Author Topic: Panolte  (Read 7045 times)

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
« on: July 09, 2008, 07:53:05 pm »
I am Koyoteh.

Mexica Urban Native. From the "whats' left of us aztec and related people's" xicano nation.

Descendant of the Mexica Confederation which was made up of many tribes, sharing the language of Nahuatl, sharing dances and similar dances.
Descendant of the People who found refuge with neighboring tribes in Mexico and also with neighborig tribes in the North and Southwestern United States ( like the Apaches, chumash, yaqui, dine,etc, ) once the capital of Tenochtitlan was lost.

Descendant of people who were descendants from people in the south and of the north mixing together - before columbus.

Descendant of people who's people are always changing their name , so as to seem to be completely different people at times , but who really are all the same people with different names throughout our history.

Today we call ourselves Xicanos. And amongst us Xicanos we also have descendants of other southern nations, like the mayans, the nicos  from nicaragua , the salvadorians, apaches, yaquiss, chumash,etc

I am an Mexica Dancer who dances the dances of what is left to us from the surviving peoples and survinving knowledge. All of us coming together under our old flag.

In essence forming a new alliance of surviving urban natives.