Author Topic: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani  (Read 308153 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Tacansina Miwatani ( hereinafter TM for convenience) claims to be of ndn descent, sells ceremonies in Gemany and Austria,
and courses in which he trains more 'medicine persons'. His original name is nowhere mentioned on his shame-on site
although it's a

Some other websites give the name as "Tacansina Kalagin" or "J.-M. Kalagin". His legal name might be/might have
been J.-Michael Kohfink, as I found the following expertise with his name, a few titles, and postal and e-mail addresses:
"Institute for radio geology
J.- Michael Kohfink
This Association of European Senators is somewhat obscure, as they have got a website, but get mentioned nowhere
else in the net, nor in any other media.

Mr Kohfink apparently married a person by the name of Kalagin and seems to have decided to take on her family name
as it sounds less German. We may assume the lady is Russian, or of Russian descent.

Here's a part of his website in translation.

"Mitakuye Oyasin!*"
There is a footnote on this page explaining the alleged pronounciation and meaning. The pronounciation was
incorrectly given as  /mitakoodje oyassin/ until a 2006 update of the site when it was changed to /mitakudsche/
which is simply more favourable for German non-English speakers to pick up.

Tacan'sina is a descendant of the Numataki-Mandan. The Mandan lived in North Dakota/USA and
 Canada. His greatgrandfather was a shaman and one of the last Mandan to survive the epidemics in 1837.

Tacan'sina grew up in Suebia/Germany. Having finished university, he went back to his people at Turtle
Island (North America). He spent many years with his Tunka'shila, his grandfather, on the reservation in
Meander River/Alberta in the North of Canada. There he learned the wisdoms from his grandfather and has
received his knowledge from great teachers and shamans. In 1992, Tacan'sina was appointed a shaman by
the "Council of Twelve". In 1997 he received his last initiation and took over the shamanism of his grandfather.

How can someone *go back* to *his* people when in fact he goes to meet someone for the very first time?
Another aspect is that apparently TM assumes his grandfather to be extremely long-lived, if he was to be a
survivor of the 1837 epidemics. It is, however, even more unlikely that said grandfather, even if born not
earlier than 1837, should have been alive in 1997  - at the age of 160! Apparently, simple mathmatics is not
among TM's talents, nor does it seem to occur to his 'scholars' here in Germany. Well, either that, or the
Guiness Book got an entry wrong.

According to: the people living at Meander River are the
Dene Tha' Band. But perhaps the Canadians can't tell the Dene Tha' and the Mandan apart?

It is also quite evident that the alleged Mandan grandfather used Lakota expressions, like tunkasila and
mitakuye oyasin etc. So it gets even more mysterious: a Mandan living among the Dene Tha' speaking
Lakota. However, granddad's knowledge of the Lakota language, unsurprisingly, was somewhat limited, as
further parts of the website will reveal - plus we will see gramps did not know how to pronounce Lakota, as he
taught TM more quite exotic pronounciations of the mentioned /mitakudshe/ quality.

For many years now he has been working as a shaman in North, Central, South America, and Europe
in the tradition of his ancestors and the other Natives of America (Indians). Taca'sina acts on their behalf
bringing Indian knowledge to Europe.
In North America he received the name TACAN'SINA MIWATANI (Great Bear of the Mandan)
In South America, he received the name of INTI'C WAIRA (Sun Wind).

I wondered about the translation TM gives, but then found out that the Lakota name for the Big Dipper is
'Tacansina', while the German name for this constellation is 'Grosser Baer', i.e. Great Bear. One should take
due note that the term 'tacansina' in English means 'corpse carrier' - which apparently TM does not know. But I
very much like the name and think he has chosen aptly: The Corpse Carrier of the Mandan....

Perhaps a reader knowing the Aymara language can fill us in about the real meaning of TM's alleged 'South
American' name Inti'c Waira.

About Tacan'sina's work

Tacan'sina is available for various sacred acts like Indian wedding, blessing of children, rites of passage,
initiation rites girl ->woman and boy ->man, consecration of appartments and houses, going back to former   
lives, calling back souls, search for power animals etc.

In case of severe illness, he helps as a mediator and pathfinder to the healing-spirits (healing rituals
according to ancient Mandan tradition).
He also does medicine wheels, rituals of healing Mother Earth, sun rituals, moon rituals (half moon and full 
moon), sweatlodges, drum journeys, pipe rituals, vision quests, spiritual journeys to North, Central, and
South America and much more.

Tacan'sina offers help to protect against negative influence from outside (black magic problems) through
cleansing rituals, protection rituals, production of protective totems etc. In case of burdening by spiritism,
possession by demons or ghosts which harm the body and exert an influence in house and environment, he 
gives help with smudging ceremonies.

He does seminars and speaks about issues of shamanism, keeping and healing of "Mother Earth", of every
day life and soiritual love.

He also supplies different incense and power stones from temple and power places like Machu Picchu (Peru),
Tiahuanaco (Bolivia), Black Hills, Serpent Mound/Ohio and Pipestone/Minnesota (USA), Palenque and Monte
Alban (Mexico, Tikal (Guatemala) etc."

TM offers a variety of esoteric rituals, though it is not quite the 'usual' mix, as he also covers black magic,
demons which, needless to emphasize, do not belong to Mandan tradition.

There are several words from indigenous language(s) to be found at TM's website. It does not make TM's
story of a Mandan grandfather all that plausible when one realizes that some of these words are Lakota, not
Mandan, while other words can't be found in Lakota/Dakota dictionaries and speakers of this language do not
recognize them.

