At first it looks like she's just an artist with goofy ideas, but she makes bucks claiming to be doing NDN healing:
"Animal Communicator since childhood.
Angelic Communicator/Healer since childhood.
Adept channeler
Trained in MAP (Medical Assistance Program) of Perlandra. Which uses the White Brotherhood, the Higher Realms and Nature Realms to channel the healing of body, mind and spirit of client.
Trained in a traditional apprenticeship for several years with Peruvian Shaman.
Trained in shamanic soul retrieval with The Institute of Shamanic Studies.
Trained in Celtic Shamanic healing.
Conducted workshops and lectures Reiki, channeling, angels ,inner healing and spiritual connection, psychic development, crystal healing and herbs.
....Practice geared toward helping those with Chronic fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia"
She's not too confident in her own work though, comes close to admitting it could even be dangerous:
"I do forever release the practitioner and his/her insurers, and their respective officers,directors, stockholders, successors, employees and agents from all liability of any nature whatsoever, whether past, present, or future for any injury or damage which may occur to myself or my family as a result of my participation in this therapy.
I also agree to hold harmless and defend the practitioner from all actions, claims, or other legal or administrative action that has arisen or may arise directly or indirectly out of my and participation in massageor Reiki therapy.
The contents contained in this website is for entertainment purposes only."
Insurers? Stockholders? She formed a corporation?