Got a request on Selina at the yahoo group. The request came from a Micmaq who stated his people have never heard of this woman who is being promoted as one of their elders.
The original message that angered Micmaq.
"Long ago the Northeastern coast of Turtle Island, first contact was made between the indigenous peoples and the Europeans. The tribes knew of the fore coming loss of their ways and held council. They determined that one tribe should travel far away to their cousins in the south known as the Incas of Heart Island and one tribe would stay in their homeland
The Mik'maq tribe of Northeastern Canada stayed behind but sent their most sacred item, Grandmother Turtle Pipe, to be held safe until the Time of the Renewal would come. They knew that Grandmother Turtle Pipe would return during the Time of the Renewal. The Anishnawbe tribe traveled with the 5000 year old pipe which held the power of women's medicine. The sacred Grandmother Turtle Pipe found safe refuge with an Incan family who passed it down for many many generations.
500 years later the pipe gave the message to her caretakers that it was time for her to come back to her people. The Time of the Renewal has come and she must return home. Three Holy People traveled from South America to Nova Scotia to bring Grandmother Turtle Pipe to her homeland.
The sacred Grandmother Turtle Pipe selected Little Grandmother Selina to carry her and share her medicine to heal the Way of the Feminine. The time has come.
The time has come to hear the medicine of the Grandmothers and embrace a new way of living. Little Grandmother Selina carries the
medicine of the women to heal and prepare us for the ways of Peace.
Please join me on our web-cast program Women and Prophecy, Wed night, February 18th, 6pm Pacific time, to hear Little Grandmother
Selina's powerful story and her connection to the Grandmothers and the 13 Original Clan Mothers who are making themselves known at this time of the Women. Her wisdom heals the deepest part of us in need of remembering who we are. women sharing prophecy and spiritual teachings from around the world. Women elders, Wise Ones and Grandmothers reveal the
secrets passed down from their ancestors.
Janet Lightstone
www.sistersofhonua. org"
The "sisters" seem pretty clearly influenced by Jamie Samms nonsense. They include a who's who of frauds posing as NDN feminists, Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu, Brooke Edwards AKA Medcine Eagle, and Twyla Nitsch.
And this I found an amusing this for supposed feminists to do. They included wives of famous frauds, declaring them to be women elders:
Marcela Villoldo
Cindy Miro Quesada
They're also kind of blunt that their intent is to make money."How to Hire One of the Sisters
Establish the date, location and budget of your event. These factors will play an important role in determining the pool of Sisters available to you. Your date, for example, will affect which Sisters are available, whereas your budget will limit whom you can and can’t afford to hire."
From the same link here are the self proclaimed elders they list who need more investigation:
"Flo Yepa Jemez Pueblo Buffalo Clan Elder Fire & Sun Pottery
Patricia Cori author Sirian Revelations
Sharron Stroud, PhD Innerfaith Ministries Worldwide
Regina Cuma Chavez Mayan Curandera
Serena Poisson Mountain & Myst Reiki Center 9 Gates Mystery School
Selina Water Eagle Ojibiwi Elder
Arielle Ford Author
Leilani Birely Hawaiian Kahuna Dianic Priestess Daughters of the Goddesss
Charla HawkWind Cherokee Elder
Venessa Kay Hopi Rainforest Ambassador
Mara Freeman Celtic Magic Avalon Mystery School
Raphaelle Tamara Seraphim
Vicki Noble author Motherpeace
Maria Teresa Valenzula Toltec Curandera
Kalei'iliahi Kamakawiwoole Hawaiian Kahuna - Visionary Artist Twin Flames for God
Luisah Teish Ifa/Orisha Priestess Storyteller - Author
Happy Pahia Hawaiian Kahuna - Peace Educator Kanaka Moali Wahine
Afia Walking Tree Jamacan Drum Shaman SpiritDrumz
Beatrex Quntanna Tibetan Tarot & Numberology House Jewelry
Penelope Smith Grandmothers' Circle Animal Talk
Yolanda Martinez 2006 NAMMY WINNER! Apache Drummaker & Singer
Nicki Scully Shamanic Journeys Ltd Alchemical Healing
Linda Seger Script Consultant Workshops"
One thing I'm struck by in the photos which hadn't been obvious before. of the ones alleging to be NDN, if they actually are, are of very low BQ. Naylin claims to be both Apache and Navajo, but is very pale and light brown haired. The photo of Nitsch on the other page also struck me the same, outside of its incredible weirdness, with the diagram looking like something out of kabbala.