I don't know if they're one and the same, but I got two very hysterical emails claiming that RC has the right to demand we censor out THE ID SHE POSTED UNDER or else somehow she could have her identity stolen.
There's the usual, threats to bring in lawyers, claims that she's gone to not just the cops but the FBI, BIA, the JAG office of the military base she's on, and probably the Starfleet Federation of Planets for all I know, to report us.
And she's accusing Tissqua of "deformation" of her.
But I think the funniest part is where a group of mystified MPs on some military base have been informed to "arrest us all!"
What? All 500 something of us? I can just see them being given a ten page list of names. And I guess she thinks we all wear name tags. Or she's claiming to have searched out each and every one of ours personal descriptions for the MPs. Wouldn't that be illegal, involving gathering private information? And who knows why she imagines we'd be on the base she's claiming to be on? Talk about paranoia.
As I said in both emails, if there's anything at all that's posted that could be used for ID theft, we'll delete it, even though she is acting like a paranoid loon. No SSNs, no phone numbers or home addresses.
She's claiming no ISPs of her could be posted, but I don't see how that could lead to ID theft. I've looked and it seems like the only one who posted an ISP was HER, of Beaderman/TheRebel.
Anyway, empty threats and hysteria deserve to be mocked for the silliness and pettiness they are. Here's the emails from her and the RNS Admin site. First up is my response to her.
I also received an email from admin@rednationsociety.com. Tried sending a response and got it bounced back. Apparently that account is not in service.
Like I said in my other email, if you can show us any posts that have personal information in them, such as social security or phone numbers, we'll delete it.
But as far as your name and ISP, that does not fall under right to privacy.
And I'm sure the BIA or the Feds or local cops will be just as amused as you wasting their time as I am.
Actually, probably not.
The email below and the other will be reposted at NAFPS. Silly threats made by people who don't know the law deserve to be laughed at.
But again, if there's any ACTUAL private information posted, just point out the post to us and we'll delete it.
Then her email.
Raven <Salnthl@aol.com> wrote:
I left your site last night because I really have no use for the false resources used by Tsisqua. Now I have shown my sources as needed and see it does not matter because Beaderman aka TheRebel and Tsisqua have a personal vendetta against me. Now I see she posted a whole list of false and deformation in her post about me in the topic called "Who I Am".
Now you all are supposed to be card holding Indians right? Then you will damn well know that personal information would not be given out when a White High School drop out calls. Also having the proper name of the person you are inquiring about is a must have and that too will not give anyone the right to personal information.
Also, I did not contact freeweb yesterday but I did today. Why? She posted my IP and my name. The name she thinks is mine. Now yes I am on Federal Grounds and if you are Federal you would know the seriousness of what she did. If you would like to debunk all the claims that you say is wrong about you, then just maybe you would stop allowing all the false statements.
Now I am pissed and as long as you keep that topic up and allow this lie to continue I will be contacting the BIA, FBI, State and Local police and I have an appointment with my JAG and I will have all of you on a silver platter for dinner.
Also if any of you try to come to my house you will have to pass a security check and I have already informed the MP's of names and addresses of all of you and to arrest you on the spot. If you think I am kidding come and try. Because it is ILLEGAL to post a recon on any MILITARY INSTALLATION.
I know that the Owner if RNS contacted you about this and I know you are playing dumb but I told you I am an educated Indian. Also, I am not the one selling the item I am accused of. Besides, the person selling it has that legal right you know and if you ever opened a law book you would know this. Oh make sure it is the AMERICAN LAW BOOK and not the Mexican.
Now I am not all over the Internet posting false claims and IP's and so on about any of you but you all are. So as I see it, I already have the upper hand and I have the LAW behind me, State and Federal.
What I would like to know is, how does a bunch of people overseas have a right to tell us the US Citizens and Native American's what to do? I do know several of your people also are from Europe and maybe that is why you allow this?
So let us think about this a minute here. USA Citizen being violated, Europeans in Europe placing false claims. I wonder...does the International Laws apply. I guess I can ask my JAG that. Did I already tell you that I am an educated Indian?
Raven Crow
[Al's note: I deleted the numerous ISPs that SHE tracked of NAFPS members.]
Then here's my reply to the RNS email (which bounced sincethe admin site is no longer in sergice, followed by the RNS email.
You might have better success if you had actually provided your name and the tribe you are a member of.
In all seriousness, please point out any post where private information was disclosed that could lead to ID theft, such as phone number or social security.
Please also note that RC has no cause for complaint if she herself has posted the information about herself elsewhere online.
We cannot remove "identity", or the name she posted under. Such a claim is ridiculous and nonsensical, and I doubt anyone anywhere have ever made that claim before.
Red Nation Society <rednationsociety@yahoo.com> wrote:
I am writing to demand that you take off Raven Crow's name off of your site. You are the owners of this site and I will not tolerate one of my SL members having her identity being exposed to your site members.
This is done without permission of the named person and I am sure that you know that. I appreciate that you have frozen the topic for now, but the alarm is due to the fact that your site members are known to post identifiably sensitive information and can lead to identity theft.
Please allow me to address my concerns to you in good hopes that you adhere to this demand .
I would rather deal with this between an email rather than contacting our attorneys to handle this situation.
I am a federally recognized Native American and yes, I can prove it to the proper authorities as well as any court within the United States.
I am an avid and active member of my tribe and sit on many legal roundtables.
Please , so not make me go that route of having a new legal matter on your plate.
She has already deleted her account from your site and so with all due respect, be a decent human being and remove her identity from your site.
I am a site owner , so I know that you are more than capable to removing this information within 24 hours.
This will be my last and only attempt to contact you further in this regard. If I see that her name is still on your site, you will know our attorneys by name and so will your hosting company.