Author Topic: United Nuwaubian Nation of Muurs or Moors: Georgia Sect Dwindles W Leader Jailed  (Read 56352 times)

Offline elaine

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Wasn't sure of the best place to post this but sure thought it was noteworthy. E.

Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed 
UPDATED - Friday October 29, 2004 5:04am 
EATONTON, Ga. (AP) - Pyramids, obelisks and a lonely sphinx stand deserted on the Egyptian-themed compound where as many as 500 members of a quasi-religious sect lived only five years ago.

The United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors has gone quiet since its leader, Malachi York, was sentenced to 135 years in federal prison in April for molesting 14 boys and girls whose parents were members of his group.

The federal government has seized the Nuwaubians' 476-acre farm in this middle Georgia town and the group's members have dispersed.

"York was it. Everything flowed from York. There was never any mistake about that," said Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills, who has clashed with the Nuwaubians since York moved his followers from New York City's Brooklyn borough to this rural county in 1993.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's over. He's gone, and he was the ringleader," County Commissioner Sandra Adams said.

Some Nuwaubians carry on. Their flashy Web site is still active, and they still operate a small bookstore in Atlanta that sells various literature, including York's writings.`

"Everybody is still working together and moving forward," said Adrian Patrick, York's attorney. "People are trying to fit the organization into this traditional hierarchy, but that's simply not the case. You can't destroy the organization by having the head incarcerated."

Some of the Nuwaubians still live in Eatonton near the compound, but two of them wouldn't comment when approached by a reporter. Two others who live in the Atlanta area did not return telephone messages left at their homes, and a woman working at the bookstore directed all inquiries to the group's Web site.

The site includes hundreds of posted messages from York's followers who are trying to raise money for his court appeals. They have titles like, "He NEVER Molested Us - He is innocent!!!" and "Attorney Sabotages York's Case."

A neighbor who lives near the compound said he thinks York was targeted by white authorities with an agenda against the mostly black Nuwaubians, who now call themselves The Yamassee Native Americans of the Creek Nation.

"In the old days, they would have hanged him," neighbor Bobby Walker said. "But today, they hung a charge on him he couldn't fight. ... This man bucked the power structure of Putnam County, and he should've known better."

The Nuwaubian compound has sat empty for months. An American flag hangs on the entrance gate, and some of the 20 or so structures are starting to fall apart. The federal government is expected to eventually put the land up for sale.

York, 58, was convicted by a jury in January of 10 counts of child molestation and racketeering. Prosecutors said he used the cult for his sexual pleasure and financial gain, including recruiting members to groom children for sex with him.

The woman who authorities say was York's "main wife," 35-year-old Kathy Johnson, pleaded guilty to seven counts of child molestation and was sentenced to two years in prison. She allegedly videotaped York engaging in sexual activity with the minors.

York, who is serving his sentence in the federal prison in Leavenworth, Kan., plans to appeal his conviction to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, his attorney said. York has argued that he is of American Indian heritage and should not be judged by the U.S. court system.

"He deserved what he got, and he got what he deserved," prosecutor Max Wood said. "Anyone who disagrees with them gets excoriated on their Web site. I think they're pretty much whittled down to a small hard-core group."


On The Net:

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors:

« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 03:17:53 pm by educatedindian »

Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2004, 02:09:29 pm »
There was a backlash in Indian Country recently (August) after Outkast's CBS Grammy Music Awards performance of "Hey Ya" where they dressed as "Indians" and chanted the words "Hey Ya" (as if this is an American Indian chant).

"Andre 3000" is a member of this United Nuwaubian Nuwaubian Nation of Moors which also goes by many other apellations, one being the Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation (the Creeks have already had to deal with them and their fraud).

This same "Hey Ya" chant was used in part of a "naming ritual" by a group of fraudulent "Black Indians" at the beginning of Oct.

One way to expose the fraudulent Black Indian groups (opposite to legitmate Black Indians) is to look at their associations with groups such as UNNM, any "Moorish Science" associated groups, and other groups like the Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah (which actually is supposed to mean "dug the mound". But I thought they were mould builders not mound diggers.)


Offline educatedindian

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2004, 02:20:23 pm »
This is disturbing, the first I'd heard of OutKast's involvement with Nuwaubians. Do you have a link we could use?

