Author Topic: Have you noticed...?  (Read 20567 times)

Offline 180IQ

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Have you noticed...?
« on: March 31, 2005, 11:57:27 pm »
The latest entry in the guestbook is from RLS, who describes his website as "The Truth About Roy Littlesun Hopi Medicine Man and Battle Cheiftan."

It shows up in google searches but I heard it from one of my contacts in the UK, who says:

RLS is now heavily involved with King Arthur, the fake Druid, as phoney as they come. This tosser has not had the training and is an ex-biker in a dirty white frock brandishing a fake sword he calls Excalibur. Genuine Druids are embarrassed and humiliated by his antics. They make a pitiful pair of comedians!

If you go to the guestbook you will find a very recent entry from RLS "wanting to put the record straight" and calling himself "Hopi Medicine man AND Battle Chieftan!! This piece of nonsense comes from the "Warband" rhetoric of King Arthur's lot. There are no chieftans in Druidic circles. Its a lie!!! There are Bards, Ovates and Druids and it takes years to achieve one of those titles.

How schizophrenic can he get, by his OWN admission. Which part of the day is he Hopi, and which part is he a crazed chieftan brandishing a sword!!!

He says he wants to set the record straight, but that's all he wrote. Strange....

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: Have you noticed...?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2005, 10:27:17 am »
RLS is now heavily involved with King Arthur, the fake Druid, as phoney as they come. This tosser has not had the training and is an ex-biker in a dirty white frock brandishing a fake sword he calls Excalibur. Genuine Druids are embarrassed and humiliated by his antics. They make a pitiful pair of comedians!

There are no 'genuine Druids', and there haven't been since Roman times. There are only people who call themselves Druids; the roots of their ideology and organisations go back to eighteenth-century Romanticism at the earliest, so your informant shouldn't be surprised at the antics of this 'King Arthur Pendragon' character. This puff-piece gives a flavour of his publicity-seeking:
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »