Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 594834 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Niawen Gowa Educated Indian for your responses! I can tell you factually, that Mr. Tecumseh Brown Eagle has lied about things.  His mouthpiece now, she claims is not Cindy Hopkins when, so she is Cindy Hopson  as her phone number has been provided to me, and it is Cindy Hopson not Cindy Hopkins. Small technicality out of the way. Now I dare her to say she is not Cindy Hopson. Then we know we have a real case on our hands.

[Private email address removed, as requested]

Cindy Loudoris and Cindy Hopson are the same person verifiable .

Now she wants people to contact TBE to become more confused and deceived by someone who can sell a good game, but we have found out his game, including the chiefs and clanmothers. We all know he is a fraud, as the message was brought to our council, by another of our chiefs and the people have been warned. He has also been lying about being a Mason, etc , etc., we have resources within our Confederacy that are able to track these things. We have also verified that the negative information about TBE that is posted from several sources, is all true,  including those messages from other nations.

Tecumseh Brown Eagle also has been blocked from any involvement with Bruce Nuclear Power Plant, and any questions about that should not be directed to him. The Nuclear Power Plant issue has not even been discussed in our Confederacy Council as of yet, which is where all of these type of issues have to pass through first. Apparently Ms. Hopson and TBE have no respect for that process as they continue to ask people to defray any questions about this issue to TBE.

TBE should not be contacted on any of these issues, as per her request, and as already been forwarded to those that will take action!

MS. Hopson and TBE are not taking us seriously, and one day soon they will wish they had!

Don't mess with us Mohawks or the Six Nations Confederacy  Ms. Hopson, and TBE , as we will show no mercy for your continual disrespect of our Confederacy Chiefs, Clanmothers, and those that the Confederacy has put in place to help them!

The Warning is clear!


Niiki , Mohawk Bear Clan from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 06:28:51 am by educatedindian »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: TECUMSEH BROWN-EAGLE and claims made against him

Here is a link of response to her OTAH :

In addition to this it has been verified by another Chief that the geneology that TBE has provided as is own is in FACT not his own!

What it does show is that because of his claim to a Moytoy1 which is what other Black Muslims have tried to claim shows his connection, as a Black Muslim! Truth!



Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
Thank you for the invitation to collect more information.  The following has been sent as you suggested

Please forward any records and verification of enclosed personal claims made by: James Oliver Johnson III aka Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed.

As stated on -

claims stated - “U.S.A. Olympic Candidate - Tae Kwon Do /Karate; U.S.A. World Championship Karate Team Member; GOLD Medalist - US OLYMPIC Elite Athlete Tae Kwon Do - National Champion Rep of US Of AAU All American Karate Team-America, in South America, France, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

Forwarded to United States Olympic Committee (USOC),  US Olympic Training Center, US Olympic Taewkondo Home Office, National Collegiate Sports Affiliation,  US PASA (Pan-American Sports Association) USA National Karate Federation, American Athletics Association, Association of American Universities, World Taekwondo Association, 

Please forward any records regarding the following statement as to membership in the FreeMasons and Shrine.  It is not stated if he is claiming membership in Scottish Rite, or Knights Templar. 

A Master Mason: of the 32nd Degree, Shriner and Past Master

Forwarded to, The US Supreme Council Scottish Rite,  US Grand Council Knights Templar, US Grand Council Masonic Order. International Guild of Masonic Webmasters

as a PS - this is from where the infomation about there not being a US Olympic Karate team in existance yet, and that taekwondo was not an Olympic event until the 2000 games came from.

Your very welcome... I am the one who keyed the BIO for Tecumseh, so I shall apologise for a keying error.
It should read.......U.S.A. Olympic Candidate - Tae Kwon Do/Karate:   U.S.A. World Championship Karate Team Member;  US Olympic Elite Athlete Tae Kwon Do; GOLD Medalist - National Champion Rep of US of AAU All American Karate Team-America, in South America, France, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.  Sorry if this caused any inconvenience, there was a lot of information and I mistakenly put GOLD Medalist in the wrong spot.  It was called the USA Karate Inc. at that time.  He was representing the AAU Karate Team in Lexington, Kentucky, 1987 when he won the gold.