Elaine, this is exactly where this news should have been posted. The only threads "off limits" are the archives, which are just meant for old NAFPS yahoo posts.

Everyone, it will take me some time to get them all the important ones up, since there are over four thousand to wade through.

Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2004, 02:59:29 pm »
Outkast is from Atlanta, GA. Shortly after York and his followers came to Eatonton, Outkast became influenced by them. You could even see the change in their music due to the influence by York's cult. Andre's whole persona began to change from being a Southernstylistic gangsta to being an "artistic" Afrocentric weirdo.

York himself has also been very involved in the recording industry as a producer and a singer and was known by his stage name "Dr. York". His son is also a producer.

Even before moving to GA, York's cult has had an impact upon hip-hop with such artist as Jaz an others ascribing to their creed.

I don't know whether a weblink can be found mentioning this connection (I will look for it). I recall it from interviews and articles I read in the past and also reading some of the Nawaubians forums where it was mentioned. It seems that Wesley Snipes is a "secret" member of the cult along with others in the entertainment industry, but there is nothing there to substantiate it and as far as the Nuwaubians are concerned they can just as well be lying to try and give themselves some legitimacy.

But as far as Andre 3000 and Outkast is concerned the influence is quite apparent if you are familiar with York's creed and "religion".


Offline debbieredbear

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2004, 10:54:17 pm »
Here is a web page that is about Outkast and the newaubians:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2004, 04:11:25 pm »
The Zulu Nation's list of "lessons" includes a lot by York, along with a lot of other conspiracy theories.
The Year 2000 AD And What To Expect Scroll #156
By Dr. Malachi Z. York
Extra-Terrestrials And Creation
By Dr. Malachi Z. York
The Holy Tablets
By Dr. Malachi Z. York
Science Of Creation Scroll # 81
By Dr. Malachi Z. York
Are The Caucasiians Edomites?
By Dr. Malachi Z. York
Behold A Pale Horse
By Willian Cooper
Man Made UFO'S 1944-1994 50 Years Of Supression
By Renato Vesco And David Hatcher Childress
Nothing In This Book Is True But It's Exactly How It Is
By Bob Frissel
"NOSTRADAMUS THE Next 50 Years "
By Peter Lemesurier
"DEADLY Deception" ( THE proof that sex and HIV absolutely do not cause Aids)
"Report From Iron Mountain"
BY Leonard C. Lewin
"Elijah Muhammad and the IDEOLOGICAL Foundation Of the NATION OF ISLAM"
By ADIB RASHAD ( james Miller)
The Making of the Whiteman"
By Paul Lawrence Guthrie
"The Healing Source"
By Bactuu
"The New world order"
By Ralph Epperson
"The Unseen Hand"
By Ralph Epperson
"Vaccines are Dangerous"
By Curtis Cost
"Stolen Legacy"
By Geroge G.M. James
"Secrets of the Temple"
By William GREIDER
"Mission Earth And The Extraterrestrial Involvement"
Scwoll #82 By Dr. Malachi Z. Yonk
The American Indian U.F.O. Starseed Connetion"
By Timothy Green Beckley
"Comic Prophecies For The 2,000"
By Tuella/Channeler- For The Ashta Command
"The UFO Silencers"
By Timothy Green Beckley
"The War Of Gods And Men"
By Zecharia Stichin
"The Mystery Clouds Are They UFO's? Seroll #91
By Dr. Malachi Z. York
"Leviathan 666"
BY Dr. Malachi Z. York
The UFO Conspiracy
By Jenny Randales
NOSTNADAMUS and the Millennium
By John Hogue
The Illuminati 666
By William Josiah Sutton and Roy Allan Andenion
The Cure for All Disease
By Hulda Regehr Clark
The Cure For HIV and AIDS
By Hulda Regehr Clark

Another part of the site urges "If one is a racist he or she still should be heard, If one preaches or teaches love, truth, science, or whatever, even falsehood, he or she should be heard."

Offline JakeAl

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2004, 06:59:34 am »
I'm Jake and the guy who made the page that Debbie referred to in the link above...

I have been somewhat conflicted in this whole journey that I undertook with Outkast...

I suppose that I have to be and admit the unpopular.... Blacks are as likely to assume fraudulent Indian identity as any group in America.

