Author Topic: Successful filmshow  (Read 23119 times)

Offline Freija

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Successful filmshow
« on: February 10, 2008, 06:41:05 pm »
We had a great evening here the other day, when we showed "Spirits for Sale" in the cinema. More than 200 people came and the newspapers helped out by giving us free advertising space. Lots of applauds and really good questions from people afterwards. What I didn´t know was that some anthropologists were in the audience. They wrote to us afterwards saying they would see to that the film got included in the anthro program at the university here :)  Great news!

AND - as always whenever I appear somehwere nowadays with the film or my books - someone from Deer Tribe turns up. My Gawd, they are everywhere!!

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Successful filmshow
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2008, 06:58:27 pm »
...really good questions from people afterwards.

Now that is really heartening, after watching a certain other film. What kind of questions do people tend to ask when you show it?

What I didn´t know was that some anthropologists were in the audience. They wrote to us afterwards saying they would see to that the film got included in the anthro program at the university here :)  Great news!

Absolutely brilliant news. Sorry, I don't know why the smilies don't work.

as always whenever I appear somehwere nowadays with the film or my books - someone from Deer Tribe turns up.

What kind of questions do they tend to ask?

Offline Freija

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Re: Successful filmshow
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2008, 09:21:11 pm »
...really good questions from people afterwards.

What kind of questions do people tend to ask when you show it?

They ask what they can do. They ask me about specific things...."is it ok to do this and that?" "Should I stop doing healing?" "Is it OK to do yoga?!!" LOL  They are ready to give up anything, as long as Natives don´t get hurt!!
The film is so powerful, it seems to transfer the audience to an "Army against exploiters".

Deer Tribe...hrmmm.... "Hey, I belong to a tribe, too! And in MY tribe...bla bla bla" (That´s when I know they´re there)
Then they always ask what the people selling ceremonies think about this film. (Duuuh, take a guess!!) 

Most of the time they don´t ask much, though, they just talk about themselves...!