- Miwatani
TM uses this term for the Mandan people. It is, however, the name the Lakota gave them, instead of the name
the Mandan use. A granddad fluent in Mandan, as a medicine man must be, did not teach TM that basic
piece of information?

- tunkashila
TM uses this term correctly as 'grandfather'. It is once again not a Mandan word, but Lakota.

- okandada wakan
According to TM, this term means 'medicine wheel'. 'Wakan' again comes from the Lakota/Dakota language,
however, the word 'okandada' cannot be found in either Lakota or Dakota language, according to my
research. 'Sacred hoop' in Lakota language would be 'cangleska wakan', so perhaps we'll see a few hasty
corrections made at TM's site once he discovers this thread at NAFPS.

- canglesa takata
According to TM, this is the name of his very own 'medicine path'; TM says it means 'Circle of Future'.
However, 'canglesa' is not to be found in Lakota/Dakota, while 'cangleska' exists and means 'circle'. 'Takata'
again cannot be found in Lakota/Dakota, while there is the word 'tokata' which means 'future'. I again predict
hasty adjustments at TM's website once he has read this entry.

- inipi, han-ble-c'iya
Again taken from Lakota language

Persons made 'medicine people' and 'shamanic students' by TM apparently receive their own 'genuine' ndn 
names, as one can see in a text TM wrote on a trip to Canada taken in 2006. His students received the
following names:
Mato Witko - a Lakota name, no glitch this time
Mato Huka - 'mato' means 'bear', but the word 'huka' is not Lakota
Sa Sunali - 'sa' could be Lakota (red), but 'sunali' definitely is not
Orgato Me - cannot be Lakota as this language does not have 'r' and 'g' sounds
I would also like to point out that TM does not give translations for any of these names at his site. He seems to
tell students the alleged translations, as some of his students use their 'genuine Indian name' for promotion at
their own websites (cf part two).

Please do read this - you never heard the legend told like this before....

The Legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman

In the year of 1753, the same vision came to various Indian peoples (Hopi, Zuni, Navayo [sic], Cheyenne,
Shawnee, Mandan, Cree etc.) at the same time.The vision said:

'... there will be a summer when a white buffalo calf is born. When this white calf is born, the Red Man will soon
leave his path.'

This white buffalo calf was born in 1890. In 1890, the Indian had to leave his path of freedom and his natural
religions - by being forced onto reservations. The "White Man" defeated the "Red Man", almost to extinction. 
The same vision said:
' ... many summers will pass, then another white buffalo calf will be born. This is a token that the Red Man will
return to his path.'

In 1994, a white buffalo calf was born in Nevada/USA. Since this time, the Indians once again are living deeply
in their ancient natural religions. The ancient ceremonies are being practiced again, the Sundance is done
again etc. Since 1976 the Indians have regained their religious freedom.

The vision continues:
'... after a short time there will be a summer which will bring four white buffalo calves at the same time. When
these white calves are born and have come to the age of four years, then Ptecin'cala Ska Wakan Winan
(White Buffalo Calf Woman) will come and bring the New Cosmic Laws to the people.'

In the summer of 2000, four white buffalo calves were born at four different places in North America. These
calves were strongly guarded and hidden at differing locations. Because there were orders from high up to kill
these calves.

In summer 2004, the four white calves were set free after their fourth birthday.
We all must help with the power of our prayers to prepare the ground for the return of the White Buffalo Calf
Woman to receive the New Cosmic Laws!

This part of the site contains ads for TM's various events. Please note there are price tags.

Detailed description of the seminars and workshops may be seen in the seminars section.
Please apply in due time and in writing to Tacan'sina (cf. Contact). As soon as a down payment of EURO 100
has been received, participation is fixed. Cancelling will only be possible up until 2 weeks prior to the seminar.

May 9-12, 2008
Whitsun Seminar with spiritual sweatlodge, fire, and thunderlodge ritual
The seminar starts Friday, May 9 at 7 p.m. when we begin to arrange the sweatlodge. We will work intensively
in the medicine wheel with healing ceremonies and vision quests. Sunday night we will do a thunderlodge, a
healing ceremony with the healing spirits according to ancient Indian tradition.
We will not have a progamme which is realized precisely on schedule. We will be guided by the momentary
energy, by the preparedness of the participants, weather conditions, situation in the house etc.
We will practice trust from which the qualities of wisdom will grow, like clarity, objectivity and letting go. We will
speak about changes in our life, our actions in bordering situations and rituals which will help us to cope with
The seminar will be closed by a chanunpa[sic] ceremony (holy pipe ritual).

May 31, 2008
"Nature seen from the Indians' view"
Seminar from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., fee: EURO 85
Place: Hamburg For exact info pls call [...]

June 1, 2008
"Conscious thinking, acting, living - overcoming anxieties"
Seminar from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., fee: EURO 85

June 20-25, 2008
"Indian Summer" in Lackenhof
Friday June 20: "Nature seen from the Indians' view"
Meeting 'mother earth', ceremony of giving thanks to earth
Saturday June 21, "Inipi - spiritual sweatlodge"
Ceremony of cleansing in the Mandan tradition
Sunday, June 22: "Power animals - totem animals"
Seeking the power animals, working with and treatment of power animals
Monay, June 23: "Herbal walk" at the Oetscher mountain
Gathering healing herbs in the Indians' tradition
Tuesday, June 24: "Natural beings and their tasks in nature"
Finding natural beings. How to deal with gnomes, dwarves, fairies, trolls etc.
Wednesday, June 25: "The Indian nature religion"
The "spiritual world" as seen from the Indians' view
Place: Hotel**** "Jagdhof" Lackenhof [Austria]
Fees: double room/full meals EURO 70 per person and day, single room: EURO 85 per day, workshops in
total: EURO 280, singular day: EURO 90

August 11-17, 2008
"Indian Summer" in Murrhardt/Kieselhof
Tuesday: Aug 12: "Inipi - spiritual sweatlodge"
Wednesday, Aug 13: "Nature seen from the Indians' view"
Thursday, Aug 14: "Power animals - totem animals"
Friday, Aug 15: "Ceremonial painting and dream cathcers" in the tradition of the Indians
Saturday, Aug 16: Initiations, chanunpa and inipi ceremonies
Sunday, Aug 17: "The Indian nature religion"
Pls inquire exact fees for accom and meals (in the seminar house or tent resp.)"

