Hello to all,this is the first time I have every gotten involved in this type of thing,but while surfing ran into this forum and found it to be quite interesting.The battle to seek truth is a worthy and noble fight.Sometimes every individuals truth is diffrent and unique to them.Often we are victims of tall tales,homoginized history or just out right lies purpotrated to herd us in a certain direction or belief system in order to allow the powers that be to obtain and maintain controll over our lives.It is refreshing that there is this place to discuss these matters,it helps us grow mentally and spiritually.Some times,in my opinion,even the huksters,can be of service in the quest for truth.As this forum prooves.I like to call myself a child of earth, (no hippie)and let the spirit of the bear guide me.I honor all our relations,and thank you all for allowing me to speak..walk in peace