Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Dennis "Rocky' King  (Read 67079 times)


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« on: June 23, 2008, 05:03:07 pm »
Anyone familiar with Dennis "Rocky" King.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 05:47:15 pm by sky »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 08:15:43 pm »

NA Calling doesn't seem to care for him, since they used him as Exhibit A for pay to pray people.

You can have salvation of the spirit and learn old Indian ways to boot, just send a check or credit card number and you too can become a certified Medicine Man or Medicine Woman. For an affordable price, you can also pay for healing ceremonies, sweat lodges, and other spiritual cleansing. How do you feel about paying for prayers? Native medicine people have always offered their services in exchange for a blanket or a pouch of tobacco , but is cold hard cash asking too much? Our Guest is Dennis "Rocky" King of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, who runs Creator's Helper.


I was asked to appear on that same program, but couldn't because of my work schedule.

His site has been disabled.

Part of United Communities of Spirit.

Email subscription: No
Faith: Native American
UCS Member since: 12/15/2005
Last login: 12/19/2005
Personal Introduction
I'm a native american spiritual healer,I work with all races and all walks of life.This gift has been past on,on my fathers side,my great grandfather was a healer.Also,this is all creators and I can not do this without him or her!I'm just Rocky!but the creator uses me to help others.This is all I do!I dont work for man no more,I work for the creator,and he provides!I do live off my gift,because I can.

There's also a Shinnecock/Mohegan artist of the same name he should not be confused with.

Offline ravenhair

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 05:54:44 pm »
Hello all I am happy to say that our community here in Iowa has stopped this man from comming this july 3rd. We also have info on him where he is from. New Mexico where he still lives. Truly this white boy is sneaky taking advantage of people if any one has more quetions please visit us at
P.S. More info just came in. There is a Women by the name of Venus Bright Star (google) she owns a shop in New mexico and
passes out cards to this fraud refering healing for money. our investigation also reaveled that the new age people are the targets
this guy has made alot of money selling our indian ways please contact us if he is near you so we can put a stop to this fraud.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 09:55:33 pm »
Venus Bright Star shows up in a lot of Indian art shows, plus business links to her gallery.

Venus Bright Star, daughter of an Aztec mother and a Muskogee father, was born in Evansville, Ind., and exhibits her work at shows like the Cantigny Sculpture and Fine Arts Festival in Wheaton, Ill., the TACA Crafts Fair in Nashville, Tenn., and the Wyandotte Street Art Fair in Wyandotte, Mich. While she finds buyers at these venues alongside non-Native American artists, Bright Star says she sells only authentic Native American crafts and fine jewelry at shows and at the Venus Brightstar Rising Gallery in Lyles, Texas. “I use the traditional methods of jewelry design perfected by my people centuries ago,??? she says.


Though she says she's Nahua and Muskogee, her site opens with Lakota sayings and the Nuage mantra "we create our own reality."

Has a link on her site to the Machis tribe. Does anyone know if the fed recognized Muscogee recognize them in turn?

Not sure why, but they regard a Torah from 1100 years ago as very important.

Some of their council titles strike me as strange.

A reposted article from the local paper about them.

The really bizarre thing is that the article is hosted on the site of a notorious ANTI Indian group, the so called Citizens Equal Rights Alliance.

This discussion on a myspace board says they are state recognized and require A (meaning just one) lineal ancestor on the rolls.

Offline The Lactivist

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2008, 07:16:23 am »
Hello all I am happy to say that our community here in Iowa has stopped this man from comming this july 3rd. We also have info on him where he is from. New Mexico where he still lives. Truly this white boy is sneaky taking advantage of people if any one has more quetions please visit us at
P.S. More info just came in. There is a Women by the name of Venus Bright Star (google) she owns a shop in New mexico and
passes out cards to this fraud refering healing for money. our investigation also reaveled that the new age people are the targets
this guy has made alot of money selling our indian ways please contact us if he is near you so we can put a stop to this fraud.

I don't know too much about Dennis "Rocky" King in the healer bizness. He is not a white boy though. He is an enrolled Oneida member.

Offline educatednative

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2011, 09:10:01 pm »
ravenhair and educatedindian:  I am an Oneida Tribal Member who knows Dennis J. "Rocky" King---and I must say I do appreciate the NAFPS Forums' vigilant and well-intended protection of American Indian traditional ways and skills from dilution and harm through fraud and/or wrongful imitation.

However I assure you the knee-jerk speculations and baseless accusations regarding Mr. King are without merit.  First Dennis J. "Rocky" King is a member of the Bear Clan of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin.  He is a 4/4 blood enrolled Oneida tribal member.  His Oneida Indian longhouse name is Lalutake'htas which means "He Scratches The Trees". 