I do not know the rules of privacy of the Knights Templar, hopefully they will be able to give you the information you request, if not perhaps a personal request from Tecumseh himself will allow it.  I am sure the fact that he wears the Masonic ring means nothing to some people, but it means a lot to him and me.
As well, if you find the requests for information a long time coming, I can supply you with 4 prominent contacts, I prefer to wait on doing that, but it would have to be to your personal email, not sure you would want that.

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
 if anyone in this forum or outside of it, would like to call him and personally request any DOCUMENTS or CONTACT NAMES to verify that EVERYTHING he has asserted is TRUE and CORRECT!!!! The information you receive either written or verbal is to be kept confidential as it is personal.
You can, if you so choose, POST a statement after you have the ACTUAL proof you have requested, or have enough proof to confirm that what Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle claims is true, fact and correct, concerning the issue(s) you are wanting to confirm. 

I'm overseas, so calling would be difficult. But send me an IM and I'll give you my regular email. I'll be glad to look at anything sent to me, not just J/TBE/M but about the EMB.

Can you arrange that?
When you get back from overseas, you can phone the number I previously provided and request the information directly from Tecumseh yourself.

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

1. Firstly, my name is NOT Ms. Hopkins, whoever gave you that information is WRONG!!!! 

2. Secondly, thank you for your advice, but I do not recall ANYWHERE that I have EVER written the name Redwolf or associated ANY claim attached to that name in my postings, you and others have done that!!!  I aplogise if if you feel I was out of order, and would like to state for the record that it is only MY OPINION. 

3. My opinion is that there is NOT ANY actual PROOF of this, I mean ACTUAL DOCUMENTED PROOF, not just written or verbal diareahha. 

4. Pretty much everything that has been written that is negative about TBE is a case for libel, because it IS an untruth (again, my opinion). 

5. btw, my pseudo Native names are personal.

I added numbers to make it clearer what I'm replying to.

1. What is your name then, or what do you claim is your name? We won't call you by alleged Native names, unless you actually are Native. Do you claim to be?

2. The proof is right there in your repeated posts. Since your memory is faulty, just look again.

3. Your opinion is wrong. You have repeatedly been given written proof.

4. It takes more than being "negative" to constitute libel. It takes deliberate wrong information designed to harm someone. So far the only one doing that here is you, to Redwolf.

5. If you want them to remain personal, then quit using them in public.

Let me ask, do you consider yourself to be an EMB? How well do you know the group, alleged tribe? Could you tell us how you became involved with them?

I'm always curious about these groups claiming to be tribes. Sometimes they are made up of hundreds of people with sincere interest in learning about claims their family makde about their ancestry. Some are tiny,a few dozen.

But if the EMB are like the groups they act the most like, Nuwaubians, Washitaws, Binays, Nation of Islam, then we may be talking about an outright cult of hundreds at least. The Washitaws are a militia group. The Nuwaubians were heavily armed and their leader abused and raped dozens of children. The EMB certainly needs a long hard look.


Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Yes and we have much evidence and very little patience left for your hogwash Ms. Hopson!

[Possible vague threat removed]



« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 06:30:25 am by educatedindian »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

In response to #4. It takes more than being "negative" to constitute libel. It takes deliberate wrong information designed to harm someone. So far the only one doing that here is you, to Redwolf.

Yes, and deliberate wrong information designed to harm someone has DEFINITELY happened,  but not by me, as  "I have not stated "Who" I base my opinions on.
How is this true as most of my opinions have been in reply to Niiki's or yourself and I have not included the name REDWOLF??

FYI, I am not the one who has outwardly threatened people in this forum!!


  • Guest
If the Six Nation Confederacy wish to deal with TBE, and his organization, and you legally it is their right.  As said before, if anyone chooses to withdrawal support of another it is their right.  Mostly you are just puting up verbal attacks and challenges on people that do not have a lot of substance.  What's the point?

