Oh my....
Staunch, if you're really here to support this woman. Tell her to stop what she's doing. Literally, she's selling people fantasies for a price and she's making outrageous claims.
Not to mention....her pages are loaded with malware. Her behavior should be red flags for some real help. She's not healing anything....she's just selling performances, not unlike snake oil salesman of the past.
An updated link for anyone wishing to look
http://www.geocities.ws/hummingbirdspiraling/bio.html...a ceremony for damn near everything and a price included in each. A talking circle costs $100....wth is that? Boy scouts do that for free....and they're both doing the same thing....
Her "testimonials" aren't even signed with names....and there's a few clues in the writing that she probably wrote them herself. None of her "teachers" are named except for a former boyfriend of hers she calls "elk dreamer".
And to top it off....she still hasn't spell checked her site....that's just plain annoying. You can call this thread "holier than thou" if you want to....but we're not the ones claiming to be holy people who can "heal" you of whatever ails you. A little reflection perhaps?