Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 1276847 times)

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #195 on: April 21, 2008, 03:54:50 pm »
Some changes on Holzwarth's three YouTube videos.

No comments allowed; can't even agree or disagree with comments previously left. Most of the negative comments have been deleted. I'm surprised any of them are still there.

She's changed her profile picture, too. This is from Earth Pledge.


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Looks like they've stayed busy watching videos. On April 12th she'd only watched 26; now it's up to 58. She's lost two subscribers. On April 12th she had 33, now has 31. Looks like a couple people have seen the truth
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 03:56:51 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #196 on: April 21, 2008, 04:39:23 pm »
We found a forum yesterday...Native Americans Speak:

They seem to need some educating on the truths of WEMW.

Read some of the comments left on that forum. Seems like they need educating on more than White Eagle Medicine Woman and Grandmother Drum. They need a dose of reality.

My daughter was miserable for much of her life until uniting with some ladies who practice Native rituals and .. Wow! what a turn around.

No, I'm not native American. A psychic once told me that I was a Navajo Shaman in a previous life, though! Whether that's the case or not who knows?

My sister is very interested in Native culture. She does sweat lodges and all that. It's not really something that I have pursued in this lifetime.

These are the kind of people Holzwarth preys upon, Grandmother Drum appeals to. Lost souls thinking they were Indian in a previous life.

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #197 on: April 21, 2008, 04:51:40 pm »
I just found these 3 pages of pictures taken during the Weymouth event.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
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Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #198 on: April 21, 2008, 05:23:57 pm »
I just found a bunch of WEMW's supporters here:

Joined and left a comment.

bls926 wrote today at 12:22 PM
This drum is not blessed. There is nothing spiritual about these performances. It's a way for Suraj Holzwarth and her entourage to make a living. They travel the world, selling tickets to their events and souvenirs. She doesn't care about Mother Earth or peace; she just knows it sells well. Spiritual leader? No way. Good businesswoman? Must be, she's been conning many people for quite a while.

Edit to add: Left the same comment on Music is Here

Have been trying to get the truth about Holzwarth and Grandmother Drum posted to as many places as I can. Hopefully, once people know what this woman is really about, she'll lose her following.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 05:30:27 pm by bls926 »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #199 on: April 21, 2008, 06:09:06 pm »

I just found a bunch of WEMW's supporters here:

Joined and left a comment.

Im thinking these folks are wearing blinkers...your post is not Im guessing people are deleting as soon as posts are being made.

However...the postings made here:

Are still intact

this woman is a fraud, she is not native bye any means,she is offending every native world wide
she does not have the right to the eagle feathers.
she does not have the right to copy, plagiarize native songs
she is charging for peace?
her real name is rachel holzwarth
born in new york city
she is the worst kind of thief,she steals from religions.
please remove all references from you sight and system of this person
destroy all cd's 

yes she is a fraud and she is not native and she is just taking your money and making her self look good. what she is doing is hate to me she is taking what is not belong to her. must the whites keep taking from us. so this is how they show us. 

Bonnie Singleton:
This drum is not blessed. There is nothing spiritual about these performances. It's a way for Suraj Holzwarth and her entourage to make a living. They travel the world, selling tickets to their events and souvenirs. She doesn't care about Mother Earth or peace; she just knows it sells well. Spiritual leader? No way. Good businesswoman? Must be, she's been conning many people for quite a while. 

This White Eagle...has not paid a cent in tax for YEARS!
She is not only a THIEF of our culture and ceremony...she is ALSO a FRAUD!
This woman is non native...using our culture to fill her pockets with money from people like YOU!
As long as there are people out there purchasing her lies....she will CONTINUE!

Added more postings:

Robert R. Baker:
This woman has no concept of native spirituality. Its new age humanism mixed with psycotheriputic leanings with an overlay of modern shaminism. Natiives do not recieve power from within but from the creator and outside spiritual help. They do not celibrate the belief that they come from mother Africa but rather hold a close personal relationship with the land that they come from. Religion is not a personal path but a comunity involvment and prayer is not just being alive but learning to walk in a spiritual maner so as to be in tune with the creator and the spiritual world and play your proper role in your comunity. This is the difference between real native belief and new age rip-offs.. Its not what I can get out of it but what I can give into it. Also if you are trully Seneca and know Seneca lore how is it that at the Delaware Water Gap You had the blessing preformed by a Cherokee and not a Lenape which would have been the proper thing to do. I would really like an answer to that one. 

