What would be the cost for us, non-Natives, to give up buying ceremonies or give up playing around with sacred items? Well, you might say it takes something out of our lives, i e the feeling of being "special". And we might loose the social part of it, belonging to a group - and probably worshipping a "guru". That is the price we have to pay. Compare that to the price indigenous peoples all over the world have paid to protect their cultures.....
Non-Natives who claim to get closer to the spirits by using "Native American spirituality" have probably never given up something sacred, something they value deeply, to do the right thing: to give it back where it belongs. That act in itself is 10 times as spiritual as any faked ceremonies. There were pipes and eaglefeathers being handed back to Arvol when he was over here in Sweden, some people cried when they handed over them. Not because they lost something valuable, not because they had to give up their "job" as a shaman, but because the feeling of doing a spiritual thing was stronger than anything they had ever experienced before.
What would be the cost of giving up a CD?