Author Topic: Robert Lopez AKA Robert Morning Sky, The Terra Papers  (Read 30557 times)

Offline Ann

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Re: Robert Morning Sky & The Terra Papers
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2009, 02:49:59 am »
I find a few of the people on this forum very rude and just plain mean...Its not about who is Indian or not...this is a copout...respest to you Debbie.Not all Indians think alike.Lets respect differences...again...respect to you...I have been hurt very badly on this forum and all i wanted to do was a little good.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Robert Morning Sky & The Terra Papers
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2009, 06:31:08 pm »
I have good feelings about Morningsky...he appear to be a good man...i dont know him but that is how i feel.I have read he was threatned because of coming out with certain information.

Where did you hear such bizarre claims?

I don't think your judgement is very good on this. RMS is an eccentric at best, more likely a fraud spreading pretty obvious lies.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Robert Lopez AKA Robert Morning Sky, The Terra Papers
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2024, 04:21:41 pm »
Got a request about him. He's still around, very elderly in his late 70s, and just recently put out some rambling incoherent Youtube videos for his few remaining followers.

A search for his address shows him living in Phoenix, with all his relatives named Lopez.
"Possible Relatives Brothers, sisters, mother, father, wife, husband and exes for Robert Morningsky
Sue Morningsky, Sara Lopez, Abel Lopez, Jonathan J Lopez, Miguel A Cornejo Lopez, Zenia Renee Lopez"

By his appearance and that of relatives online, he seems to be Latino of mostly Spanish ancestry. If not for the Lopez relatives, I'd have guessed him to be Welsh, Greek, or Italian. He has a strong resemblance to the old actor Lon Chaney Jr, who played the original Wolf Man.

An older video shows a disinterested audience and has amusing comments.

@ShortDarknLovely 2 years ago
Just remembered that in the poltergeist movie, they told her not to go into the light. 👀🤔

@NeonKnight83 5 years ago
So this is what Vinnie Vincent was up to after getting booted from KISS....

@tes420 8 years ago
I never realized George Lopez was so smart...still funny tho ;) lol

@tammymillar3906 4 years ago
Ok he was throwing 666 hand signal and the date feb 1 1996. Is 666  flip the 9s

@guyzpro 1 year ago
Lol he said Diablo was a good guy member😅

@tammymillar3906 4 years ago
George Lopez vinnie Vincent  or this guy the world is a stage!     All these actors have several  roles to play to trick u

@fossana2927 3 years ago
The sun is older than Sirius which is older than all the stars in Orion, so his timeline is completely backwards.

@rjv-rw2ef 1 year ago
You're right. According to the way we estimate star age, stars on the outside are older than stars in the middle of the galaxy.

@rootstriker1618 6 years ago
hes litteraly just telling stichens story in his own way so dissapointed as sitchens translations have not only been proven wrong but proven that he added shit that was never even written in the tablets

@ryansmulti-verse8204 7 years ago
whatever. You may as well believe every liar out there and think you've been enlightened. lmao. keep your comments to yourself.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Robert Lopez AKA Robert Morning Sky, The Terra Papers
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2024, 06:04:37 pm »
Robert Morning Sky, a Native American of Hopi and Apache decent, lives in Phoenix, Arizona. A professional fancy dancer and storyteller, he often gives demonstrations of traditional Native American dances in full costume at the beginning of his lectures.

Bob states in this book that his grandfather and five other men found a crashed UFO in the New Mexican desert on 13 August 1947. He states this these six men recovered a living survivor named Bak'Ti who communicated to them through some kind of crystal imaging device. Morning Sky claims that Bak'Ti was known to the Hopi as the "Star Elder,"

by Robert Morning Sky (Author), JORDAN MAXWELL

A review with helpful summary:

"In a nutshell: humans were created as a slave race to service extraterrestrials we were taught to believe & worship as “gods.” One of those extraterrestrials covertly added his own DNA to ours in the hope that we’d become more independent. Religions are a source of subservience to those extraterrestrial gods. The extraterrestrial war for this planet & its inhabitants continues. The way for humans to win: be independent & critical thinkers, shun any belief that teaches subservience, recognize our inherent greatness."

My favorite review: "Not worth the time. Complete garbage".

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Robert Lopez AKA Robert Morning Sky, The Terra Papers
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2024, 08:36:07 pm »
1996, Art Bell show, "Robert Morning Sky – Hopi Prophecies":

Art announces on “Coast to Coast AM” that Robert Morning Sky recently went into hiding following a hit-and-run accident. Morning Sky, known for sharing the story of his grandfather’s rescue of a star being and his research into the hidden history of Earth, will no longer make public appearances or offer workshops on the Terra Papers.

So much conspiracy babble.

He is mentioned in the book "Dark Fleet, The Secret Nazi Space Program and the Battle for the Solar System". He discusses the "bioscientists for the Reptilian queens of Orion".

He has sold hand carved dolls in the past while representing himself as Native American. This is illegal under the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. I only see one or two online, sold for cheap by past collectors.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Robert Lopez AKA Robert Morning Sky, The Terra Papers
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2025, 06:03:00 pm »
dude been around for years.......and i still have yet to hear of the hopi claiming him