This woman is a fraud and a scam . She is under investigation by Law Inforcement for illegal possesion of protected feathers (Eagle) claims tribal affiliation of which she has none.
Is stealing from the Native cultures and contributing to the cultural genocide of our people according to the un definition of genocide. do not support this woe man

natives are concerned about this exploitation and abuse by those who have no real knowledge of the deep inner meaning inherent in these ceremonies.Practicing Native American spirituality out of the context of Native American culture diminishes the integrity of both
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 06:55:54 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #200 on: April 21, 2008, 07:19:19 pm »

I just found a bunch of WEMW's supporters here:

Joined and left a comment.

Im thinking these folks are wearing blinkers...your post is not Im guessing people are deleting as soon as posts are being made.

I can't even get to that page now, unless I want to become one of Radine!'s friends. Yeah, when pigs fly.

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Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #201 on: April 21, 2008, 07:47:40 pm »
and another one

OSHO Information Center
Anand Suraj (Rachel Holzwarth)
Anand Shantam (Larry Mercutieff)
c/o Whirling Rainbow Center
PO Box 2822
Palmer 99645
Tel.: +1 907-745-5636

I went to that site, Girls Can Do, but couldn't find anything connecting them to Osho or Rachel Holzwarth and Larry Merculieff. (His name is misspelled.) I did find the connection between Holzwarth and Merculieff at Osho Information Center on OSHO WORLD.

Osho Information Center
Ma Anand Suraj (Rachel Holzwarth)
Sw Anand Shantam (Larry Mercutieff)
PO Box 773556
Eagle River 99577
Tel.: +1-907-688-2226
Fax: +1-907-688-2285

They list a different e-mail address for them.

Where'd you get your info? Was there something on that site that I missed?

Edit for typo
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 08:08:29 pm by bls926 »

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #202 on: April 21, 2008, 07:59:39 pm »
There was some information connecting her to Girls Can Do in one of her websites, it may now have been removed, but I know I go there through one of the sites she had up once upon a time.
It is now the women's thing she has coming up in August and was related to her defunct organization (the one that was "involuntarily" closed).
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #203 on: April 21, 2008, 08:06:41 pm »
Found this one about 'empowering girls and women'. Someone may have already posted it. If so, sorry for the duplication.

Alaska Women of the Wilderness Foundation offers year round wilderness education and spiritual empowerment programs for girls and women to explore and deepen their relationship with themselves, with others and with the earth in a supportive and nurturing atmosphere. Alaska Women of the Wilderness Foundation moves into the next decade and the new millennia with the mission to awaken, honor and celebrate the divine feminine voice of leadership for the healing of the Earth and all beings.
Contact: Alaska Women of the Wilderness Foundation, P.O. Box 773556, Eagle River, AK 99577; Ma Anand Suraj (Rachel Holzwarth) at (907) 688-2226; 1-800-770-2226 (in AK); fax (907) 688-2285; e-mail

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #204 on: April 21, 2008, 08:54:59 pm »
Just passing this on...another venue cancelled!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: White - - Woman Fraud
Date: Apr 21, 2008 2:30 PM

Another one CANCELLED!!!!!! Thx Spaewife!!!!!!!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janette Murray-Wakelin
Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:55 PM
Subject: Courtenay Workshop cancelled

Dear White Eagle,

Further to my earlier email in which I expressed my concerns with regard to the proposed Grandmother Drum workshop to be held in Courtenay in July, I wish to advise that I have had further information that has determined a decision on my part.

I have been made aware of mounting opposition to the current Grandmother Drum Tour and was pointed to ..

I have also been speaking with the Director of the Multi-cultural First Nations Centre here and have ascertained that it would not be appropriate to hold the Grandmother Drum workshop at the proposed location, nor in the area of the Komoks Band lands.

I have therefore make the decision not to sponsor the Grandmother Drum coming to Courtenay, nor to encourage or support any workshop offered by yourself through the Whirling Rainbow Foundation.

It is indeed a great disappointment to be in the position to have to make this decision, however, with all due respects, I cannot support or encourage that which may cause an affront to our First Nations People and their Culture.

It is also prudent for me to state that any misrepresentation on a spiritual level, whether it be misguided or not, is not acceptable within the realms of what I personally stand for. Nor would I condone such behaviour through my Centre whose mandate is about healing the Peoples and the Planet through learning the Truth.

On a personal note, may I confirm that the teachings of the Grandmothers are indeed powerful in their Truths, as I myself speak constantly with my own Grandmothers as my Spiritual Guides.

I might therefore suggest under the current circumstances that you do the same. Their messages are very clear.


Janette Murray-Wakelin
Founder/Director-ZenZero Centre for Optimum Health
407A Fifth Street, Courtenay, BC, V9N 1J7, Canada
Ph: 1 250 338 0571 Fax: 1 250 338 0523
www. zenzero. ca ..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janette Murray-Wakelin
To: The Whirling Rainbow Foundation White Eagle ..
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:12:14 -0700
Subject: Please respond
Dear White Eagle,

I did not receive your phone call on Friday.

However, I did receive many emails denouncing your authenticity. It would not be astute of me to ignore such accusations from respected members of several US Bands.

I will therefore be speaking with the Director of a Multi-Cultural First Nations Centre here in Courtenay today with regard to his thoughts on the whether he would sanction a workshop presented by yourself involving the Grandmother Drum to be held on First Nations land.

Obviously, this is of grave concern to me and I would greatly appreciate your response to this matter.

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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #205 on: April 21, 2008, 09:42:32 pm »
Folks may wish to contact:

These are the folks providing White Eagles funding!

You'll notice the follwing:

Bennie “Blue Thunder??? Lebeau, medicine man of the Eastern Shoshone, is one of the hosting Elders who will welcome his counterparts to The Gathering of One. As a member of the Spiritual Elders of the Mother Earth, he is acquainted with the other Elders who will be coming to this event and his follow-up event he is putting on at the Grand Tetons on August 8, 2008 (the 8-8-8). Blue Thunder speaks around the world about the necessity of bringing humanity back in harmony with Mother Earth. He is particularly concerned with the Yellowstone caldera which prophecies foretell will enter into another great eruption unless the land is brought back in balance. The Hopi, related to the Shoshone, have a similar prophecy. Elder Nasafotie entered into a four-day vision quest after meeting with our people, and announced afterward that in his visions he saw the caldera going silent if The Gathering of One brought together the 444 people at The Gathering of One. Blue Thunder travels with his wife. As the hosting nation, he also is asking funding for 20 other tribal members to accompany him.

Travel: Gas for the tribe to bring its people, drums, and ceremonial regalia from Wind River reservation, Wyoming, to West Yellowstone ... 200 people in all ... Cost: $5000

Food 7 days and 200 people ... $10,000

Forest Service camping permit for 1 week for 200
8 porta-potties, bear-proof dumpsters, porta-showers, drinking water ... $9000

Honorarium: $1000

Total costs: $25000

Donations to date: $0 ... $25000 needed

Also of course White Eagle:

White Eagle Medicine Woman, guardian of the Grandmother Drum that has traveled the world in the name of Peace, has dedicated her life to bringing tribes together, and now the world. This dynamic leader and messenger of Peace has agreed to participate in The Gathering of One as well as serve as a guide in bringing together different traditions and cultures from around the world. She brings with her a staff of five who assist her in her travels across the planet.

Travel: Gas for bringing her staff and the 7 ft. wide Grandmother Drum from Alaska  ...  Cost: $3500

Food and lodging for 6 for 7 days: $1870

Honorarium: $4000

Donations to date: $9370 ... fully funded

Added: It also seems Bennie LeBeau and the White Eagle are going to get together with the "dance off oneness" at yellowstone!
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 09:59:38 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #206 on: April 21, 2008, 10:11:15 pm »
They are paying $3,500.00 to bring her and the drum from Alaska when by her own website she is not going to be in Alaska until August.  What a scam artist that is.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #207 on: April 21, 2008, 11:14:01 pm »
Grandmother Drum's next performance is scheduled for May 2, 3, 4 in Michigan.

GrandMother Drum Prayerformance
When Fri, May 2, 7pm – 10pm
Where Oakland County, Michigan
Host Sponsors: Center of Light - Annette Jones 248-236-0432
Conscious Mind Journal - Gail Miller 586-264-5457

I called and talked with Annette Jones this afternoon. It was like talking to a brick wall. I've met some bliss bunnies in my life, but this woman was really hard to listen to.

She understands why we're upset, but I was told that we need to look past the Native American rituals that White Eagle Medicine Woman uses to her message. Her message of love and peace. Her heart is pure. Ultimately this is between White Eagle Medicine Woman and Creator. This went on and on and on.

When I said Holzwarth was not Seneca, she asked how I knew this. Had I talked to White Eagle Medicine Woman? Had I seen her genealogy? The Seneca Nation doesn't claim her. Jones told me that she has Patowatomie ancestors, but didn't know about her great-grandmother until she was grown; her grandfather didn't talk about it. Tried to say the Patowatomie wouldn't have any knowledge of her. I told her they would still have record of her family. She couldn't understand that concept. Thinks because she isn't enrolled, there wouldn't be any record of her family ever being part of the Nation. Used this as an explanation for why the Seneca Nation doesn't acknowledge Holzwarth.

