Author Topic: Aurora Baha AKA Francis de la Maza AKA Wolf Seven Thunders  (Read 18843 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Aurora Baha AKA Francis de la Maza AKA Wolf Seven Thunders
« on: March 13, 2008, 04:33:05 pm »
Claims to be an ayahuascero, pipe carrier, Lakota, Mayan, rosiucrucian, Bahai, Buddhist, African healer, you name it.

February 5, 2008 10:59am

I attended a gathering by this person and he is creepy. I have friends
who have also had bad experiences with him. A large community is now
boycotting his ceremonies.

His name is Francis and he goes by Lobo Siete Truenos. Read this
before attending his ceremony.
He has been caught lying about his past.

True Scam of the Eagle and the Condor?


Singing to the Plants

Shamanism and the Medicine Path
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Ayahuasca Mainstreamed

The spirits must have granted me a momentary fit of prescience. On
February 3, I published a blog post on selling spirituality; on the
same day, the Los Angeles Times Magazine published an article on a
self-professed ayahuasquero named Lobo Siete Truenos, or Wolf Seven
Thunders, and the growing role of ayahuasca in what the article calls
the "nouveau wealth" of suburban California.

Truenos has a murky background. He gives, the article says, "few
straight answers about his background but plenty of mystic filigree."
He has founded his own church, which he calls Aurora Bahá, presumably
to add a semblance of legitimacy to his use of a substance whose
possession remains -- despite the United States Supreme Court ruling
exempting the União do Vegetal -- a felony. Truenos also possesses an
eagle's wing. If he is not a Native American, that too is illegal. But
his ancestry is as murky as his history: he is, apparently, Dominican,
Lebanese, Basque, and Taino. According to an email attributed to him,
this means mostly Lebanese.

Lobo Siete Truenos, Wolf Seven Thunders, also known as Francis de la
What purports to be email correspondence by Truenos has been published
in an online discussion group called the Ayahuasca Tribe. "I am the
Keeper of the Fire Bundle of Purification of the Eagle and the
Condor," he wrote, "sometimes referred to as the Altar of Unification
and the Altar of the Seven Thunders. This sacred Altar is the
Manifestation of a Point of Light, which Point represents the
Unification of Several Initiatic Currents on this planet." These
initiatic currents are, unsurprisingly, united in none other than
Truenos himself. They are detailed on a Web page he has published,
where he also calls himself Francis de la Maza, meaning Francis of the
Mace, a mestizo curandero, initiated by the Shipibo-Conibo in Brazil.
But there's more. He is an Elk Dreamer and Keeper of the Fire of
Quetzalcoatl, and he has been initiated into the Khemetic Mysteries of
Egypt, the Tibetan Buddhist path of Dzogchen, the Gnostic Mysteries of
the Rosicrucians, the Yucatec Mayan path of Puts'yaj, and the Yoruba
Ifa path of Nigeria as a Babalao. He is clearly a busy guy.

He also claims to be a pipe carrier of the Yankton Sioux, and to be
the carrier of a portion of the sacred bundle of Crazy Horse.

Now, there are thousands of ayahuasqueros who toil in obscurity in the
Amazon, providing services to their communities -- people of genuine
learning, compassion, and integrity. My teacher don Roberto Acho works
as a carpenter to support his healing work. But, of course, the Times
was not interested in those ayahuasqueros. In fact, it was not all
that interested in Seven Thunders. What the article was really
interested in was his clientele -- that is, the sort of people who read
the Los Angeles Times.

These clients are pretty much as I described them in my post on
selling spirituality. They are largely white, urban, relatively
wealthy, and spiritually eclectic . They have no particular
involvement with the struggles of the indigenous community whose
healing ceremonies they are purchasing. Their goal is not an increased
intellectual or scholarly understanding of the culture from which the
ceremony comes, but rather their own personal spiritual growth,
healing, and transformative experience. Indeed, the article repeatedly
stresses that ayahuasca is the hallucinogen for smart people -- liberal
thinkers, academics, writers, journalists, psychiatrists, soul-
searching intellectuals.

