Author Topic: Cherokee Nations Have a F.I.T.T.  (Read 9845 times)

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Cherokee Nations Have a F.I.T.T.
« on: August 25, 2008, 03:51:01 am »
Fraudulent Indian Task Team, that is. From Josiah over at

Resolution 1# 00-08


WHEREAS, the Cherokee Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians since time immemorial have exercised the sovereign rights of self-government on behalf of the Cherokee people; and

WHEREAS, the Cherokee Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians are federally recognized [Indian Nations with a historic and continual government to government relationship with the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Council unites the Legislative Branches of government of the Cherokee Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, representing approximately 294,000 Cherokee people throughout the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, the two Cherokee Tribal governments share a common history prior to forced removal in 1838, and then separate histories to the present, yet our common language, culture, and traditions have made the Cherokee Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians distinct
and unique Native people from other Indian Tribes and other people, as was declared by the Joint Council in Resolution No. 3-92, adopted on August 11, 1992 in Cherokee, North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, the Cherokee Nation has been aware of a growing number of non-Indian groups claiming to be Cherokee tribes or bands and that these groups have been organizing and attempting to gain federal recognition, this problem being acknowledged by the Joint Council in
Resolution No. 008, adopted on October 3, 1988 in Cherokee, North Carolina and

WHEREAS, the Department of the Interior through the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Branch of Acknowledgment and Research maintains the responsibility for addressing specific applications for federal recognition and Ihe Cherokee Nmion and Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians fully support the federal recognition process; and

WHEREAS, the history of the Cherokee Nation and Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is well documented and no other tribes or bands of Cherokee Indians exist aside from those already federally recognized, which includes the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma; and

WHEREAS, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and the Cherokee Nation in Joint Council assembled in Resolution No. 4-96, adopted on October 4, 1996 have previously expressed opposition to the "state recognition" process by the State of Georgia or other states in the United States who may seek to recognize a group of 'Cherokee' that do not already have federal recognition;

WHEREAS, public funding by pseudo-Cherokee Tribes is of epidemic proportions and often involves membership fees; misleading presentations to school children and interference in a multitude ofgovernment functions including child welfare cases; and

WHEREAS, the sovereignty and reputation of the Cherokee Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, as well as members the general public continue to be in jeopardy due to the acts of individuals who organize and administer fabricated Cherokee tribes; and

WHEREAS, untold millions of federal dollars that are appropriated for the benefit of tribal people are being diverted from their intended purpose, including money distributed by federal agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Native Americans, the Department of Labor, Department of Education, Department of Agriculture and other federal agencies.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Joint Council of the Cherokee
Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians do hereby support the federal recognition process ofthe Department of the Interior as administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Branch of acknowledgment and Research, and endorse the criteria used by the Bureau of Indian Affairs as appropriate; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cherokee Nation and Eastern Band of
Cherokee Indians denounce the state or federal recognition of any further 'Cherokee' tribes or bands, aside from the those already federally recognized, and commit to exposing and assisting state and federal authorities in eradicating any group which attempts or claims to operate as a government ofthe Cherokee people; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that no public funding from any federal or state government should be expended on behalf of non-federally recognized 'Cherokee' tribes or bands or the individual members thereof; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cherokee Nation and Eastern Band of
Cherokee Indians shall call for a full accounting of all federal monies given to state recognized, unrecognized or SOI(c)(3)
charitable organizations that claim any Cherokee affiliation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the federal and state governments should
stringently apply a federal definition of "Indian" that includes only citizens of federally recognized Indian tribes, to prevent non-Indians from selling membership in 'Cherokee' tribes
for the purpose ofexploiting the Indian Arts and Crafts Act.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no 501(c)(3) organization, state recognized or unrecognized groups shall be acknowledged as Cherokee,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any individual who is not a member of a federally recognized Cherokee tribe, in academia or otherwise, is hereby discouraged from claiming to speak as a Cherokee, or on behalf of Cherokee citizens, or using claims of Cherokee heritage to
advance his or her career or credentials.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be the policy of the Joint Council of the Cherokee Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians until it is withdrawn or modified by subsequent resolution.

The foregoing resolution was adopted by the Councils of the Cherokee Nation and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians at the Joint Council Meeting held in Catoosa, Oklahoma on April 9, 2008, having __joint council members present, constituting a quorum, by the vote of
___yea; nay; abstaining.

Meredith A. Frailey
Council ofthe Cherokee Nation
Mike Parker
Chairman of the Tribal Council
Eastern Band ofCherokee Indians
Approved and signed by the Principal Chiefs this 9th day ofApril, 2008.
Chadwick Smith
Principal Chief
Cherokee Nation
Michell Hicks
Principal Chief
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians


Fraudulent Indian Task Team (F.I.T.T)

A battle for what it means to be an Indian tribe and a struggle for benefits provided to Indians is currently being waged by groups seeking to take away the identity and benefits that have been reserved to federally recognized Indian tribes. Hundreds of false Indian groups are claiming to be sovereign tribes and are teaching their own fabricated culture and history as if it were Indian. They apply for and receive aid from the same sources that fund the historic treaty based obligations intended for Indians. Yet they do not measure up to the credentials required of true tribes.

Excerpt from Sovereignty at Risk: Identity Theft, Revisionism, and the Creation of False Tribes

The Task Force consists of volunteers from various areas of Cherokee Nation as well as volunteers from other organizations and tribes. The purpose of this task force is to provide information to the general public and local/state/federal government representatives, expose false Native American tribes, also referred to as wannabe's, and defend the Sovereignty, History, and Culture of federally recognized tribes.

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Cherokee Nations Have a F.I.T.T.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 04:01:34 am »
I tried the links but they don't seem to work. I am pretty sure the Cultural Departments could provide more info if it was needed.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Cherokee Nations Have a F.I.T.T.
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 06:34:33 pm »
The link to the main page works:

Thanks for posting this, I'm really glad to see this happening!


  • Guest
Re: Cherokee Nations Have a F.I.T.T.
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 06:56:54 pm »
Makes me wonder how much pressure they will be able to place upon the States.   As that  mostly involves these State Tribes and 5 01(C)3's.  A lot ot that is sheer politics.

Offline LittleOldMan

  • Posts: 138
Re: Cherokee Nations Have a F.I.T.T.
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2008, 09:00:35 pm »
Comment:  One of the State tribes that I am familiar with doesn't seem to have any problem with the Eastern bunch or they them as far as I can see.  Some of the Elders even come down and participate in some of their gatherings.  Teach tradition as well as culture.  They recognize the people of this tribe as descendants. Of course these people are not trying to go after Fed recognition either. "LOM"
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