Every time she said White Eagle Medicine Woman, I corrected her, saying "Her name is Rachel Holzwarth. You can't give yourself a name." She asked me how I knew Holzwarth had given herself the name. Because she has no ties to any Native community. Well apparently, from what Jones told me this afternoon, she has found some to support what she's doing. They showed the Grandmother Drum DVD to an Ojibwe Elder named George, Upper Peninsula, and he feels that Holzwarth's heart is pure and in the right place. Jones' husband, Edward, has been adopted by George, the Ojibwe Elder. George had dreams about Edward and sought him out, becoming his mentor. George has trained Edward to conduct sweat lodges.

Discussed the fact that Holzwarth illegally has eagle and hawk feathers in her possession and that the Fish and Wildlife Service has been notified. Also talked about her non-profit organizations that may or may not still be up and running; possible problems with the IRS. Jones feels that those things are none of her business and has nothing to do with the performances. I told her that as a sponsor of these events, she has an ethical and moral responsibility to the people who will be attending the event, an obligation not to sponsor a criminal fraud.

We discussed the numerous events that have been cancelled since we all started protesting. She said most of those events were ones with third-party sponsors who didn't want to get in the middle of it. Sponsors who had heard from both sides and just didn't want involved. Well, whatever it takes. If we can get every third-party to back out of sponsoring one of her performances, it'll be a good thing.

The performances in Michigan are still going to happen. No third-party sponsors. Jones and her husband minister at/to the Center of Light Spirituality. She told me her husband was a minister of a non-denominational church. I had to google to find which one. She told me the people who will be attending the events that weekend are "highly spiritually evolved". They look past the boundaries of race, color, nationality, etc.

Jones asked me if I had spoken with Holzwarth personally. She gave me Holzwarth's cell phone #. Holzwarth has invited us all to call her to discuss this issue.


I haven't called Holzwarth yet. I'm about twinkied out for today.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 11:18:30 pm by bls926 »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #208 on: April 21, 2008, 11:25:08 pm »
I just received this...would like to hear any thoughts on it.

April  21, 2008 3:40 PM


Body: Not too long ago I wrote you about a man named Grandfather Two Feathers running a scam charging people to sweat, to go on vision quests etc...well, he was taught by a Seneca elder named Twlah Nitsch who also taught RACHEL HOLZWARTH...Twlah is a Seneca from the Seneca Nation at Cattaraugus, route 438 Irving, New York 12837 (716)532-4900 and for years she has been selling EVERYTHING for a price, she would adopt people, charge for sweats etc...To the Seneca people she was a joke but to the faithkeepers and traditional people she was a disgrace...last I heard she was living in Texas and I don't even know if she is still alive...nonetheless, this explains many, many things...I suspect White Eagle Woman was adopted (paid a preety penny) and went on from there...This by no means is a small organization it has been getting larger and larger every year...

Cattaraugus has alot of good people there and I know for years they did'nt like what Twlah was doing....Since this is not my Rez.

(our Rez are in Canada) we know some people, but I think the person to contact would be Cheif Emerson Webster (he is from the Tonawanda Band Of Seneca his phone number is (716)474-4229 (last I know that was his number) it has been about a year since I last saw him...

It is tragic seeing our own people doing these things, but it appears to be happening more and more...

Talk to all of you soon!!

Also see

Added: Dang....I cant get the above link to work...sorry :(
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 11:42:32 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #209 on: April 21, 2008, 11:53:42 pm »
Holzwarth has got some gall (as if we didn't already know that.) The photos on that Earth Pledge site are Mayan women of Mexico or Guatemala.


We really should thank Janette Murray Wakelin for her decency and doing the right thing. From what I've found about her, she's an athlete from New Zealand who lives in Canada, and became interested in Zen and healing. I doubt she would've ever had anything to do with booking Holzwarth if she knew the truth from the start.

If she's reading this, you have my thanks. And if anyone comes into contact with her, please pass them along to her.


The Center of Light is Nuage Central. I doubt anyone could get through to them, even the best shrinks. They've been discussed here at NAFPS before hosting other frauds like "Limping Snow Wolf" and a would be Atlantean healer.

It seems to me that Holzwarth may be one of Nitsche's franshisees, but she's mostly tied to Benny LeBeau. And that alone should be all anyone needs to prove that LeBeau is an exploiter and sellout.