Author Topic: Me myself and I  (Read 6461 times)

Offline AshuniMawkwekar

  • Posts: 2
Me myself and I
« on: July 09, 2008, 04:13:22 am »
Hi, Hola, Nauski and Hau,

I am 42 male and from Chicago. I am mainly of Purepecha blood.
The Purepecha are called the Tarascans by the Spanish who invaded Mexico. It comes from the Purepecha word tarascue (terra skway) which the means brother in law. This became a pejorative due to the Spanish raping of Indian women.

They have an ancient culture like the Mayan, Aztec, and Toltec but are different in 2 ways. Their language is an isolate and not related to any other Indian language (possible closest relatives are Quechua and Zuni) and they were metallurgists in a sea of stone tool makers.

I am pleased to be here.