My guess is that the prospect of possible Casino revenues is a motivation by some of these groups. My tribe has a small casino with poker machines... the tribal members get zero from it...

It is inconceivable to me that someone would, could, and have claimed to be native without being one....

The post by hasan_al_beedee blew my mind when I read it... singing outkast music as an Indian ceremonial song???

Anyway, I won't get too long winded here with my second pos on NAFPS...


Offline educatedindian

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2004, 10:07:18 pm »
Hi Jake. I'm Al, one of the co founders, and a history professor who's Mescalero Apache.

Probably most of the hits to your website came from me. I liked the article so much I reposted it in three places besides here, all of them yahoo groups aimed at Black/NDN mixedbloods that also attract more than a few wannabes. Plus you'd gathered together a lot of information on York's bunch that I hadn't seen before.

I have to admit there's enough differences between Black and white wannabes to be worth looking into the whys and what-fors. In the five years NAFPS has been around, probably 99% of the twinks and their leaders we've seen have been white. Outside of York, "the Washitaw Empress," and Jerry Monroe and his "Binay tribe", I don't know of any Black Nuage outfits.

Proably money is a big part of the reason. After all, there aren't too many Nuage leaders recruiting poor whites in Iowa either.

But the nature of the outfits targeting Black Nuagers is pretty different than most white ones, and a lot more disturbing. The white Nuage leaders take their money, they often use the women sexually. But the Nuwaubians, Washitaws, and Binays, they UTTERLY dominate, or try to, just about every aspect of their followers' lives. Where the white twink leaders take the money and run, write books of lies or set up seminars, these three Black-oriented outfits are much more controlling.

Anyone have any thoughts on why?

Offline JakeAl

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2004, 05:01:35 am »
Hi Al...

That's cool that the site is getting out there... I'm a little critical of the writing but it has taken forever to get done... and it's been hard to say when it's done lol. Anyway thanks...

As I stated in my rant, I think that these people are going for a power grab in this country and using fake Indian identity to do it.

I imagine that it is history repeating itself. Having taken note of what these groups are doing, it is similar to the colonists.

I suppose my fear is of Indians being subject to a second huge agenda/wave of racism and colonization, but by a different group, the African Americans... I know that it sounds somewhat silly, but I bet that it sounded silly among Indians a few hundred years ago when the whites started doing it.

I think that the difference between black and white wannabe's is similar to the relationship between British colonials and the mother country. only the roles being played this time with the African Americans being the colonial subjects of the mother country.. and the mother country being the U.S. gov/white folks.

In the previous centuries, the whites assumed the role of "total domination" fueled by the religious zealotry of manifest destiny... ( would manifest destiny be considered a cult behavior?) As I said, I fear the same dynamic is trying to take hold but with different characters playing the role of domination/conquest.

It is a touchy and racially charged scenario that I present but one that has a precedent in the colonization of the Americas by euros.

In any event, domination of members in a cult situation is common. Christian domination of lesser was a tool of colonization starting around the time of the crusades.

I suppose since I am neither Christian, white or black and that puts me in the minority, I am all the more fearful of groups who encroach on that culture, identity and belief system that is my own.

From Wikepedia:
"Occam's Razor (also Ockham's Razor or any of several other spellings), is a principle attributed to the 14th century English logician and Franciscan friar, William of Ockham that forms the basis of methodological reductionism, also called the principle of parsimony.

In its simplest form, Occam's Razor states that one should not make more assumptions than needed. When multiple explanations are available for a phenomenon, the simplest version is preferred. A charred tree on the ground could be caused by a landing alien ship or a lightning strike. According to Occam's Razor, the lightning strike is the preferred explanation as it requires the fewest assumptions."'s_Razor

This "black neo colonialism" theory sounds rather wacky and somewhat alarmist to me too but I have no other explanations.

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2004, 05:58:10 pm »
Thinking more about the subject, I realize that most of the white Nuagers are looking to
assuage their guilt over White Privilege and living on stolen Native lands. But these three Black Nuage cults all talk about acquiring power, "reclaiming" land and sovereignty even though it was not originally theirs.