Both the seminar at Whitsun as the 'Indian summer' seem to be regular events and have already been offered
in the previous years, at the following prices:

"June 2-5, 2006 Whitsun Seminar, Kieselhof
Fee: EURO 210, accom please inquire (EURO 15-35 per day plus full meals for additional EURO 27 per day) [...]"

"June 13-16, 2006 Vision Quest in Glottertal/Black Forrest
Searching for meaning and self healing: 4 days and 3 nights on your own and fasting in the wilderness.
Tacan'sina will remain in an accessible basis camp and will see to physical and psychic safety and supports
the vision seekers with ceremonies and rituals all around the clock.
Fee: EURO 350,- Limited number of participants, please apply early in writing with Tacan'sina!"

"July 14-23, 2006 "Indian Summer" in Lackenhof am Oetscher/Austria
Summer workshops for cleansing and healing
Arrival: Thursday July 13
- Friday: "Nature from the view of the Indians"
Meeting Mother Earth, ceremony of giving thanks to earth
- Saturday: "Inipi ceremony" (spiritual sweatlodge)
To cover the lodge, everyone should bring two old woollen blankets, please, as well as a large towel and a
smaller towel to sit on.
- Sunday: "The Power Animals/Totem Animals"
Search for power animals, working and dealing with power animals
- Monday "Herb Walk" at the Oetscher mountain
Gathering herbs in the tradition of the Indians
- Tuesday: "Nature beings and their task"
- Wednesday: "The Indian natural religion"
The "spiritual world" from an Indian view"
"Additional offer (more details please obtain from Tacan'sina per phone):
Thursday: individual session with Tacan'sina
- Saturday/Sunday: shamanic family constellation
Fee: EURO 280 for six days and EURO 80 per day. Booking per day possible. Please bring wool blanket and
mat (for outside work).
Accomodation in the Bio-Wellness Hotel Jagdhof, A-3295 Lackenhof
EURO 50 -60 per person with two meals a day.[...]"

Judging from the schedule, he seems to prefer speaking about the same issues during his seminars; the
comment 'same ole, same ole' comes to mind.

TM has created his own TM for his 'shamanic work':

"Canglesa Takata - the Circle of Future

This is the internationally protected trademark for the shamanic work of Tacan'sina.
This logo may only be used with his approval by persons belonging to the circle as students, supportive
members, and appointed regulars.
And here, again after all, is the link to the protected membership part.

TM also exploits ndn projects and ndn spiritual leaders in an attempt to achieve credibility. To this end, he
links to the buffalo project of Henry Red Cloud and to KILI radio. Both, once again, are not Mandan but Lakota.

It is quite an insolence that TM also uses the Declaration of War against exploitation of ndn spirituality signed
by various spiritual leaders in order to 'prove' his credibility as a spirchul person while he clearly presents
himself as a rather uninformed imitator and exploiter of ndn spirituality.
Furthermore, TM also 'allows' other persons to publish the Declaration of War on their websites:
There is a statement by TM:
"This declaration - which has been slightly abriged here - was published by all Indian media and caused
some commotion.
Those who sold participation in sacred ceremonies to New-Agers and white esoterics against money will have
a difficult time to continue this in future.
Tacan´sina Miwatani"

TM seems to organize camps for his 'students' - he publishes photos of last year's camp at his site:
Judging from the word used, TM and his followers see these annual gatherings as 'tribal meetings', as this is
the English translation of the German term 'Stammestreffen'.

TM also does Family Constellations (Hellinger), cf. the following ad:

"Family Constellation

In many cases, past events or disharmonies in the family will burden us, even though we are not conscious of
them. These burdens may have effects on the physical, mental or psychic level.
The Indian shaman Tacan 'Sina[sic] creates family order with us and thus solves these blockades. Often a
pioneering step to the path to physical and mental wellbeing. Through is ability to see the aura, he knows
when order has been achieved.
Pls book quickly!
Seminar leader: Tacan 'Sina
Your possibilities:
Constellation of family of origin (EURO 150,-)
Constellation of present family (EURO 150,-)
Participation as a supernumarary (EURO 20,-)
For the dates listed below, individual counceling by shaman Tacan 'Sina will be available. Pls book quickly. Fee: EURO 70

Amazon comes up with a video by TM, although it is not available any longer:
The brief text says:
An Indian discloses the secrets of shamanism to us. What is shamanism? This video lecture is marked by the 
ancient knowledge of the Indians and peoples close to nature. This lecture offers a deep insight into the secret 
knowledge of these peoples and their teachings of salvation, their spiritual connection to the spirit world and
its rituals with the elements. Tacansina Miwasanis [sic] is an important figure and gives you an introduction to
this knowledge."


