WTO is a candidate in the show "The next Uri Geller" (no further comment) and poses as an ndn. Here's what he writes on his website:
http://www.waayatan.de/ Waayatan, the Shadow Hunter
Is he a magician, a magic, a charlatan? Viewers from all over the world are astonished at the abilities of the Indian mystifier. The puzzle about the shamanic mentalist is only to be solved by those who recognize their own shadow. Have yourself led into the fascinating realm of shadows by Waayatan, the Shadow Hunter.
Now, doesn't this sound impressive? Unfortunately, this paragraph is followed by sheer business:
Get the new Fan-Shirt !
Quite apparently, he calls himself an Indian on his homepage, even an „Indian mystifier“, whatever this may be.
And here is his bio:
http://www.waayatan.de/index.php/Die-Geschichte-Waayatan.htmlThe Story Waayatan
My Way Home to the Shadow Clan
I was different. I always have been. But I didn't know why.
When the other children at school played, I was calm and pensive. They thought I was strange. Didn't they want to understand me – or weren't they able to understand me? What was it that divided me from them and kept me awake at nights. Once when I had got myself in trouble again, I overheard my mother and my grandmother talk: they said I'd take after my father. I never knew him and at that time I also didn't know why he wasn't with us any longer. I just knew I would find out and my shadow would help me.
Nobody wanted to understand but I was certain the shadows of persons told me more than people themselves. Sometimes during my childhood I thought I could hear the shadows whisper to each other.
I grew older and stopped talking about it, but it never left me completely. One cannot flee from one's own shadow.
It accompanies us day and night, it is always with us, we can never run from it: the shadow.
Our steady companion knows to do things we would like to be able to do: it climbs walls easily, it glides across water and through fire, it cannot be hurt. In Platon's tale of the cavern, the prisoners in chains perceive themselves and all things as shadows on the wall, taking them for the real world. Do we live in such a cavern and what we take for real are just the shadows of a larger truth?
From my early childhood I wanted to see the truth. In meditation, perception is sharpened and concentrates on one point.
Night after night, I sat in front of the open fireplace in my parents' home and concentrated on a meditation candle. But nothing happened.
One evening, I remembered the tale about the cavern and sank into the flickering image of my shadow on the wall. For a short moment, it felt like my consciousness was drawn into the shadow. But nothing happened.
Finally, I didn't care any longer. I got up to go to bed. And right at this moment, something unusual happened.
The candle went out.
I thought it may have been a draught and lit the candle again. When I was about to leave the room again, the candle went out once more.
Then I realized: My shadow had passed the candle. But the flame acted as if I had put my hand on it.
That night my expedition into the realm of shadows started.
The next morning, my mother looked into my face and at once realized something had changed about me. She did not say a word and fetched a dusty coffer. Even before she had opened it, I knew what was in there. Pictures of my father, my biological father.
He was no longer with us since he disappeared during the last days of the Vietnam war. He was a soldier. He came from Florida. I knew this before my mother spoke. My father was 50% Native American. My paternal grandmother was a medicine woman, a shaman of her tribe. She was a Seminole, an Indian of the Panther Clan from the Everglades. I am Waayatan Tecumseh Ohanzee. I am ready for my heritage.
If you scroll down the bio page, there are two photos next to each other. Going over them with the mouse, the one to the left says it shows WTO's mother, the one to the right his grandmother. I don't know what WTO believes about technical progress in the 1960ies, but I know that cameras available then did much better photos than the one displayed on his site. I also happen to know that our style of clothing was quite different from the one in the photos, too. WTO, pull another one, that one's got bells....
So WTO's grandmother was nothing less than a 'shame-on' – this is so stereotypical it's a pain in the neck.
WTO probably believes in the BS he put up on his site. His spelling abilities speak of a somewhat simple mind (there are a few pretty embarrassing spelling errors).
If the imprint at his site has it right, he's a simple and straight Christian Meiler from Cologne in real life. Herr Meiler, you should have stuck to this name instead of posing as a person of Seminole descent using fake Lakota and Shawnee names selling *inflatable* tomahawks!!
Below in German translation:
Im Lebenslauf sind zwei Fotos nebeneinander; wenn man mit der Maus darübergeht, erscheint beim linken Foto "Waayatan Mutter" und beim rechten "Waayatan Großmutter". Es ist mir unklar, was WTO über den technischen Fortschritt in den 1960er Jahren weiß - ich weiß, daß die damals verfügbaren Kameras sehr viel bessere Fotos machten als die auf der Seite gezeigten. Nicht zuletzt war der Kleidungsstil in den 60ern deutlich anders als auf den gezeigten Fotos. WTO, wir können uns allein veralbern....
Also war WTOs Omi natürlich eine "Schamanin" (die indigenen nations haben keine "SchamanInnen") - das ist so furchtbar stereotyp, daß es wehtut.
Möglicherweise glaubt WTO den Unfug, der auf seiner Seite steht. Seine Rechtschreibung spricht für ein - sagen wir: einfacheres Gemüt (da gibt es ein paar recht peinliche Rechtschreibfehler).
Sofern das Impressum der Seite korrekt ist, haben wir es mit einem einfachen Christian Meiler aus Köln zu tun (na, wenigstens nicht 'Schmitz'). Herr Meiler, Sie hätten bei dem bodenständigen Namen bleiben sollen, anstatt sich eine Abstammung von den Seminole zuzulegen, dabei falsche Lakota- und einen Shawnee-Namen zu benutzen - und auch noch aufblasbare Tomahawks zu verkaufen!