York tried to get out of his child molesting charges by claiming the feds had no authority over him. (Didn't work, he got 120 years for abusing over 100 kids.) "The Empress" claims dominion over all of
the old Louisiana Territory. And the "Binays" claim they should be federally recognized and should be the leaders of the 1/3 of all Blacks with Indian ancestry. Plus all three have ties or are
influenced by "Moorish science", the same thinking that the Nation of Islam sprang from.

I also wonder how much of it is simply trying to escape being Black.

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Re: UNNM: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2010, 05:52:12 pm »
The latest this cult is trying to pull.


Police report.

Actual affidavits filed by York's people. Hilarious nonsense. To start with, the notary claims to be a witness for himself. And then he accuses govt officials of receiving absurdly large bribes of over $300 million!
Notaries play role in fake document ploy

York's sect at it again

By Joe Johnson -

Published Sunday, December 20, 2009
Buzz up!Followers of convicted child molester and sect leader Dwight "Malachi" York - some from Clarke County - are bombarding officials at a federal maximum security lock-up with fake documents that seek to free him from a 135-year prison term.

 The documents, some stamped by Athens-Clarke notaries, claim York has been falsely imprisoned since 2004 and should be released because he is an African diplomat, officials said.

"They tried to get him out of prison by saying he was a diplomat from Liberia and that he's being illegally held under the Geneva Conventions, but that doesn't apply, because he's not a prisoner of war," Athens-Clarke police Detective Beverly Russell said last week.

York is leader of the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, a purported black supremacist group that is on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups.

Officials said he used the sect as a front for a criminal enterprise, and in 2004, York was convicted in U.S. District Court in Brunswick on charges of racketeering, child molestation, transporting minors for unlawful sex and tax evasion.

An estimated 500 Nuwaubians once lived on a 476-acre compound the sect owned in Putnam County, but they dispersed after York's conviction, and the government seized the property.

Many Nuwaubians relocated to Athens, where York had owned a mansion off Timothy Road, and they met each weekend at a lodge on West Hancock Avenue. The group abandoned the lodge toward the end of 2008, reportedly for a new meeting place outside of Atlanta.

Still, six notaries public who placed their stamp on the fraudulent documents that sought to free York have Athens addresses, according to police.

By placing their seals on fake documents, the notaries committed misdemeanor fraud, Russell said, but for police to bring charges they would have to prove that the documents were notarized in Georgia, a near impossibility.

"When they wrote all this stuff up and notarized it they violated their notary code" because they knew the documents were false, the detective said. "It they could have done it anywhere, in any state."

It's now a civil issue, she said.

Russell turned over the documents to Clarke County Court Clerk Beverly Logan, who is responsible for commissioning notaries as well as canceling them.

Logan said she was looking into whether the notaries abused their authority.

"I just received the police reports, and I have some researching to do on the state statutes," Logan said. "Then, I'm going to afford them the chance to have an administrative hearing."

The FBI gave Russell copies of the notarized fake documents on Dec. 10, after they got them from officials at the so-called supermax federal prison in Florence, Colo.

York is housed there with the nation's highest risk prisoners, including Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, Olympic Centennial Park bomber Eric Robert Rudolph and Ramzi Yousef, who helped plan the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

York's followers also gave fake documents to the staff judge advocate at Fort Carson in Colorado, officials said.

Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills, who began the investigation into reported child abuse at the Nuwaubian compound near Eatonton in 2002, chuckled at the latest twist in the sect leader's bizarre history.

"It just never stops," he said.

Sills has been sued more than a dozen times by Nuwaubians, and one sect member even placed a fake lien on property the sheriff owns.

"If we were able to identify the person who filed the lien, we intended to prosecute him for making a false statement, which is a felony," Sill said.

The constant lawsuits and fake declarations apparently are an attempt by York's followers to "gum up" the legal system, the sheriff said.

Sills can't understand why, six years after he was convicted of heinous crimes that involved molesting children as young as 8 years old, people remain faithful to a man whose life has been a continuous con. Born as Dwight York in Massachusetts, he became Dr. Malachi Z. York when he established a sect in Brooklyn, N.Y., called the Ansaru Allah community, a religious group that incorporated Muslim traditions. He also told followers he came to Earth from the planet Rizq, and in 1993 York and his clan relocated to the Putnam County compound.