According to information obtained from former students of TM, he is not able to speak any ndn language, and
even his command of the English language is modest, despite his claim of having lived with his grandfather 
for seven years and having been trained by him to become a medicine man. His attempts at pronoucing the
few words of Lakota and alleged Lakota were said to be deplorable, so e.g. he mispronounces his name
as /takann seena/ or /takann zeena/ which is far from correct, and also mispronounces the term 'tunkashila'

The usual price tag coming with a weekend seminar was said to be EURO 180, although reductions can be
negotiated. With reports claiming about 50-60 students for one weekend seminar, this makes for a nice intake
for two days. Ex-students report there are seminars on almost every weekend, during which TM also offers
individual treatment which is not included in the seminar fee and must be paid additionally.

Former students also report that the amount of spiritual 'teachings' during these weekend seminars is fairly
limited and that TM spends most of the time indulging in anecdotes from his past which get repeated time and
again. They also mention that TM does not do any songs in an indigenous language, so one should perhaps
assume he does not know any. According to information received, TM will accept women on their moons in
sweats, and proclaims female 'pipe carriers' and medicine women even though these persons did not yet
arrive at their menopause. He is also said to never put down the quite numerous metal jewelry he wears on
hands and wrists before taking up his pipe.

As is reported by former students, not only does TM pass out titles of medicine men (after some 2 months of
'teachings'), but apparently also bestows the right to these persons to take on students themselves who will
also receive titles by the persons having been trained by him. This rather sounds like a snowball system of
'make shame-ons, make more shame-ons'.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 12:36:43 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline Ingeborg

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Part TWO   --   TM's Students

Some of his students meanwhile are active frauds, too. Below a few sites maintained by several of these students:

The paragraph is the usual BS about 'my red path' and thanks to TM for accepting him as a student. I would also like to point out that he writes "philamayaye" instead of the correct term, and again this is not Mandan, but Lakota language.
The site of a naturopath; he announces he is a 'member of Caglesa Takata since 2004'.
This lady claims she is a medical doctor (calls herself 'Dr. med'), but according to her bio is working as a naturopath. The last paragraph in her bio says:
"Another main emphasis of my work is the Indian shamanism. Since 2005, I'm a student of Tacansina Miwatani, an Indian shaman of the Mandan (Lakota).

In 2007, I received the initiation to become a student of Indian medicine woman, as well as my first Indian name, Wahanksica. After a vision quest, I received the name Sentasiá ohé."

Someone please tell Fantasia ole - errrm, sorry: Sentasia ohe that the Mandan are not part of the Lakota nation but different nations. I haven't checked this name, but I'm confident no Lakota or Mandan speaker will be able to identify it. Perhaps we may coin the term 'TM speak' for these names.
Another lady who says she has been trained by TM; she uses Lakota terms for the name of her website.

Another Austrian TM student:

"As a student of the Indian shaman Tacan'sina Miwatani it is my aim to reconnect to mother earth and father sky.
I have been initiated as
- sweatlodge leader
- teacher of Cosmic Laws for children
- keeper and carrier of the chanunpa (holy pipe)
- student to become an Indian medicine woman (carrier of a medicine bundle)
Mato Tau Win - The Woman to whom the bear came
Wi Sunali - Morning Moon"
Her site also provides a photo - . Judging from this photo, I severly doubt this lady is past her menopause.

Another Austrian site:

"The Raindrop Technique®
During the 80ies, Gary Young in cooperation with Lakota medicine man Wallace Black Elk developed this aroma application in which two worlds unite: one the one hand the world of etheric oils, produced from the most exquisite plants of nature, and on the other hand the world of energetic grips of the Lakota Indians. By their strong deep effects this treatment will have effects both at a physical and an emotional level.
A raindrop treatment will take between 60 and 90 minutes at EURO 65,-. For more information and arrangement of appointments see my contact data here.

My training:
Since July 2005, I am a student of Tacansina[sic] Miwatani, Shaman of the Tribe of Mandan.
From October 2006, I took a training as a Raindrop Practitioner"

This I found in a forum for commercial ads:
Categories: Services > other > offers
"Spiritual cancer companion
Fee: EURO 54 fixed price
Counceling in Bach Blossom and Master Essence, shamanic house cleansing after diseases, moving house, arguments, burglaries, or in order to energize your rooms. Students of 'Tacansina" (shaman of the Mandan)"

Offline educatedindian

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Dene Tha are also called Slavey. They're distant relatives of Apache, similar language and culture. No relation to Mandan I know of, and don't live anywhere near them. The Slavey are in Yukon Territory in Canada, Mandan are in North Dakota.

Jodi Rave is a fairly well known Mandan journalist who went after Ward Churchill for using a false version of Mandan oral tradition. She might be interested in TM and his claims.

I'm sure the Hopi will be amazed to hear that the white buffalo prophecy is part of their tradition too.

Offline earthw7

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Oh My God where do these people crawl out of???

Even Jodie is a descendant of the Mandan people.
The mandan have descendant on the Three Affilated

In Spirit

Offline Cetan

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I passed his website link along to friends on Ft Berthold who are Mandan descent. This is the reply I got back
I checked out the internet website and don't know anyone of them who are of Mandan descent. I replied with an email to them and hope they give me a reply. I believe the web designer got the tribes mixed up and should have said "Various Sioux Tribes". Have to go, have company.

