This is the translation of the letter posted by Luisa. My translation aims at keeping close to the original regarding its lack of commas and punctuation, even though this occasionally makes sentences hard to understand:
" Hello dears,
just like you, I don't have the courage to appear publically. I saw much pseudnoym [sic] in the internet, when you read between the lines, you learn who's behind what. I also take this risk. The whole story or better the drama about „Tacan'sina“ concerns me very much. Like he and other Indian teachers taught, I asked the ancestors, what does it look like. I prepared four days for meeting the ancestors. The answer was shocking for me and I think it made me wake up. I then took up contact with one of my old Lakota teachers and told her about my experience with the ancestors. She very sincerely appealed to my conscience. She did not only talk as a spiritual teacher, but also as an Elder which she is, too. She asked me to pass this on to, then as she told me she went into a connection with the ancestors for one night.
With this, I pass on the information by HER and by the ANCESTORS. She said in order to understand the ancestors, you must listen to them several times or we [sic] here, read more than once. I read what is written here four times. The more I read, the clearer it became. At first I had to overcome disappointment and aggression, which was a strenuous task.
The information by ancestors and elders:
„You were all like babies and WE nourished you like a mother, with our knowledge, experience and love, and we gave you our ceremonies. Through you and your teacher we managed to live a great community. We all have sent you a teacher who like a cup served you. We were able to put much for you into this cup, valuable life essences which brought you to life. You greedily drank from this cup, the cup was not important to you, but it contents, you couldn't get enough of it. Did you forget this?
Now you believe, butyou only believe, you are full to the brim, you just look at the cup and realize it looks old, its outside has a few quirks, its outside is dirty. You only see the outside and it bothers you, therefore you would like to smash the cup and destroy it.
Just look at why the cup has so many outer quirks and why is it so worn? Because of intense and repeated usage! Who used it? You!!!! We never would have given our valuable essence into this cup „Tacan'sina“ if it was dirty on the inside, we take a very good look where we put the life essence into, it does not tolerate dirt, it would become 'sour' [this is a pun as the idiom has two meanings in German: some food getting off and a person getting mad].
Your behaviour makes us sad, we are disappointed. We often wonder, did you pretend or did you not understand us. You have to concentrate on the contents again, not on the cup, there is no contents without cup, did you forget this!
If you try and smash our cups, we will turn away, just go on like this and you will be hungry again and maybe even starve. We do not need you, but you need us, did you forget this? If you give all your concentration to the essence which at the moment you only give to the cup, then you will heal again and we will have the possibility to communicate with you again. Many of you are blinded by the outer appearance any many were blinded without having gone deep, and out of this energy they try, without thought or conscience, to destroy our work. You don't realize what powers have seized you. Many drink our essence from this cup, if you destroy the cup, it is just the cup that gets destroyed, but where will we put our valuable essence into??? Many will go hungry again, don't believe we go by the outer slip and use the next shiny cup. We give a careful look which cup we use for our essence. We don't force anybody to drink from the cup we offer, it is up to the individual to accept the drink. When someone tries to destroy our essence and our cups, we will have to use all means to prevent this. You cannot get us, but we can get you, don't you ever forget this! As long as you stay within this negative energy, let the Chanunpas [sic!] in their poaches.
We have a lot of patience, but this will eventually stop. You have just one health and we have got just one patience. Aho.“
My dears, I pass this on like the ancestors and elders verbally gave this to me and I ask you to read this with your heart and pass it on. I hope I will be able to sleep well again.
Everyone is responsible for themselves and should keep to themselves. Please excuse my cowardice I'm afraid and hide behind anonymity. At some point in time, we all said: „One for all, and all for one“. One cannot dispose of things from one minute to the next, I mean the inner values. Nobody tells me I've got to drink from the cup „Tacan'sina“, nobody forces me to destroy it. It does not matter whether the cup is made of gold, porcellaine, or plastic, it's the contents that count. As long as I took from the cup „Tacan'sina“, everything was full of energy and he did not teach untruths and nothing harmed me quite to the contrary.
Of all the rumours going about just a little part is true. Meanwhile a moskito has become a dinosaur. Unfortunately I have let myself drawn into it by des- and misinformation. I try to clean in front of my own door, there is enough muck there I did myself. I wonder who resp. which energy brings me to act like this? I wish you all all the best, much love, clarity, understanding and courage to hold in and turn around!