"I've never been able to rationalize how seemingly intelligent people would follow a man who started off saying he was an extraterrestrial, then changed to being a reincarnated pharaoh, then an American Indian chief, then head of all Shriners or Masons in the world," Sills said. "He also claimed at one time to be a rabbi but was an Islamic imam to start with, then after the trial he ended up being a diplomat.

"You can rationalize how someone follows a charismatic leader if they maintain a consistent philosophy, but how to you go from being an Islamic imam to a rabbi?" he said. "First he came here on a space ship, and years later he came here from Liberia on a diplomatic passport."

In his most recent court filings three months ago - including a petition to quash the indictment that sent him to prison - York calls his flock members of the United Worldwide Nuwaupians Church.

He refers to himself in the documents as H.E. Dr. Malachi Z.York-EL, with copyright and trademark logos attached to his name.

Offline educatedindian

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Stumbled on this, several years old, an attempt to recruit or network with gangs, Zulu Nation, hiphop, Nuwaubians, Washitaws, other Black supremacists, and others including some professors.

A warning: you will get porn ads at this site.

The Factology versus Beliefs phrase at the end is used by both Zulu Nation and Nuwaubians.
Doug Miles, mentioned at the end, seems to be this man. No idea why he'd take part unless he naively thought they were actually NDNs or is a hiphop fan.


by ELONEizZULU » September 26th, 2008, 1:36 pm





DATE: OCTOBER 9,10,11,2008
2031 5TH AVE (BET. EAST 125TH & 126 STREET)
TIME: 6PM -UNTIL ???????????????????




Offline educatedindian

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Re: United Nuwaubian Nation of Muurs or Moors
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2017, 02:33:08 pm »
Latest is Nuwaubians trying to recruit in Dinetah.

A Sundance in Navajoland? People unite to stop Sundance on reservation
By Alaina Adakai Native Sun News Today
A poster advertises the proposed Aug. 15-19 sundance. Photo by Alaina Adakai
DILKON, AZ. –– The Arizona community of Dilkon has recently gained national attention as its residents united to stop a Sundance that was planned to take place from August 15th to the 21st. Historically, sundances are not a traditional Navajo ceremony; however, through intertribal marriages the sundance was introduced and adopted by some Navajo families.

Dilkon is located in the southwestern part of the Navajo reservation. A 35-minute drive south will take you to Interstate 40 and Winslow, AZ, a small town made famous in the song, “Take It Easy”, by The Eagles.

This particular Sundance was controversial because of its ties to Dwight D. York, a convicted pedophile and Black supremacist cult leader. In 2003, York pled guilty to over 100 counts of child molestation and sexual trafficking of minors. He is currently serving a 135-year sentence.

In 2007, author Bill Osinski published a booked titled, “Ungodly: A True Story of Unprecedented Evil”. In the book Osinski chronicles the rise of York’s black supremacist cult and subsequent criminal actions.

"When he (York) was finally indicted, state prosecutors literally had to cut back the number of counts listed- from well beyond a thousand to slightly more than 200 — because they feared a jury simply wouldn’t believe the magnitude of York's evil.… [It] is believed to be the nation's largest child molestation prosecution ever directed at a single person, in terms of number of victims and number of alleged criminal acts,” wrote Osinski.

Dwight D. York is an African American man who has used countless aliases. He is most known as Dr. Malachi Z. York, the founder of United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors.

“The Nuwaubian Nation,” as it is currently called, is a religious group who believe that African Americans are the first and “true” Native Americans. They believe that their ancestors were living on the American continents long before the American Indian. The Nuwaubian Nation members claim that different tribes such as the Olmec, Creek, Seminole, Anasazi, and ancient Mound Builders are their African American ancestors.

Nuwaubian Nation doctrine also teaches that African Americans built the great cities and pyramids in South and Central America. Along with architecture, they believe that their ancestors taught American Indians science, medicine, farming, hunting, and religious practices such as the sundance.

Their religious beliefs are an eclectic mixture of ancient Egyptian god worship, Islamic doctrine, Judaism, and belief in extra-terrestrial life and UFO’s. Further complexing their religious doctrine, the Nuwaubians also intertwine and practice some Hopi, Navajo, and Lakota ceremonies.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has categorized the Nuwaubian Nation as a black separatist hate group. According to the SPLC website, “Hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.”

Just how did a black supremacist cult arrive on Navajo land with the intent to perform a sacred sundance ceremony?