Offline Ingeborg

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These are a few more site of Tacansina students, most of them offer ceremonies, too:
This gentleman goes by the name of Wonka Cocata (votever zis meanz). His site, however, is
still under construction but already gives his name and 'title':
"Wonka Cocata - medicine man"
The site belongs to:
Frank Blümlinger
Naturopath, Psychologist (Diploma)
68723 Plankstadt

Excerpt from his intro:
"Shamanic Work is accompanying me now for more than 12 years. Since 2004, I am a member
of Canglesa Takata following the Indian medicine path of the Mandan, and a student of the shaman
Tacan'sina Miwatani.
I carry a medicine bundle and they call me by a medicine name: Orgato me (Who walks his
This site advertizes events with Blümlinger:

"May 31, 2008
Healing Sweatlodge, 1 day seminar
healing, Indians, nature experience, rituals, shamanism, sweatlodge, transformation
FEE: € 50 plus voluntary donation

June 26, 2008
Spiritual Journey to Power Places at Schwaebische Alb
earth harmonizing, adventure journeys, Indians, journeys to power places, meditation, nature
experience, rituals, shamanism
seminar of 4-7 days
from: June 26, 2008
to: June 29, 2008
Thursday 8:30 a.m. to Sunday 6 p.m.
normal: € 195 plus accom (about € 25-30 per night incl breakfast)
early bookings: € 180 (booked before March 1, 2008)

August 30, 2008 Night Sweatlodge
healing, Indians, nature experience, rituals, shamanism, sweatlodge, transformation
from: Aug 30, 2008
to: Aug 31, 2008
start Sat 5.30 p.m. till Sun 11 a.m/open end
normal: € 50"

This is a Swiss site:

As an aside: yes, this translates as "Four Winds"
This project is run by "Daniel and Sylvia"
Daniel's intro closes with the words:
"mitakuye oyasin - (Lakota, pronounced: mitakoodshe oyassin)"

They are selling ceremonies:*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
in the tradition of "Tacan'sina Miwatani" Lakota Indian"
Date: Sat, September 13, 2008
Time: 2 p.m. to approx 9 p.m.
Fee: SFR 90 per person"
Either Daniel and Sylvia happen to be inattentive students and made a mistake about Tacansina
being Lakota, or they did hear a different story.

Another student selling seminars:
From her bio:

"I was born June 19, 1964 in Berlin as Birgit Musielak. [...]
It is of special importance to me to offer seminars during which the first place is devoted to support
persons in their personal development. And I would like to enable like-minded persons to meet
each other.
For this, I founded Visions Unlimited.
I received the name of Soma'ate (Walks to the Sun) during my Indian Vision Quest."

Ms Ate Soma - errm: Soma'ate wants us to inquire in person about seminars and their date, place,
and price tags.
From her bio:
"- Since January 2004, I am a student of Tacan'sina, shaman of the people of Numakaki-Mandan
(North America)
- Initiation as a healer"

Her real genuine Indian name (TM) happens to be Wahcawin. Ms Zellfelder, too,  offers various
ceremonies and healings, but wants customers to inquire about date, place, and fees.
"Initated as
- sweatlodge leader
- teacher of the Cosmic Laws for children
- Keeper and Carrier of the Chanunpa (sacred pipe)
- student to become an Indian medicine women (carrier of medicine bundle)"

The real genuine ndn names she received are:
"Mato Tau Win - Woman to whom the bear came
Wi Sunali - Morning Moon"
Here's her price tags:
"Building and using a medicine wheel
At Ybbsthalerhütte
May 29-30, 2008, EURO 90,-
incl. accom for one night, dinner and breakfast"
"Our Indian group has put up our tipi in the Sauerland region.
Kept lovingly by Lioba and Hopá Thee.
Walk the red path together.
Since 2008, there is a supporting training group in the Sauerland region, "Stone Circle".

The name "Hopá Thee" seems quite in line with the garbled fake ndn names handed out by
Tacansina. The gentleman's real-life name is a rather unspectacular 'Norbert Lehmann' according to
the site's imprint. Lehmann's site offers four links, the first being to the Tacansina site, the second 
goes to the site of Christian Wuenstel (Tacansina student),  while the third link leads to the site of
Susanne Tampier-Neuhaus-Schwermann:
Her training has been Reiki and Aura Soma stuff mainly, but there is also this entry:
May 2007: meditation seminar with Shaman STANDING EAGLE
(who has been mentioned at NAFPS before)
July 2007 visit to FINDHORN COMMUNITY, North Scotland

Here's Lehmann's virtual 'business card':
Hopá Thee    Modoc people

is the Indian name of Norbert Lehmann.
He received it in May 2007 during a vision quest from his Indian ancestors.
Transmitted and accompanied by the shaman Tacan'sina. The name means in
"I come to you"
Hopá Thee views his work in the Here and Now as his task.
Mitakuye oyasin   A How ! ! !
I come to you, too.

For info regarding prices and additional cost please follow the link.
Individual work - dream journey - or please inquire directly
SMS or mobile 0160 9494 xxxx or mail.
various 'Indian group' events posted, some with a price tag, some without, e.g.:
July 12 + 13, 2008  Indian group  Hopá Thee + Lioba   € 150,- Transformation weekend

For those events coming without a fixed price, the entry says 'donation'; when you click at the word
'donation' [Spendenbasis], a new page opens with a lot of nuage garbage about giving and taking
which ends with this remark:
"Many thanks for your backflow which at the same time for us is a measure for what we pass on", i.e.:
the more you give, the more valuable you see what we 'teach'."

This is another Tacansina student selling sweats as well as ndn style craft he does. Part of his site is
very interesting as it offers an impression of the stuff Tacansina teaches: e.g. reincarnation, which is
no ndn tradition. Apart from that, a lot of stereotypes get applied in his 'teachings', too, some of
it quite blatantly racist:
The following text is translated in excerpts:

"This is the life story of Wonka, 'Who comes from the wolf'

It happened about in the time during the years 1850 and 1880.
My name is Wonka. I am 'He who comes from the wolf', from the tribe of Blackfeet [sic]. Our peoples
live as warrior tribes on the north-western Prairies along the Rocky Mountains. [...]

