Author Topic: Prairie Fairy  (Read 18127 times)

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Prairie Fairy
« on: August 22, 2008, 03:32:08 pm »
Hi, I'm from The Midwest. Have had some twinkie in my upbringing. Still trying to find my way and finding the most success with radical politics. Fed up with conflict, conflict everywhere. Living in Europe.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 10:06:02 am by Prairie Fairy »

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 01:33:12 pm »
I'll keep on posting with all my "issues" here in the intro so as not to be burdensome with my ignorance.

As posted in the "what tribe or nation is everyone?" thread, I am Serbian, Scottish, Polish, Norwegian and Sami.

I have ambitions in Serbian Reconstructionism.

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 01:37:00 pm »
 I had a vision when I was quite young and am remembering it and trying to find the right way to prioritize my life around it.

I read Ken's intro thread and the mulberry bush thread. Considering the wise words used there for a similar situation it is clear that when i am ready I will show up in Serbia and see if it is to be.

It is not hidden the wrong forms nationalism takes with Serbian people although in the media they tend to cast us as somewhat more onesidedly the villains as we are.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 10:08:58 am by Prairie Fairy »

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2008, 01:49:19 pm »
In practice i am still very much an American. Any projects in Serbian reconstruction will be dealing with that. Especially since I moved to the Netherlands I realise how much of an American I am. Also it is not accidental that I married a Dutch man. In my anti racist self education I came to see two trends in myself: colonial trend and colonized trend. They are both there. The colonial trend you use to survive, treat people with true kindness,(and study VERY RIGOUROUSLY the difference between true kindness and false kindness! BTW Ram Dass wrote a good book on that.) confront the patterns you can stop and try not to make more. The colonised trend you recognise as human, heal and feed, document abuse, keep from acting out the abuse unjustly on others. One thing America never gave a 3rd gen./more gen. immigrant like me is a sane society on a humble level.

 America is very problematic and the whole country is hyperactive. As a child of twinkie parents this sanity was something I needed desperately. I sensed it from some NDN people and also from some other people sometimes but it was not mine in the sense that it was not my nation. I had to be honest and be about coming from my own power otherwise this would never work. I thought about it one day. I had to get out of the colony. Alas I had to stay on the colonial trend within myself for now because I couldn't see another way to survive. I had to follow it down. (undo it in a way.) If I had stayed in the US I would have gone around and around in circles of abuse that do not end. People say of the colonizers: they are here, they are not going back. I thought why the hell not. Let me be the first one.

I started following the root of the colonial place I was in to find a less colonial place in the same energy language. I went from the idea that English was my nation because I spoke the English language, (and I always loved Shakespeare in highschool LOL) and that is partly true and a guidance affirmed that for me. Guidance was clear England was too wrapped up in America's colonial pattern. Next stop, Scotland/Ireland. There are out and proud Scottish Irish types and I knew some in high school when we were teenagers and they made it clear I was less included in the universe. Painful place. Racist against South Europeans and surely more. At that point my mind was on a level of, can I reproduce a Scottish accent? But I wasn't supposed to go there. My guidance said Dutch. Also as a root of the English language speakers grounding in reality. Less obvious and less hyperactive. And I was sure to get the linguistic grounding I needed to reproduce that Scottish accent.

I forgot this for a while. In my twinkie world I forget a lot of things. About a year later I went with my parents to visit my Norwegian/Sami/Polish American WWII vet expatriate grandfather's posthumous art exhibit in Germany.  Long story short I met my husband. Hung out for a week in this Ex Scientology fad Belgian Chalet and fell in love. Now what to do? Big ocean! Oh yeah. I always wanted to expatriate! Guess this is my calling!
I have indeed been able to get alot healthier since I live in a place where the linguistic connection to the land is still somewhat intact. I am also doing alot better since my contact with my parents is severely limited. Neither of them have really been able to parent me and neither of them are able to take responsibility for that.