What are these people looking for? The article quotes one artist -- it
is not clear whether he is a client of Truenos -- as saying that
"ayahuasca brings your awareness to a place where it's understood that
you are connected to everything on Earth." Another consumer, a high
school math teacher, says that ayahuasca cured his clinical
depression. He now offers ayahuasca ceremonies himself, for a
suggested donation ot $75 to $300 per person. Author Graham Hancock
credits ayahuasca with having improved his life. When pressed for
details, he says, "I'm a better husband and father." Truenos himself
says that ayahuasca is a cure for the "cancer of indifference," a
remedy for our "failures in integrity."

I am glad that ayahuasca ceremonies are making these people --
talented, intellectual, privileged, rich -- feel better about their
lives. I hope Truenos has strong protective spirits. I hope la diosa
holds his clients with compassion. I hope his clients are contributing
their talents, their intellects, and their wealth toward the
communities from which Truenos claims to have learned to heal."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Aurora Baha AKA Francis de la Maza AKA Wolf Seven Thunders
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 04:41:43 pm »
"And then like everything I have ever advocated, you cultists make a
corrupted version of it in order to neutralize it, since nothing you
do has any authenticity or originality to it. Aurora Baha, Andrew
Carter's Baha'iyya, Starr Saffa Tahirih Thealogy, these are all things
spawned in their original, pristine formulaic form by me.

I know this idiot quite well. He briefly communicated with me on your
agencies behest back in 2006. Interesting that an ultra-rightwing war
mongering Fascist newspaper such as the LA Times takes up his story,
mentioning in the process that this Seven Thunders' activities are
located in the posher suburbs of San Diego, a locus for wealthy Haifan
Bahaim going all the way back to the late 1970s. It is pretty obvious
to me where his funding comes from, if there was any doubt before.

In any case, those who wish to have an authentic experience, stay well
away from this charlatan. Either go to South America or find one of
the 2 official churches to take it with. Opening oneself to the Divine
Energies of the Kosmos, the Pure Spirit, should not be placed in the
hands of such scum as this. At the end of 2006, this quack was
revealed as a fraud on the Ayahuasca boards of


"True Scam of the Eagle and the Condor?
topic posted Tue, December 26, 2006 - 6:59 PM by  Aramis 

Twice now the self appointed archlord of the Americas (Seven Thunders) has deleted posts in which questions were asked that he could not satisfactorily answer.

Actually these questions are all about questioning *your* underlying intention. You have made a lot of self-glorifying claims, and offered nothing more than unsubstantiated words to back them up. You see, there are a number of people here (not me) who happen to know rather a lot about this stuff, and your claims just seem to be...well, 'questionable' - hence the questions. You are, of course, aware that native american communities get quite irritated when people try to market their traditions for profit and power?

So, regarding these voices that made you grand poobah of everything, has it occurred to you that they might be figments of your imagination? Has any actual living human being conveyed any of your assortment of titles, honourifics and vestments on you, or did they all come from the voices in your head? Have you perhaps taken a lot of amphetimines in your life?

It's fairly easy to clear up. Just name the elders and bancos who appointed you lord of all you survey. There's bound to be someone here who knows them and can verify it. Problem solved. And you won't have to delete any more posts. "

Lobo Siete Truenos: FRAUD ALERT
by 383 <wahidazal66@[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Feb 4, 2008 at 06:12 PM

His personal message to me in January 2006. He claimed also to be an
initiate of the former Angelic College of Damkar (a initiatic society
devoted to a hybrid practice of Islamic/Mid East pagan magick and
sorcery) now known as something else. But they have never heard of



+*Ruh Al-Ameen*+

Peace Profound, Love SIncere,
Hello XXX,

I have seen you around the way for a few years. Most recently what
struck my attention was that I found two of your documents on the
Santo Daime Yahoo Group. Upon perusing them, I knew that it was now
time to make contact.

Now I understand 100% what it is you have been doing...And, how you
have come see the Bayan as the Apex of a Gnostic Initiatic
unfoldment. I also understand that you are exploring this to new
heights in the context of the Sacred Mother, Ayahuasca...and this
too is very good.