One day, when I toured through the mountain world of the Rocky Mountains, I  happened to spot an
Irish trapper. The Blackfoot [sic] were feared for their being very aggressive, since they attacked
almost everything walking on two legs and downright slaughtered everyone not belonging to their own
tribe. So I attacked this imposter immediately with the aim of killing him.[...]"
"Presently, I live in Bavaria near the town of Landshut with two sleigh dogs, 'Nuits' and 'Cheyenne'.
I own a vast estate there which is in part forrest. Because I felt isolated from nature in the house, I have
built a wooden hut near the forest where I spend most of my time. As soon as I open the door, I get
into contact with plants and animals around me.

Under the guidance of the shaman Tacan'sina who is my friend, we built an Indian medicine wheel
there which was activated by him. Thus a power place has been created which is open for every
person seeking aid and advice, and at the same time it serves for earth healing through the energies
which come into being through the sacre medicine wheel.

In April 2001, during a sweatlodge ceremony, I was asked by Tunkashila, the granfather from the spirit
world, whether I was willing to accept the post of a sweatlodge leader. Since I am very intent on living
the Indian Way actively, I accepted, and then was initiated by the shaman Tacan'sina who led the

In September 2001, I visited the old homeland of our souls with Tacan'sina. The Canadian Rockies.
We came to Lake Louise, where the two of us had lived at the same time and traveled on to Maligne
Lake, to visit Spirit Island. Tacan'sina led us to a large clearing at Lake Maligne where he built a
nature's altar to do a ceremony.During this powerful ceremony, I was asked by the ancestors of my
Indian incarnation, whether I was prepared to continue the medicine of my ancestors and to learn the
knowledge and the sacred rituals. I accepted in order to continue right where it stopped in earlier
I am very intent to help people seeking aid and assistance in our times,  therefore I am very grateful
for the trust the spirit world has in me and that this door has been opened for me to be a shaman
student and learn sacred knowledge.
I often get asked where my Indian approach and way of life comes from and since when I was this way.
Since I am able to think, I have been attracted to what is Indian, and the more I do this, the more
opens up and the freer I get.
Those who know do not need to doubt any longer.
I think it is all connected to my last incarnation, in which I lived in the Rocky Mountains as a Blackfoot

Mr Wolf also sells sweats:
"It is up to the individual whether they enter the sweatlodge naked according to ancient tradition,
whether they wear swimsuits or a loincloth, or whether they wrap in a large towel.
[...] I do the ceremony following the tradition of the Lakota Indians. I have been called as a sweatlodge
leader by the spirit world and have been initiated by the shaman Tacan'sina. Therefore I am
authorized to conduct this very ancient sacred Indian ceremony.

Dates: Every Saturday prior (or at) new moon
Time: 6 p.m. (end approx 12 p.m.)
FEE: € 30,-

Here's a few interesting photos:
"Wonk's" arts & craft shop:

Another student offering ceremonies:
"Welcome between heaven and earth with
THATÉ NA OKH??TE – 'The Wind blows and is hot"

[translator's note: Once again this appalling preference for - errm digestive processes... The
connotations are exactly the same in German language, btw. German folklore also has a saying
about the deadliness of winds both hot and silent, and on the other hand, about a person letting out
hot air when talking rhubarb. Certainly, this preference displays a degree of anal fixation - or 
probably makes apparent a certain sadistic streak in the person giving those hilarious names]

"Thaté na okháte (pronounced: Tkhatay na Ok-khahte [pronouciation adjusted]) has an academic and
therapeutic training, has been working with people for 22 years, since 14 years works in clinic and own
office as a healer, experienced in the emerge of psycho-somatic diseases and their cures."
[translator's note: Mr Hot Wind had a company setting up his website for him, but according to info
given on the site, wrote all the texts himself. He seems to prefer speaking about himself in 3rd person]

Next to a Canglesa Takata Logo (TM's very own business), there is the following text:
"For the last eight years, he has done an additional training in cures of ancient peoples. During a
vision quest with the shaman Tacan'sina, he received the Indian name Thaté na okháte (pronounced:
Tchateh na Okchahte).
Following a call from the spirit world, he was initiated as an inipi leader (spiritual sweatlodges), a
Chanunpa carrier (sacred pipe), in High Healing, and to a medicine bundle carrier by the shaman
Tacan'sina. Offers Indian cures in the tradition of Canglesa Takata, spiritual sweatlodges, various
seminars and events described in more detail below."
In accordance with legal provisions, Mr Hot Air has to provide his real name and address and we
learn that in real life he (again very unspectacular) is called Stefan Schmidt [i.e. Stephen Smith].

Here's shame-on Hot Wind's price tags:

Seminars "Energetic Self healing", July 18-20, 2008 in Handloh
[...] This course offers a simple and practical approach and takes place from Fri, July 18 (6 p.m.) to
Sun, July 20, 2008 (2 p.m.)
Two nights' accom necessary, because we will build ip an energy within the group which will remain if
we stay together for the weekend. Accom will cost between EURO 18 and EURO 34, food will be EURO
42 for the weekend. The fee for the course is EURO 200. Patients receive a rebate of 10%."


  • Guest
Wow, this twinki is way out there. I don't know where to begin, with so many errors and just plain bull shit. 1. I am Mandan (Nuita, as we call ourselves)  2. I think he was trying to say Numakgagi which means Mankind  3. We were never in Canada not back then not now 

He speaks of ceremonies that we never had and does not speak of ones that we do have. I would like to bring this ass hole to our tree and pierece him Mandan style with buffalo skulls hung from his back, arms, and legs, while suspended in mid-air. We'll see how much he thinks of Mandan Spirituality then. How shameful and disrespectful this person is.

