wow!!!! what a name I would be scared to use a name like that?
what does it mean??
spirit climber like one climbs up the tower of bebel???
1. No you do not pay for ceremonies
example "$250 for sweatlodge" "$100 for workshop about sweatlodge" ect..
BUT, when our spiritual leaders come to our communties we give them a gift
such as blankets or something to help and feed them. Even if they never done
a ceremony we still give a gift becuase it is our way. We give gifts always.
If you made something or was given some things nice we give it away.
You must never make money for spirituality or everything you do will only
hurt people.
2. NO our people are not shamans we don't do magic. In fact Native people are very offended by the term.
We have no common words for our people who pray, heal, do ceremonies, there is not one term that a person can use other than "Common Man".
Our people have different things they do
* A spiritual leader prays for the people, runs ceremonies
* A medicine man makes medicine from root, herbs and vision
* A healer can heal people with ceremony
* A pipe carrier is not a medicine man but a person who dicated
his life for the people to pray
To put our people in catagories tells us you know nothing about our ways