To speculate and say that he must be "some white boy" is as close to being accurate as to say  "Who is Rodney Grant?  Must be some White Boy".

As for Rocky's work as a private and group healer as Creatorshelper is really none of any one's business who is not interested in his work; however if they are interested, Rocky utilizes his gifts to help people and all living things to whatever extent he can through traditional ways and philosophies as he has learned them from his teachers. 

Rocky was born and raised on the Oneida Reservation in Wisconsin and made the committment to this path over ten years ago as it is a gift in his family to help people.  He practices traditional and alternative approches to spiritual and physical healing amongst any of those open minded or interested in what he has to offer.  Rocky graciously accepts the allegedly evil "cash" payment as an exchange of energies between people, also barter, and sometimes, more often than not, for "free" ( since you seem so obsessed with such terminology and designations).

Rocky works with all sorts of alternative healers of differing practices and approches to healing and spiritual awarness, and of course, especially, all those open to it and open-minded about possible ways of healing and working with the Creator and all blessings.  Unfortunately this group would seem to not include either of you.

ravenhair and educatedindian:  I ask you to take down and retract your negative inferences and connotations regarding Dennis J. Rocky King.  Your noble efforts on behalf of indigenous peoples' ways are misplaced here, brother and sister.  Please continue in the spirit of coming together and loving one another a-ho.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2011, 02:07:07 pm »

As for Rocky's work as a private and group healer as Creatorshelper is really none of any one's business who is not interested in his work; however if they are interested, Rocky utilizes his gifts to help people and all living things to whatever extent he can through traditional ways and philosophies as he has learned them from his teachers. 

Rocky was born and raised on the Oneida Reservation in Wisconsin and made the committment to this path over ten years ago as it is a gift in his family to help people.  He practices traditional and alternative approches to spiritual and physical healing amongst any of those open minded or interested in what he has to offer.  Rocky graciously accepts the allegedly evil "cash" payment as an exchange of energies between people, also barter, and sometimes, more often than not, for "free" ( since you seem so obsessed with such terminology and designations).

Rocky works with all sorts of alternative healers of differing practices and approches to healing and spiritual awarness, and of course, especially, all those open to it and open-minded about possible ways of healing and working with the Creator and all blessings.  Unfortunately this group would seem to not include either of you.

ravenhair and educatedindian:  I ask you to take down and retract your negative inferences and connotations regarding Dennis J. Rocky King.  Your noble efforts on behalf of indigenous peoples' ways are misplaced here, brother and sister.  Please continue in the spirit of coming together and loving one another a-ho.

I didn't quote your other parts where you confused what ravenhair said with what I did.

The first two things I bolded claim he is traditional. But the other items I bolded, you seem to confirm he is in fact a Nuager and works with them. Like almost all Natives and pretty much this entire forum, I see it as a shame to see traditional ways corrupted, something to be overcome or traditional ways will become entirely lost. Obviously you disagree. But it is the business of everyone who cares about traditional ways.

I also asked you in a private IM to consider changing your online ID in here or people will likely confuse us. I know you use the name elsewhere, as does another with a similar name. I don't think any harm was intended, just want to avoid any confusion.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2011, 03:01:12 pm »
My question would be if this person is Oneida
why use a Kiowa word in their post?
Aho is Kiowa,
Is the poster an enrolled member?
Are they just posting for the enrolled member?
Selling ceremonie is wrong even if they are
enrolled if fact is it more shameful
In Spirit

Offline educatednative

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2011, 01:13:23 am »
boy everyone on here sure loves labels sheesh..."nuager" "white boy"...i guess labels do help you put down people much easier...yet people are tired with this Sarah Palin brand of politics..

oh and I guess no other Indian except the Kiowa have ever heard of the expression a-ho

Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2011, 01:52:58 am »
It's amusing how a supporter will come and try to be very adult about the
issue, and then when confronted with questions or facts, will then turn
to childish taunts intended to insult. But they don't insult, they only
show who we are dealing with..  and it doesn't change the facts..

The fact remains clear that this "Rocky" is not acting within traditions
if he is diluting the traditions with new age beliefs, and charging fees.