Offline porkypine

  • Posts: 29
  • Fort Hall, ID
Wow, this twinki is way out there. I don't know where to begin, with so many errors and just plain bull shit. 1. I am Mandan (Nuita, as we call ourselves)  2. I think he was trying to say Numakgagi which means Mankind  3. We were never in Canada not back then not now 

He speaks of ceremonies that we never had and does not speak of ones that we do have. I would like to bring this ass hole to our tree and pierece him Mandan style with buffalo skulls hung from his back, arms, and legs, while suspended in mid-air. We'll see how much he thinks of Mandan Spirituality then. How shameful and disrespectful this person is.

I think the name 'hot air' says it all... lol
Get used to it... I CAN NOT type worth a darn.. lol

Offline Gus 1

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Re: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2008, 09:15:14 am »
I thought it is about time to set a few things right. Nobody seems to notice that a few facts are simply not told as they are, but as somebody likes them to be seen.

"Tacan'sina is a descendant of the Numataki-Mandan. The Mandan lived in North Dakota/USA and
 Canada. His greatgrandfather was a shaman and one of the last Mandan to survive the epidemics in 1837."

And you should probably learn how to read your own quotes, Ingeborg!! In the quote it says very clearly "greatgrandfather", it is you who makes a "grandfather" of it!!

Apart from that: Tacan'sina is a descendant of the Numakaki-Mandan, not the Numataki Mandan!! I am just telling you, because you think it is so important how words are being spelled. See below!!

"How can someone *go back* to *his* people when in fact he goes to meet someone for the very first time?
Another aspect is that apparently TM assumes his grandfather to be extremely long-lived, if he was to be a
survivor of the 1837 epidemics. It is, however, even more unlikely that said grandfather, even if born not
earlier than 1837, should have been alive in 1997 - at the age of 160! Apparently, simple mathmatics is not
among TM's talents, nor does it seem to occur to his 'scholars' here in Germany. Well, either that, or the
Guiness Book got an entry wrong."

Simple reading does not seem to be among your talents, Ingeborg!! Because how else is it to explain that you apparently don't know the difference between a grandfather and a greatgrandfather?
As you see, the Guiness Book has nothing to do with it.

Maybe we now see a few hasty corrections made on this site!

"- canglesa takata
According to TM, this is the name of his very own 'medicine path'; TM says it means 'Circle of Future'.
However, 'canglesa' is not to be found in Lakota/Dakota, while 'cangleska' exists and means 'circle'. 'Takata'
again cannot be found in Lakota/Dakota, while there is the word 'tokata' which means 'future'. I again predict
hasty adjustments at TM's website once he has read this entry. "

I have been told there are no spelling laws in Lakota. And that there are many dialects. Therefore words naturally are being pronounced in different ways, as you probably noticed in German as well.
What great difference is there anyway between "takata" and "tokata" ? Or between "canglesa" and "cangleska"?.

"According to information obtained from former students of TM, he is not able to speak any ndn language, and
even his command of the English language is modest, despite his claim of having lived with his grandfather
for seven years and having been trained by him to become a medicine man. His attempts at pronoucing the
few words of Lakota and alleged Lakota were said to be deplorable, so e.g. he mispronounces his name
as /takann seena/ or /takann zeena/ which is far from correct, and also mispronounces the term 'tunkashila'

I was just wondering, how could the so called former students know that? Where did they get their knowledge from so they can judge his lakota pronunciation?

Have you ever heard of bullying? In Germany it is called mobbing.
The way you are talking gives me the impression there is more bullying to it than seriously proofed information. Or hearsay from what you call former students. Your way of arguing is far from correct or fair. Also would I call it slightly polemic!!

You apparently never talked to Tacan'sina himself. It is very easy to tell stories behind someone's back!!

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2008, 12:25:18 pm »
Hi Gus, welcome to the board. 

Just a question about your friend.  Is he really advertising spiritual services for sale?? 

Just to bring  you up to date, the one thing that can be agreed upon across the board with Native spirituality practices is:  They are not for sale. 

If he's doing these things he's in the wrong and that's the point of this forum.  Whether he's legitimately American Indian or not.....that practice isn't allowed and it's agreed upon that people who sell these ways (whether they're Indian or not) are in the wrong and 'cause way more harm and damage than good. 

Just wondering what your thoughts are Gus.  I'm not saying your wrong for standing up for a friend.  I'm giving you a chance to speak for him.

Does he advertise his services?
Does he charge a fee?

If so, how can this be justified??


Offline Cetan

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Re: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2008, 01:09:23 pm »
There have been standards for written Lakota, I know language teachers who have been involed in that and leaving a letter out of a word does change the meaning - cangleska has a hard K sound, canglesa has no K sound.  And the Mandan people never spoke Lakota, Dakota or Nakota. The language is very different and today there are about 4 elders left who are fluent in the language. To my knowlege the Mandan never went much frther north than the Mossouri River, and I have relatives on Ft Berthold who are part Mandan. If  he truely is of Mandan descent he will know his clan and only certain clans had the right to certain ceremonies.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2008, 04:13:30 pm »
Quote from: Gus
Simple reading does not seem to be among your talents, Ingeborg!! Because how else is it to explain that you apparently don't know the difference between a grandfather and a greatgrandfather?
As you see, the Guiness Book has nothing to do with it.

I just copied and pasted the sentence from Mr Kalagin's website. It still says the same (Aug 20, 08, 5.50 p.m.):
Viele Jahre verbrachte er bei Tunka'shila, seinem Großvater, im Reservat in Meander River/Alberta im Norden Canadas.
[emphasis added by me]
In English translation: "He spent many years with Tunka'shila, his grandfather, on the reservation at Meander River/Alberta, in the north of Canada."