They were invited by Rivka Thomas, a Navajo woman from Dilkon, AZ. Thomas is half Navajo, half African American. She calls herself Qmamti Bnu and is member of the Nuwaubian Nation. It is Thomas who planned the sundance.

In a section on the Freedom Sundance website, Thomas’ bio, states “I am Bnu. Doctor of Indigenous Ceremonies. I am Qmamti and Doctor of Ceremonies, therefore, I take Responsibility, and do ALL things in the spirit of Prophecy, as foretold by the Old Ones, for the Freedom of Dr. Malachi Z. York.”

The ceremony has been called the “Freedom Sundance,” and has been publicized to Nuwaubian Nation members.

In videos posted on YouTube, Thomas speaks about the purpose of the group’s sundance- the Nuwaubian Nation believes that its founder, Dwight Z. York, is innocent of all child molestation charges. Not only do they believe that the sundance will set York free from incarceration, they also believe that York is a prophesized chief called “Chief Black Eagle.”

The prophecy the Nuwaubians believe is called “The Eagle and Condor Prophecy”. In a video posted on YouTube, Thomas is asked to explain the prophecy.

“I’m not too learned in that prophecy but I have heard of it. I can’t really supply any specifics on that,” said Thomas.

This prophecy is the basis of the “Freedom Sundance” that Thomas planned, yet she is unable to explain this fundamental Nuwaubian belief.

Posts on Thomas’ Facebook profile reflect the complex mixture of the Nuwaubian religious beliefs- Thomas writes about the Lakota sundance, Navajo teachings, Egyptian deities, and Hopi prophecies.

In various pictures, she describes herself as “Blue Star Kachina” and has a photo shopped picture of herself surrounded by a blue aura and stars.

To the Hopi and Pueblo people of the Southwest, Kachinas are sacred and supernatural spiritual beings who help guide daily and religious life. The Hopi have prophesized that the Blue Star Kachina is a spiritual being who will reveal itself in the form of a star or comet, marking the Day of Purification.

This Kachina is sacred to the Hopi and Puebloan tribes, yet Thomas freely projects herself as this supernatural being.

Handwritten posters had been posted throughout the small community of Dilkon, promoting the “Freedom Sundance”. The posters were colorful with drawings of flowers, hearts, and stick figures. The poster seem to have been drawn by children.

Most alarming to Dilkon residents was that the posters explicitly stated that children were welcome to attend the sundance. Knowing of the reason for the sundance and the Nuwaubian Nation ties to pedophilia, Dilkon residents held an emergency meeting on August 15th.

Over 70 people attended the meeting and included relatives of Thomas, elected officials, concerned parents, and elders. Also in attendance was The Dine Medicine Men’s Association, the Navajo Nation’s organization of spiritual leaders.

Some parents reported that their children were approached by Thomas and Pittman asked to participate in the sundance. Parents expressed fears about the couple’s active recruitment of Navajo children.

Dilkon Chapter officials asked parents to file affidavits of each incident when the couple approached their children.

Henry Goldtooth tearfully recalled the day Thomas and Pittman forced him out his home, leaving him and his children homeless in their time of grief and mourning. Goldtooth had been married to Thomas’ aunt, with whom he had four children. Goldtooth’s wife had passed away just three weeks before.

Goldtooth told those in attendance that Thomas yelled, “Your wife is dead, now get out. This is my home!”

Relatives of Thomas explicitly stated that Thomas and Pittman had not obtained their permission to use their family land for the sundance ceremony.

The land were Thomas and Pittman planned to have the sundance is a cornfield.

Elders and Navajo holy men were outraged that the sundance would take place on a cornfield. To the Navajo, self-mutilation and self-harm go against traditional Navajo beliefs.

Corn is sacred to the Navajo and cornfields are sacred ground. For the Navajo, shedding human on a sacred cornfield is sacrilegious, and would condemn the cornfield.

The community meeting lasted hours, and ended with a traditional Navajo prayer ceremony. During the ceremony, Thomas and Pittman entered the building and began yelling expletives at those present.

According to witnesses, Thomas and Pittman called Navajos “racists” and threatened to sue the tribe for religious discrimination

Navajo elders were shocked at the cussing and aggressive outburst; the elders later expressed feeling violated and threatened.