However, this being said, you must know of a certainty that this is
only a beginning. Observe well that the Metatronic current has been
manifest on this planet since Mustaghath (2001), and is unfolding
within mankind as a flower unfolding in the Heart - to such and
extent that it consumes the Heart from which it sprang. This is the
Apocastasis of the True Gnostic Light of Glory - the Son of Justice
unto Truth.

You are well read, very intelligent, and persevering; and I must
commend you on your work. The Most High has certainly vested within
you a Key for the People.

It is however time to come into the work completely and
irrevocably. This implies an ascent as well as a descent,
concurrently, not in the mind alone, or in the heart alone, but in
the fusing of heaven and earth in the human heart by virtue of
direct application of the sacred magic/science. In short, the one
who can bring into the physical plane those divine currents required
to elevate humanity at this time, will know the preparations,
workings, and divine science/mysteries of Ayahuasca, the Peace Pipe,
Mayan, and Voudon, at the very least. Without these, where is the
anchor in the physical ? Alas, without these the fruits are as
ephermal (and appealing) as the Mainstream AO of the Haifa Baha'is.

I am the Keeper of the Fire Bundle of Purification of the Eagle and
the Condor. Sometimes referred to as the Altar of Unification and
the Altar of the Seven Thunders.

This sacred Altar is the Manifestation of a Point of Light, which
Point represents the Unification of Several Initiatic Currents on
this planet. This unification arrises from both indigenous
(Ayahuasca, Voudon, Chanunpa (Peace Pipe & etc) and gnostic
(including Hermetic, Rosicrucian, Rouhani, Bayani/Bahai & etc)
initatic streams. These have been brought together in a living
current through direct experiencial initiation. Moreover, the
elders of these currents recognize this Altar for what it is. This
is a salient and important point, for the hearts of the elders are
the true Guardians of the mysteries of the Global process of

Observe well, what you will readily know, if indeed you fulfill the
sacred Station which you claim; that any such claiments to Station
must pass the Seven Thunders. In short, the Seven Thunders are the
Guardians of the Gate of the Station which you claim.

I mince no words here and say this to you openly, to prepare you for
what is coming. You have set your claim forward...The Universe now
responds. The test is vested in the Altar, not in any personality.
You will either receive the Crown or not, and that is a matter
sealed until the appropriate momment and reserved to the Most High
alone. For this is His day, and not the day of his Prophets.

With that I say to you, that I look forward to our meeting in the
immenent future. Do, prepare yourself with the proper diet and to
sit before the Altar of the Seven Thunders. This extenss to your
dear partner as well.

It will either be a Great Day to Herald the Clarion Call to the
People, or it will be a time to have a good laugh together. We
shall soon know.

In Service of Divine Light,
Lobo Siete Truenos

Offline Sparks

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Re: Aurora Baha AKA Francis de la Maza AKA Wolf Seven Thunders
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2021, 02:50:51 am »
Lobo Siete Truenos: FRAUD ALERT by 383 <wahidazal66@[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Feb 4, 2008 at 06:12 PM

His personal message to me in January 2006. He claimed also to be an initiate of the former Angelic College of Damkar (a initiatic society devoted to a hybrid practice of Islamic/Mid East pagan magick and sorcery) now known as something else. But they have never heard of him.

That site has gone with the wind. The e-mail-correspondence cited is now available here:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Aurora Baha AKA Francis de la Maza AKA Wolf Seven Thunders
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2021, 03:47:57 am »

Offline Sparks

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Re: Aurora Baha AKA Francis de la Maza AKA Wolf Seven Thunders
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2021, 03:53:40 am »

That article has a new URL:

On February 3 … the Los Angeles Times Magazine published an article on a self-professed ayahuasquero named Lobo Siete Truenos, or Wolf Seven Thunders, and the growing role of ayahuasca in what the article calls the "nouveau wealth" of suburban California.

That article is now archived here:

It is also quoted in full in the first post here:  [Ayahuasca]

What happened to Aurora Baha AKA Francis de la Maza AKA Wolf Seven Thunders AKA Lobo Siete Truenos?