As far as my knowledge of the German language takes me, "Grossvater" is grandfather in English, "Urgrossvater" is a great-grandfather. So instead of launching rather childish attacks on other persons' reading abilities, you should have checked Mr Kalagin's website first to see for yourself what he indeed claims.

You seem to be one of his students yourself, so you can probably give us more details re the questions Superddog asked: Does Mr Kalagin advertise his services? Does he charge fees?

Offline AnnOminous

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Re: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2008, 06:57:09 pm »
I thought it is about time to set a few things right. Nobody seems to notice that a few facts are simply not told as they are, but as somebody likes them to be seen.

Howdy Gus.  I can appreciate a man who speaks like this, and so I am prompted to respond to your post.  I like setting things straight too.

Meander River is in northern Alberta, Canada and is one of three Dene Tha' First Nations communities.  The Dene Tha' language is included in the Na-Dene language family (or as its also called--Athabascan).  It's important to know that a Dene speaking person would not be able to understand someone speaking Lakota or Mandan or any other language not part of the Na-Dene language family.  Nor would a Lakota or Mandan speaking person be able to understand someone speaking Dene.  This would be like thinking a person from China who speaks Mandarin would be able to understand a person from Norway who is speaking Norwegian, simply because they share a connected landbase.  One language has absolutely nothing to do with the other.  If your friend's people are indeed Dene Tha', why does he not speak the language?  Why would he steal/borrow language from another people not his own?

The Dene Tha' First Nations have about 1800 people living on their reserves but there's only about 350 people living at Meander River.  Chief James Ahnassay would most certainly know of this great Holy Man, the grandfather or greatgrandfather of your friend.  So I am asking you for the name of this Holy Man so I can speak to Chief Ahnassay about the descendent who still lives.  What a celebration to prepare for!  Will you please tell me the name of this great "shaman"?  In such a small community, everyone will have heard of him!  I'm so excited to share this news with the Chief so please don't make me wait too long!

It would be a good time for your friend to return to the Dene Tha' if he indeed is related.  The area is being turned insideout and upsidedown by the Mackenzie Gas Project, and the First Nations People there struggle to be heard in the face of this huge corporate force that is stealing the land and resources from the People.  Tell your friend he is needed--if indeed he is connected to the Land he will no doubt return immediately.  The water and air are being polluted and the Land is being raped; babies are being born with horrible deformities and congenital conditions and the old ones are dying from enviromental diseases.  Truly, a strong voice would help the cause!

And perhaps upon his return he will immerse himself in Dene Tha' ceremony, like "Dahot s'ethe" (Tea Dance ceremonies) which are of crucial importance, perhaps especially now.  The Dene Tha' do not do Lakota ceremony....or Mandan ceremony.  Tell your friend to come back and return to the Teachings and Ways of his relations!

In other words Gus, I'm calling crap on your buddy unless and until he can substantiate his claim to a Dene Tha' relation.  Tell him to pick on another people, or better yet come clean and only make claims to the truth of his heritage.  To pick on a Nation of people who are isolated in the hopes that no one will catch on to the ruse is truly dispicable.  Tell him to grow a pair and leave Meander River and the Dene Tha' out of his ridiculous claims.

I hope THESE facts will encourage you to likewise seek the truth in these matters.

Offline Clumsy-Man

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Re: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2008, 01:25:25 pm »
Wow, this twinki is way out there. I don't know where to begin, with so many errors and just plain bull shit. 1. I am Mandan (Nuita, as we call ourselves)  2. I think he was trying to say Numakgagi which means Mankind  3. We were never in Canada not back then not now 

He speaks of ceremonies that we never had and does not speak of ones that we do have. I would like to bring this ass hole to our tree and pierece him Mandan style with buffalo skulls hung from his back, arms, and legs, while suspended in mid-air. We'll see how much he thinks of Mandan Spirituality then. How shameful and disrespectful this person is.


I read your comment and regarding point 3, I would like to tell you something I saw this year when I was in Canada on my vacation.

I visited the Blackfoot Crossing historical Park of the Siksikah. You can find some information about it at

The interesting thing for me was that they found an Mandan-Style Earth Lodge there. There is also an oral history that a part of a Mandan tribe went north and came back many years later speaking another language. This story from the Siksikah also tells that they (Mandan?) tried to show the Siksikah how to do farming, using methods for watering the plants by the river, etc. without success. One day they went back south.

Being a native German I do not have a deep knowledge about your nations but maybe this is something useful to know for you so that you can find out more about this yourself.

Best Regards,


Offline Adept

  • Posts: 66
Re: J.-Michael Kohfink/Kalagin aka Tacansina Kalagin aka Tacansina Miwatani
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2008, 02:24:00 am »
Tacansina life in Augsburg and his name was "Jürgen-Michael Kohfink", he made apparently reports for water quality, see there:

In 2001 he moved from Augsburg to Munich and married his 2nd (or 3rd?) wife in 2002. And since he married, his wife is also senate for Human Rights:

Tacansina, J.-Michael Kohfink,  now changed his name to, Tacansina Kalagin and he is senate for the Environment (if the Link doesn´t show Tacansina click the page category left: Umweltschutz)

This seems to me as a somewhat dubious club - just to catch the title of an senate....

Yes, he demanded money for his ceremonies, every year more....

Ingeborg you do a great job!

My advice to all womens; Keep your powder dry!

If you have any further questions please contact.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 10:13:25 am by Adept »