Which btw, EN helped to prove with his/her post.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 01:54:48 am by critter »
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Offline earthw7

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2011, 11:59:47 am »
boy everyone on here sure loves labels sheesh..."nuager" "white boy"...i guess labels do help you put down people much easier...yet people are tired with this Sarah Palin brand of politics..

oh and I guess no other Indian except the Kiowa have ever heard of the expression a-ho

we all heard the expression aho my point is it is a kiowa word belonging to the kiowa people why would a Oneida use a kiowa word and not his own language? The only people who use that word extensivly is new ager because they don't know what it means or where it came from. I am LaKOTA i use my own language because i know who i am, so my point is are you kiowa or a newager?
In Spirit

Offline educatednative

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Supreme Indians
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2011, 02:38:53 am »
who knows where a-ho came from and who cares indians know what it means--and who cares about the triviality of what salutation i use--whats much much worse is your Fundamentlist intolerance---go to Afghanistan where you may be more at home with the Taliban--- seems like you are both the supreme holy arbiters of everything American Indian! we have found the Supreme Indians! critter,earthw7 and educatedindian!  --childish?  do tell since i only quote back your own childish insulting lables "nuager" "whiteboy" etc. 

racist if you ask me...guess you have never been to a pow-wow where money is spent on everything from Fry Bread to beads to sweet grass to moccasins all have a function that natives live off of ...evidentially the entire tourist trade in all things indigenous to this exactly how many are to blame and what are the boundaries you will dictate for everyone to follow?  Please tell us so we can follow you Supreme Indians who think whites who like Indians and pay money to them are the devil huh... but many Indians are tired of your backward sneering politics against old grudges and your own isolated existence...come into the light brothers and sisters

Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2011, 03:54:49 am »
Um, I'm not Indian. I doubt many of my beliefs are the same as theirs. But I
support the Native movement to keep their beliefs safe and sacred. I see how
they have fought and died to keep their beliefs and hand them down generation
to generation. I honor that because for one thing, it's amazing, but mostly
because people have a right to the beliefs they were given, and no one has the
right to take those beliefs and bastardize them..  there is no time in my life
that I didn't despise missionary work and all the harm they do to indigenous

And there is no time in my life where I didn't despise this new age movement
thing that is so full of BS it's pathetic. I have never met any so called new age
person or "lightworker" that would help a person without a fee. And that, IMO

My spiritual upbringing was very strict on that subject. A gift is a gift.. tell me,
do you charge people when you hand them a birthday or christmas gift?  

I will forever fight this misconception that the spiritual can be made into a
material gain.  

And, I will forever support the indigenous peoples of the world their rights
to their beliefs and fight the misappropriation and bastardization of their beliefs.

It's wrong.  You disagree, that's up to you.

And for the record, you are still showing us only your immaturity by reacting in
such childish ways..  

Be well.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 07:02:17 am by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline earthw7

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Re: Supreme Indians
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2011, 05:22:56 am »
who knows where a-ho came from and who cares indians know what it means--and who cares about the triviality of what salutation i use--whats much much worse is your Fundamentlist intolerance---go to Afghanistan where you may be more at home with the Taliban--- seems like you are both the supreme holy arbiters of everything American Indian! we have found the Supreme Indians! critter,earthw7 and educatedindian!  --childish?  do tell since i only quote back your own childish insulting lables "nuager" "whiteboy" etc.  

racist if you ask me...guess you have never been to a pow-wow where money is spent on everything from Fry Bread to beads to sweet grass to moccasins all have a function that natives live off of ...evidentially the entire tourist trade in all things indigenous to this exactly how many are to blame and what are the boundaries you will dictate for everyone to follow?  Please tell us so we can follow you Supreme Indians who think whites who like Indians and pay money to them are the devil huh... but many Indians are tired of your backward sneering politics against old grudges and your own isolated existence...come into the light brothers and sisters

I know what it means and so should you if you want to use the word, I asked an honest question and know I am supreme ;D thank u, I guess you are going to explain to me how a social gathering like a pow-wow related to a ceremony? They both are different. A social gathering were people sell there ware and show the type of dances whiuch is different from pray ceremony
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 04:23:10 am by earthw7 »
In Spirit

Offline educatednative

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Re: Dennis "Rocky' King
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2011, 06:34:40 am »
critter:  if you're not indian then where do you get the authority to judge what other indians can and cannot do?  Is Rocky judging you on your profession or beliefs?

earthw7:  glad you feel supreme, please correct the typos...selling prayer? so just tell me then..whats the great evil difference between "selling" prayer and selling, say, dreamcatchers at a pow-wow?

and btw i notice how your arguments depend on the emphasis on "charging" and "fees"...yet Rocky works for no charge at all often, or what about barter? donations?  none of you mention that, interesting how you pick and choose your terminology to imply guilt---you people are like corrupt prosecutors!  what a joke..

though earthw7 u do have some spunk so thats nice..glad u feel supreme lol :)