A resolution was passed requesting that the Navajo Nation president and Department of Justice banish Thomas and Pittman.

On Thursday, August 17th, law enforcement officials evicted Thomas and Pittman from the home of Henry Goldtooth.

The Navajo Nation Deputy Attorney General, Rodgerick Begay, issued a letter on August 18th, stating, “It is the Department Of Justice’s position that individuals involved have no authority to conduct a Sundance in Mr. Willie’s permitted area. Furthermore, land use permits are strictly for farming purposes. Therefore, a Sundance cannot be performed in a cornfield.”

On Monday, August 21st, law enforcement authorities issued an order for Thomas and Pittman to vacate the cornfield where they began to camp after being evicted from Goldtooth’s home.

Leon Red Dog is a Lakota wicasa wakan (holy man), naca (leader), and Kit Fox Society leader from the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. A respected spiritual leader, Red Dog performs an annual sundance at his residence in Green Grass, SD.

“The sundance is a healing for people. Traditionally, every person who puts on a sundance has to have a vision or go on a vision quest. That is how you put your whole sundance circle together,” said Red Dog.

”There are certain protocols that you have to follow. You can’t just go around saying that you’re going to start a sundance. In order to have my sundance, I had to talk to Arvol (Looking Horse) and get it Ok’d with him. I talked with him and spoke with him about my dream,” said Red Dog.

Chief Arvol Looking Horse is The Keeper of the Sacred Pipe and a prominent spiritual leader of the Great Sioux Nation.

Asked what would happen if the Nuwaubian Nation tried to do a sundance on Sioux lands, “We’d ask Arvol Looking Horse and every sundance leader to talk to them, to find out what they are trying to do,” he said.

“I wouldn’t even listen to this woman. In our way, it has to be a man who runs the sundance ceremony. It’s good that the Navajo people are not allowing it. I wouldn’t allow it if they tried to do it here,” said Red Dog.

Although the sundance was stopped by the Navajo people, Thomas’ Facebook profile exclaims to Nuwaubian Nation followers that the sundance was successful.

The Navajo Nation has yet to issue an official banishment of the couple. The current whereabouts of Thomas and Pittman are unknown.

Offline educatedindian

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Rivka Thomas AKA Qmamti Bnu
She's on many discussions of Black supremacy and "Moorish science."
There's dozens of similar videos.

it is Now time for this great ceremonial rite, Freedom Sundance, to be performed; in order, to empower the People in freeing Chief Black Thunderbird and the Black Thunderbirds, thus freeing Humanity from various states of imprisonment.

This is how it is recorded and this is how it shall be.

O Children of the Sun, Holy People of the Earth, please join us in this great work by sharing and supporting Freedom Sundance. 

Freewill offerings/Contributions are received by: 

Bank of America Acct. Name: Bnu Blackwind
Acct.# 457035945110 Routing # 122101706 zip code: 85060

OR  PayPal.Me/qmamti


I am Bnu, Doctor of Indigenous Ceremonies, I am Ashíhí (Salt) clan, born for the Tsó Diné (Star People) of the Ancient Diné (Anasazi) and Dogon (Egyptian) People.  My great, great grandmothers and grandfathers are of the, Hopi, Oraibi; Comanche and Yamassee, Ocmulgee....
Since birth, I have been entrusted with the preservation of oral teachings, of the Indigenous Ones, recorded over 25,000 years ago.
When I was 9 years old, the Diné Elders, made it known to me that, “Black Thunderbird is, Shíyásh (my Son), and that at an appointed time, “promise to listen when Black Thunderbird speaks...”.

GoFundMe campaign can be reported here.

Below is the msg I sent. Feel free to use as a model:

Fundraiser is for cult leader Malachi York of the Nuwaubians, convicted of <200 counts of child molesting. York falsely claims to be Dineh (Navajo). He is a Black supremacist who claims Blacks are the true Native Americans. He claims to be Yamassee. The tribe has not existed since 1700s.

This ceremony has also been barred by the Navajo Nation, its promoter Rivka Thomas AKA Qmamti, banished. Navajos were deeply concerned that Thomas was trying to solicit Navajo children, given York's pedophile convictions. Thomas also publicly attacked Navajo elders. See the article
Please feel free to contact me. I'm Associate Professor of History at NOVA and one of the founders of NAFPS at