Aho mitakuye oyasin
P.S. I will send this letter to many of you. As I don't have all the addresses of the persons I know and therefore ask you to pass the information on to as many as possible. It concerns us all and we are all responsible.“
If this letter was in fact written by Kohfink, it must be rather seen as a desperate attempt to make his students stay, with a little sweet talk and some thinly veiled threats.
I would like to ask his students to think: Kohfink does not speak any indigenous language. He said his alleged grandfather was a Mandan, but the few words of an ndn language Kohfink uses in abysmally wrong pronouciation are Lakota. Kohfink also does not speak much English; his vocabulary is limited and his accent awful. It looks like he doesn't have the means to communicate with any elders, be they Lakota or from different nations, in the very first place.
Apart from that, the spelling and grammar in the above letter also is quite abysmal, especially coming from a person boasting a doctorate done at a philosophical faculty.
The above letter is full of notions and concepts used in the nuage scene but unknown to ndn cultures.
Kohfink has nothing to give you and never had. Instead he took from you – money, sexual favours, good will. He exploited, abused, even raped you – and still you claim you do not want to 'judge' him. What else must happen before you do take a stand, and see he is nothing but an exploiter, a rapist whom you should not defend but turn your back on?
If the above letter was written by Kohfink to once again tighten the grip on his students, then it is greed and lust for profit talking. They say money talks. Perhaps it does, so here's a few figures: Kohfink apparently does seminars on most weekends of the year, and despite the limits given for a maximum of participants, he accepted almost double that number.
So if there are 40 participants paying e.g. EURO 100 for a weekend seminar, this will amount to EURO 4,000. How many weekend seminars a month? With two, he will have an intake of EURO 8,000 per month, with three seminars the sum amounts to EURO 12,000. Per year this will be EURO 48,000, EURO 96,000, and EURO 144,000 respectively.
All this money he takes in for telling the same stories about his alleged grandfather time and again. What is even worse: he makes you pay for him to bonk you and worse.
We have heard that students have to pay EURO 80 per day for participating in his „medicine circle“, and that there were up to 80 students. So let's say Kohfink has got 50 paying students in this circle. At one day of instructions per month, this makes another EURO 4,000 or EURO 48,000 a year – for as many as 80 students with just one day of 'teachings', the sum amounts to EURO 76,800 per year.
You will know how many days of 'instruction' you had to pay for each month.
To this income, add whatever he charges for individual sessions. for sweatlodges, for teachings at his summer camps. So we are talking about an intake of at least EURO 100,000, but probably rather EURO 200,000 and above – this is 200,000 and more very good reasons to prefer you to remain dependent believers.
How much money do YOU make per month, per year? And do you earn it for telling lots of rhubarb and little wisdom, or for f.... around and laying anyone not up a tree after you counted to three?
Regarding the musings that one of the posters here may be Kohfink himself:
It is futile to speculate who is behind which nick in this forum – this will only divert the victims and prevent their taking actions in solidarity. As a rule of thumb, exploiters and plastics do not like to come here and run the risk of having their arguments torn to pieces. They prefer to send students to defend them, as they are of course waaay to 'spirchul' to discuss matters with us. Of course, this leaves them the chance to bash students when their discussions with us are not successfull (If you learned better, paid more attention, advanced more, you would have passed the discussion with flying colours, so you need to pay for many, many more teachings and courses...).
German translation:
Wenn dieser Brief tatsächlich von Kohfink geschrieben wurde, kann dies nur als verzweifelter Versuch gesehen werden, seine Studenten zu behalten, mit Zuckerbrot und dürftig verhüllten Drohungen.
Ich möchte seine StudentInnen bitten nachzudenken: Kohfink spricht keine indigenen Sprachen. Sein angeblicher Großvater soll Mandan gewesen sein, aber die paar Worte einer indigenen Sprache, die Kohfink in grottenhaft falscher Aussprache verwendet, sind Lakota. Kohfink spricht außerdem auch nicht viel Englisch; sein Vokabular ist begrenzt und er spricht mit grauenvollem Akzent. Es sieht also ganz danach aus, daß er kaum bis gar nicht mit irgendwelchen Elders kommunizieren kann, seien dies nun Lakota oder Personen aus anderen nations.
Abgesehen davon sind auch Rechtschreibung, Zeichensetzung und Grammatik in dem Brief unterirdisch, insbesondere für jemand, der einen Doktortitel an einer philosophischen Fakultät erworben haben will.
Der oben zitierte Brief reiht etliche Begriffe und Vorstellungen aneinander, die der Esoterik-Szene zuzurechnen sind, jedoch indigenen Kulturen fremd sind.