There is some intimacy I feel with the Dutch people that I could recognise as deep and truly connected. It is profound compared to my American alienation and it is the right direction for me but there is still a lot of work to do. And there is a real racism here. Obviously the plastic shaman problem which I saw but was not strong enough to really see confidently till I found this forum. My sons walk in the world as Moroccan Dutch men so that is also obvious. We listen to a lot of Hip Hop music around our house. Still a lot of work to do. Some of it is mine. Still a bridge. Have much more success being an anti racism negotiator since I have become able to speak in a grounded way. Trying to stay in one place long enough that my daughter get less moving from place to place trauma than I did. We still live in the house she was born in.

 I feel visceral connection with my Sami roots disproportionate to my blood quantum. Also with my Jewish droplet this is a fact I have had to internally acknowledge, even if I never discuss it. With these two I needed to know these cultures in order to understand how my own personality functions.

As a Hippie I am resting on things like Ram Dass, The Beat poets, activism, and such. It truly is my cultural context as an individual in this temporary period I am in. My mind is blown way wide open. But I am really sick of an unhealthy state. I just keep exploring and finding new ideas. it's a painful place to be. progress helps but the pain is still around. I have had much connection researching Amiri Baraka on the internet as he was a seminal beat poet and he gives context to the racial situation in America. Black music and culture is an important key for any spaced out capitalist lost person, as there is a real tradition there that also has been appropriated. Anybody who loves Rock and Roll music for example should learn the cultural grounding from the African Diaspora and learn on a deep level what the nature of respect might be in their own musical choices.

I got also English, Irish, Dutch, French and German, and three droplets I am not naming.

At age ten I took a little walk some distance from the party at the lakeside cabin in Minnesota where we had visited many times before. I thought about the direct profession for spirituality the people at the party had been making for some years. I saw also the hedonism and that they were not serious and could not be trusted. There has always been some gifts that I carry and I knew this was the time to really ask some questions. I asked the tradition that was being represented there where the truth was that I needed to know. That was spirituality from India and I was told the only value the Guru trend had was in the spiritual traditions of the humble people of India in their integrity, and that every place has the old traditions where integrity can be sought, and seeking something without integrity was not fruitful.

Being of many mixed nations is something I have to acknowledge. There are ways I act as a bridge. I also have to choose only ONE. That is Serbian. The others can be friends. There are bigger things in my personality that I have learned are ALL about being Serbian. Every time I end up hanging out with anybody even near that region I feel my personality starting to ground and heal. That happens with the others too to some extent.

I think the main problem with twinkiness comes from capitalism. Many many many people believe everything is for sale.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 09:29:02 am by Prairie Fairy »

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2008, 04:01:14 pm »
I think I've been taken in a few times by Plastic Shamans. One thing that happens is that I do not want to interfere in someone else's identity. It wasn't till his wife started talking to me about his emotional abusiveness that I really became able to see the tricks he had been playing on me in a subtle psychological manner. Like a lot of abusers he will do stuff to discourage any criticism, and I thought that he was just asserting his mysterious NDN communication style.

Also if I am honest about it I myself am used to using romanticism of Southern European identity and burly working classedness regarding myself. To have a positive identity instead of the thing you could scrape off your shoe a lot of the world gives you. I think a lot of people can't sense the difference between these things well enough. Probably due to never having had an authentic life connection in the first place. I don't always see it. I know for sure I was born crazy. But it's a bit different if you have a business built on this romanticism and use it to sell knowledge that is not supposed to be sold.

 My grandpappy, he had to get the flying heck out of locked down European peasant life and the ship to America was the only game in town. It breaks my heart that Ishi was adopted out of his family for genocidal purposes. That's why I think he is kind of like me, stuck in limbo, filing away at a mountain of disconnection.

Sometimes I thought he was doing important mediation work but, him being a person who discourages all criticism, this seems less likely.

I could see Sarah's racism from far off. I alays knew they were screwy but I thought I could work with it. Sometimes I still think I can. They are great enemies to bounce off of.