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
This notification was received today from the Grand Councel of Eries and sent to Tecumseh Brown Eagle:

It has been posted here:

Now let's see if Ms. Hopson will leash out her verbal and written libelous garbage about someone else who is legitimate in her defense of a "fraud"


Niiki Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 04:00:35 pm by Niiki »

Offline kosowith

  • Posts: 104
  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

I appreciate your honesty about your keyboarding error, however, I am not sure why this was not clarified earlier when I mentioned the US trainer’s response, and it still does not answer how he could have been an  “U.S.A. Olympic Candidate - Tae Kwon Do/Karate” years before it was a official sport.  I repeat, taekwondo (that’s how the international committee spells it) was not accepted until the 2000 games and Karate still is not official.  I have checked the records in the USA Taekwondo archive and can not find his name listed in any official USA  tournament as a winner or even as a competitor.  If he competed under a different name please do forward that information to clear this up.

I also have questions another statement in that same bio.

Quoting bio -  “Co-Chairman of over 29 tribes”   What do you mean by over 29”  Do you not know how many?  Why can this not be listed as an exact number?  Not that it matters, because – this statement is not legally possible? 
Bottom line, Indian communities (I try to avoid using the term “tribe” when I can) are either recognized or organized, we’ve heard enough about recognized – state or federal. The other option is organized.  No matter if we like it or not, if you reside within the borders of the US, pay taxes, have a passport, a driver’s licence, or any number of other elements of the infrastructure you fall under the jurisdiction of the United States Federal government.  You break one of their laws you answer to their courts. On a reservation (with the restrictions of Crow Dog – you break a tribal law, depending on your enrolment and residency you may or may not be held accountable – but that’s another long story)   Arguments about the justice of this are a mute point, especially in this particular discussion, it is just a fact of life. According to federal law all groups that are entitled to call themselves an tribal nation are subject to “United States Indian Law and jurisdiction” (that entitles you to, not only legal jurisdiction over your land, but the rights to govern your group, set up a government, set enrolment requirements, set taxes, control membership etc. etc.)  With acknowledgement of a group, be they organized or fed/state recognized comes the obligation of the US federal government to protect those rights. (Wheeler-Howard/IRA and IFA 25 CA 1451)  This includes the right (obligation) to establish a governing body.  The leader of this body can be a President, chairman, governor, whatever. But there has to be a government to say that you are a protected entity.  To be elected to an administrative position (president, chairman, governor) you MUST be enrolled in that nation. HOWEVER, by federal law, (and by the request of the Indian Nations) you can only be enrolled in ONE – only one, tribal nation.  You can be what we call a hyphenated Indian Dine/ Apache/Ute, (I am) but you still can only be enrolled in one of them. You can not enrol in more than one nation, therefore you can NOT be a president, chairman, or governor to more than one nation.  So you certainly can not be co-chairman to more than one group, much less 29.  It is just not legal.  And if you say that you are not under the rules of the US government, then you also are saying that you are not legally an Indian nation in any shape or form.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

Since Wahyahahnae, aka Shamush, Cindy Loudoris, Cindy Hopson, has decided to continue to bash those who are legitimate who know their nation and clan, for example as I have in many posts, indicated where I am from, and also in a previous post even identified who I am by clan.
We have yet to hear where this "part" native is coming from?? Is it from your mother's or father's side?
We have heard that you are carrying some sort of Algonquin Status card??? What is your nation and clan???
I think it is important for people in this group to know, that carrying a status card does not necessarily mean, that a person is legitimately native. As some people are carrying status cards who really don't qualify to carry them, as it all depends on who you know within the system, and sometimes a person can get one by submitting phoney genealogy, or genealogy not their own, and get a status card.
On a previous post " Joan Holmes" was mentioned and she herself has created a number of "fake" Algonquians, in order to build the Algonquian ranks, which has allowed "fake" Algonquian communities to spring up in Ontario, in order to lay fraudulent land claims on traditional Haudenosaunee Territory, which has also allowed the robbing of our peoples natural and cultural resources. People up here in Ontario, commented that have met TBE, is that his only motivation for what he does is that of "money" and "development."  It has also been said by certain City officials, that they have felt he wanted to turn the mounds, into some sort of a " three ring circus" or some sort of "cash cow resort." Again trying to make money off of the Ancestors. Definitely not what motivates us in the preserving and protecting of our sacred sites,on this side of the imaginary line.
That is why Ms.Hopson, is being investigated to determine if there is some sort of tie into the
Joan Holmes " fake" Algonquians, or the "Algonquian Land Trust". As she continues to support someone who has been determined by many factual sources as a "fraud".

