine.???
Dental care can be a healing, requiring deep listening and forgiving past patterns.

Contact Lynette Schmidt to assist you in your pursuit of spiritual health in dental care, 1-707- 645-7777,"
Lynette Schmidt
Native American Medicine
 Your relationship to all that you are and those who have gone before you, carries a powerful message within your body. Native American Medicine can see energetics from your ancestors seven generations back. In energy diseases, you can remain trapped in an eternal quandary as to what is truly happening. Lynette will use her intuition to address questions of concern to the whole audience.

A Cherokee shaman, medical intuitive, and Reiki master, Lynette founded White Thunder Medicine School in Mt. Shasta and Vallejo and works with both animals and people."
I think Cousens has been mentioned in here before.


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Re: "Cherokee Shaman", Mount Shasta, California
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2007, 08:10:58 am »
Let me see if I've got this right - you call this loon up and she directs you to a doctor or dentist who can help you according to her ability to "see seven generations back"?

Wow. I wonder how much of a cut she gets from the doctors and dentists she refers people to.

That's gotta be one of the most whacked HMO plans I've ever heard of.