Kohfink hat und hatte euch nichts zu geben. Stattdessen hat er von euch genommen – Geld, sexuelle Dienste, Gutwilligkeit. Er hat viele von euch ausgebeutet, mißbraucht, einige sogar vergewaltigt – und immer noch wollt ihr ihn „nicht beurteilen“. Was muß denn noch geschehen, bevor ihr einen Standpunkt einnehmen und sehen mögt, daß er nichts weiter als ein Ausbeuter, ein Vergewaltiger ist, den ihr nicht verteidigen, sondern von dem ihr euch freimachen solltet?
Wenn der Brief von Kohfink geschrieben wurde, um seine StudentInnen wieder fester in die Hand zu bekommen, dann spricht daraus Gier und Profitstreben. Es heißt ja, Geld hat eine eigene Sprache. Vielleicht stimmt das, daher hier mal ein paar Zahlenbeispiele: Kohfink führt offenbar an den meisten Wochenenden im Jahr Seminare durch, und trotz der genannten maximale Teilnehmerzahlen akzeptiert er cirka doppelt so viele Teilnehmer.
Wenn z.B. 40 TeilnehmerInnen sagen wir EURO 100 für ein Wochenendseminar zahlen, sind dies zusammen EURO 4.000 pro Wochenende. Wie viele Wochenendseminare pro Monat? Bei zwei Seminaren sind dies Einnahmen von EURO 8.000 pro Monat, bei drei ergeben sich bereits EURO 12.000. Hochgerechnet auf ein Jahr sind dies EURO 48.000, EURO 96.000 bzw. EURO 144.000.
Und dieses Geld streicht er dafür ein, daß er immer wieder dieselben Anekdoten über seinen angeblichen Großvater erzählt. Was noch schlimmer ist: er läßt sich dafür bezahlen, euch zu bumsen und Schlimmeres.
Es wurde berichtet, daß StudentInnen für die Teilnahme an seinem „Medizinkreis“ EURO 80 pro Tag zahlen müssen und daß es bis zu 80 StudentInnen gab. Nehmen wir an, Kohfink hat in diesem Kreis 50 zahlende StudentInnen. Bei nur einem Tag Unterricht im Monat sind dies weitere EURO 4.000 oder Einnahmen von EURO 48.000 jährlich. Bei 80 StudentInnen mit nur einem Tag 'Ausbildung' monatlich sind wir bei Einnahmen von EURO 76.800 pro Jahr.
Ihr wißt selbst, wieviele Tage 'Ausbildung' ihr jeden Monat bezahlen mußtet.
Zu diesen Einnahmen addiert noch die Gebühren für Einzelsitzungen, für Schwitzhütten, für die 'teachings' in seinen Sommercamps dazu. Wir sprechen über Einnahmen von mindestens EURO 100.000 pro Jahr, aber vermutlich tatsächlich von EURO 200.000 und mehr – dies sind über 200.000 gute Gründe es vorzuziehen, daß ihr abhängige Gläubige bleibt.
Wieviel verdient IHR im Jahr? Und werdet ihr dafür bezahlt, jede Menge Unsinn und nur wenig Weisheiten von euch zu geben? Werdet ihr gar fürs Herumvögeln mit jeder Person bezahlt, die bei Drei nicht auf den Bäumen sitzt?!
Hinsichtlich der Überlegungen, einer der Poster hier könnte Kohfink selbst sein:
Solche Spekulationen, wer hinter welchem Nick steckt, sind müßig – dadurch wird nur unter den Opfern Uneinigkeit geschürt und verhindert, daß sie miteinander solidarisch sind. Im Regelfall kommen Plastikschamanen und Ausbeuter nicht hierher und gehen das Risiko ein, daß ihre Argumente gründlichst widerlegt werden. Sie ziehen es vor, ihre StudentInnen hier auftreten zu lassen, um sie zu verteidigen und mit uns zu diskutieren. Natürlich sind die Plastikschamanen immer viiiieeel zu 'spirituell' für solche Diskussionen und außerdem hat es natürlich den Vorteil, daß sie die StudentInnen ausschimpfen können, wenn deren Diskussionen mit uns nicht erfolgreich verlaufen (Du hättest besser und mehr lernen müssen, besser zuhören, mehr Fortschritte machen, dann hättest du bei der Diskussion eine bessere Figur abgegeben, also brauchst du noch viel, viel mehr 'teachings' und Kurse...).