howdy Liz,
What exactly are you sayin' about Neo-Nazi's in the essay? I was born confused, so don't take it personal.
It is a shame some nut like Hitler and his band o' goons & idiots, or what ever you wanna call 'em -- idiots is fine by me
-- used European history to propogate their "Aryan" nonsense. I guess he was the "supreme" newage fanatical guru of his era. I never thought of it that way before . . . hmmm . . .
I have an uncle (Eual Lee Hawkins, b. 1927 on a farm nine miles from Manitou, Oklahoma [metropolous of 200 about souls on a good day during wheat or cotton harvest season, when the wheat combines and cotton modules show up with their crews] -- he was barely 17 years old) -- he was killed late in the Normandy battles in July 1944. They were poor farmers. Dad used to say he walked a mile or 2 to school barefoot, cause he didn't have any shoes at times during the Dust Bowl/Depression. My poor ol' feet wouldn't last, I don't think.
I heard Uncle Eual Lee was sent to the front prematurely -- even before his training was done -- they just wanted bodies I suppose, and he was killed practically the same day that he showed up at the front. I was told grandma was bitter, angry, heartbroken -- about that till she died, never forgiving the government. She never spoke about it to me, but I was just a kid -- she died when I was 10.
Whenever I hear anything about the Nazis I always think of my Uncle, whom I never got to meet, and the life he never got to live.