Sarah thinks I am unrealistic because I refuse to have much to do with money.

Once she got me under her massage hands. It was a demonstration of some healing magnets she was network marketing at the time. Every time she laid incorrect energy in me through her hands I gave her a correction. She said "Ooh, you're VERY sensitive! You should go into business!" LOL

 She could make me feel guilty as if I was not pulling my weight.

*i told my story here, and it is only one link in a long chain of reconnection. :)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 02:34:44 pm by Prairie Fairy »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2008, 04:17:46 am »
I see you've discovered the function for editing posts. If your post is the most recent in the list, it's generally better to add to that one instead of starting a new one. This makes it easier for those reading through the "recent posts" function. Thanks!

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2008, 08:26:15 pm »
Sorry, I'll try to keep it neat. It hasn't been my habit as you may be able to tell.

I saw a video on YouTube recently that was about cultural appropriation, and the story line was based on someone I believe from one of the Scandinavian countries who had received an eagle feather and was aware she was not supposed to have it, and did a doc about her trip returning it to Arvol Looking Horse. I am wondering what I should do with the eagle feather I was given by a friend who collects way too many power objects, does cocaine and has twinkie statues of noble savages in his home. Is there a proper respectful way for me to put this feather in it's place? I don't have the cash to fly to North America. Maybe somebody knows. I've tried making the decision myself but I am just not clear on this.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 01:20:09 pm by Prairie Fairy »

Offline Freija

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2008, 10:03:51 pm »

I saw a video on YouTube recently that was about cultural appropriation, and the story line was based on someone I believe from one of the Scandinavian countries who had received an eagle feather and was aware she was not supposed to have it, and did a doc about her trip returning it to Arvol Looking Horse. I am wondering what I should do with the eagle feather I was given by a friend who collects way too many power objects, does cocaine and has twinkie statues of noble savages in his home. Is there a proper respectful way for me to put this feather in it's place? I don't have the cash to fly to North America. Maybe somebody knows. I've tried making the decision myself but I am just not clear on this.

Hej Prairie Fairy, I am the Scandinavian woman who returned the eagle feather to Arvol (and many other objects including catilinite pipes). Glad you saw my film on YouTube.

I would prefer that someone from the plains tribes answered your question about the eagle feather.
Is it an American eagle feather?

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2008, 10:48:14 pm »

I don't know. Maybe I will get a chance to ask him.

Offline Kevin

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2008, 01:21:39 pm »
If you are certain it is an eagle feather you could also mail it to a VFW post on a rez. If you have doubts, respectully burn it or bury it. That's what I would do.

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 06:23:31 am »
Thank you.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2008, 06:07:07 am »
If you are certain it is an eagle feather you could also mail it to a VFW post on a rez. If you have doubts, respectully burn it or bury it. That's what I would do.

Kevin, are you sure you're in a position to know what to do with an eagle feather? I think Freija had the right idea a couple of posts before yours.

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2008, 07:18:48 am »
Barnaby, could you please not fight over this.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 07:27:04 am by Prairie Fairy »

Offline Freija

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2008, 10:09:56 am »
Barnaby, could you please not fight over this.

I think Barnaby just wanted to repeat what I said myself, that it is better that a Native person comments on what to do with a sacred object. If we non-Natives start giving each other advice on Native cultures when we have the honour and benefit of having a whole bunch of Native people in here, it gets a little bit out of hand. Just my opinion.....

Prairie Fairy, if you know for certain that it is an American or Canadian eagle feather and the owner is willing to give it back, let us know. We´ll take it from there.....

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Prairie Fairy
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2008, 10:51:10 am »
Its not a fight its a valid point.If it is an eagle feather then burning it is not an option.Can I suggest that you treat it in the same manner as you would say a dropped feather?I am sure NAFPS can supply you with the name details etc of a legitimate elder to who you can send it if there is not one where you live.Let that Elder determine what is or is not to be done with it.