Here are some articles posted on Mohawk Nation News by Kahntinenta


Niiki Bear Clan Mohawk from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 03:23:45 am by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
Kosowith I am waiting on letters (from prominent people). If you send me an offline, with your email address I will forward them to you upon receipt as well as pictures(s), and other important documents.  Please be patient.  Moote point:  I was asking my son if he has gone through anything distasteful that makes certain words stand out in his mind for days afterwards, he said "yes", then I explained to him there were certain words that I just could not get out of my head after various past situations, words like............. hater, controlling, envy, wannabe and the "green-eyed" monster.  His response was...... If a battle is to help the good, then "it's not what you do, it's WHY you do it"!  You ever have those types of situations?    Random question:  Do you know anyone that likes crow?  Because ..... I know this hateful little man who is going to be eating a lot of it soon, but the sad part of it is.... he has coerced some very special people to the table toooo.  But, that is okay, because HE will be eating most of the wretched meal.  Why?  because he has never learned how to do battle.  I don't know about you, but I have never entered the battlefield unless I was more than 100% of what I was fighting for. Again, please be patient.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
RESPONSE:  OH REALLY?Huh? My, you do know a lot about this don't you???
The "Truth" Shall Prevail

Yes and in the next couple of days the truth shall prevail, and the number of altered documents that Tecumseh has presented as official documents shall be made known!!

And we know of others that have tried the same game, and have been exposed! And Tecumseh will be exposed for what he really is, and he isn't an Erie! Anyone can gather letters of support who will lie for someone! Letters from certain prominent people proves nothing at all! Who are you kidding?


Niiki  Mohawk Tyendinaga Territory
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 04:25:17 am by Niiki »

Offline educatedindian

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Both Hopson and Niiki have done quite a bit of spamming, mostly childish insults. Sometimes really childish..."Oh yeah?" "Whatever!" That stops now. I had to throw out eight posts to make this thread even readable, and still just barely.

Hopson asked that her email address be deleted, and I've done that. There was also a comment that kinda sorta coulda been vaguely considered a threat, and so I deleted that.
Watch it Niiki.
As much as I agree with the rightness of your cause, take more care in what you say.

Hopson, you really need to grow up and discuss things C-A-L-M-L-Y.
No more hysteria.
No more writing in all caps for most of your posts.
No more quoting an entire post just to give a two word answer. Only quote what you need to, like a sentence or two.
No more childish comments like "Whatever!" esp when we're dealing with very serious matters, namely your defense of a Black supremacist who impersonates being the chief of a tribe which is clearly not a tribe.

J/TBE/M is clearly influenced by some very dangerous people, and for you to dismiss that so casually says some very disturbing things.

You've been given proof over and over and over again, but you still scream and whine continually that you don't see it. Actually you refuse to see it. I don't see any point in trying to convince you, because you choose to be willfully blind.

So instead I'd simply like to ask you (yet again, since you've deliberately refused to answer before several times)...

How did you get involved with J/TBE/M and his "tribe"?

Could you just tell us about the people in this "tribe"?

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
From: Chief WALTER T. RENZ
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 9:07 PM
Subject: RE: Notification on Tecumseh and EIMTN

Bazon ,
First I say Niawah for your chioces you have made.
I agree with your seperation from Brown Eagle.
1.He has not recieved his name in the ways we know to recieve them. 2.And he has not kept his word with many other Tribes in words turned out to be lies.
3.There For this we also have not had no contact with him.
4.He was given a chance to prove his lineage to me. And with know documents to prove him self has caused us to also stop all information trades as well.
5.There for his name will not be spoken by us from now on.
I hope that I have not broken your trust to help each other in all Tribes working together to protect the Mounds all over. And much more. The Six Nations has not done no wrong by me. For we are at peace. I hope we all can work as well as we have before his arival on Mother Earth.  There is much more better things down the road for all of us to do I beleive.

Hokema Wiipekwikwatwi Kakaanoaalowe/Chief Grayclouud Longtail