well since he continued after I tried to kill the thread, I will answer him.
First this board is, or tries to be, both a clearing house as well as a place where a call to action can be put forth to warn others of those people who would violate the cultural sanctity of Native American Culture/Spirituality. Many of us have a foot planted in both the Native world as well as the dominant European cultural model. We therefore quite well understand the problems that the threats of unauthorized appropriation of Native American Culture/Spirituality can cause.
and I do applaud that. I am very grateful to have read the things that I did. I am glad that my suspicions about maria yraceburu were confirmed, and that I was saved the heartache of being involved with those people.
This is the reason that we are somewhat sensitive to any perceived threat ,criticism. When one has been hit as much as we have sometimes the fist starts moving before the totality of thought engages.
believe it or not, I really do "get" that. I mean, in part it is apparent from all the things they accused me of, all the different types of racism and the various characterizations that they made, how many time this has happened before.
but the fact is, this site maintains a high profile, and it contains a great deal of negative talk about new age people who are not directly involved in cultural appropriation. various characterizations of the "new age" mindset and so on. you can find plenty of them further up in this thread ("we've heard this all before" etc.). maybe by new agers they specifically mean people who are involved in cultural appropriation, but it does not at all seem that way and I have not seen that distinction made.
and I used the word "new age" on purpose. I didn't have to. I don't happily identify with that word, and if I had come on here and used a different word, say european occultism, I may have gotten a very different reaction. we'll never know. but that was my point. these people are so enraged by those two words that anything that comes after it has to be attacked and dismantled.
You asked us to share knowledge this cannot be done in the way that you might want it to be. Traditional Elders hand out knowledge only as fast as the receiving person can assimilate it in a proper manner. I am sorry but this is another continent We come at things usually from a whole different direction using some entirely different concepts and views of our place in relation the land and Spirit. Succinctly said it is against our nature to share this knowledge in a nontraditional way.
again, I think everyone took my statement the wrong way. I was not saying that Native people should under any circumstance share medicine ways, as I guess you call them, or any aspect of your spiritual traditions. I simply meant that devoting some energy to educating people about your languages and histories and artistic traditions in a very superficial way, just what things are what and not the why or the how, could go a long way. I can tell fake tibetan stuff from real tibetan stuff a lot of the time because, even though I don't speak tibetan, I can recognize words that are real tibetan and words that aren't.
maybe that's too much to ask. it's just an idea. I guess I said everything in the wrong ways, but I am not sure that excuses the way they behaved towards me. of course I sort of expected that, [Insults removed] but I thought maybe someone else would want to talk.
in any case, I am glad they are keeping this here [Insults removed} is preserved for visitors to stumble upon.
Go to a powwow look, at all the Wannabe tribe members, maybe then you will understand our concerns and caution
I went to one awhile back at mission san luis rey, which is down the street from my house. I didn't see any wannabes, but maybe I just dont know how to look.
this site maintains a fairly high profile, and there is a lot of bad mouthing of various groups of people on here. deserved or otherwise, you are going to provoke a reaction. if people keep coming here and saying the same things, maybe there's a reason. whether they are right or wrong, they keep coming here because you are consistently offending people.
you guys talk about the need to defend your culture, and your willingness to fight to do so. so your jaws shouldn't drop when other people follow suit. the plastic shamans will keep coming, and people like me, who hope to find some kind of middle ground, will keep coming too. deal with it.
one of the "fraud" "shamans" who was in fact NDN, a friend of yraceburu's who taught a massage class I took, said over and over to us "you dishonor no one by honoring yourself."
that's all I tried to do here, honor myself and my experience. I am sorry that [Insult removed]
god be with you