Author Topic: "Native American Church" Strawberry Plains TN, Jerry Dills AKA Peshewa  (Read 233132 times)

Offline clearwater

  • Posts: 105
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2010, 11:30:53 am »
As I stated in my post above to "silver star" I am fully aware the effect my postings may have. In my statements there are many things I present which paint a picture of the situation there in Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. Some of these experiences I relayed can never be validated. For example, Jerry Dills told me, face to face, looking in my eyes, that he was the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The matter of him being a member of Carlos Casteneda's party was told to me by one of Dills' wives, never by Dills himself. There is no way to validate personal conversations like that. I presented this information to present a more fully-rounded picture of what I went through.

There are, however, matters I presented that can be validated by outside sources. The corporate matters can be validated by contacting the Tennessee Secretary of State, Corporations Section, and pulling annual reports and other public documents.

The bingo information can also be validated, in part, by the TN Secretary of State's office, as well as the SC Secretary of State. Since bingo games were shut down in TN in the late 1980s this may take some digging. However, once the date is determined when games were shut down, looking backwards in two newspapers (The Commercial Appeal in Memphis, and The Nashville Tennessean in Nashville) will result in numerous articles about bingo which reference the Tennessee Indian Council and some, Macaki Peshewa, directly.

Regarding the use of peyote, somewhere there will exist a paper trail of deliveries of peyote to NAC, Strawberry Plains, TN, over the last 35+ years. This would probably best be done, if possible, with some sort of reverse lookup: instead of trying to find deliveries based on specific permits, try to find all deliveries to a specific location instead (Native American Church, Strawberry Plains, TN), and then see what permit(s) were used. Somewhere, there will be a paper trail to establish these deliveries. I know this for truth because I was there and ingested peyote in ceremonies at least 6 times over 8+ years. (I was actually close to the situation more like 10+ years but it took me about 2 years to plot my departure, which is another story altogether!)

I personally have no resources to engage in this research and have not heard from any moderator or researchers from NAFPS, so it is my hope that my posts are not made for naught. I do understand that things take time to work through, and all I can do, from my position, is convey what I know as clearly as I can. I would ask that silver star, and others who may have personal first-hand knowledge and who happen upon this thread, to do the same.


Offline silver star

  • Posts: 5
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2010, 07:46:33 pm »
For starters when you said one of his "wives" Marion or Melanie or even one i don't know about. Doc gave me payote at a young age to young if you ask me. i witnessed first hand is lies, decit, and under handedness. I watched him get rid of countless people Bruse Torbit, Frank, Roger Crowe, a man named Joe and basicallly anyone that came against him. How many children did he have when you knew him and did you experience the child abuse first hand? And the bingo thing actually ended in 93, in South Carolina i was there. Did you ever partake in what Doc called "konah"? I know about alot of things but what i am more concerned with is the neglect of his children some that is still going on today. I know there are 6, but i have info there is more just don't know how many more. And myself and some others have tried to take him down but he's hard to get too. I pray that one day his delusional world will come crashing and burning down.

Offline clearwater

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Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2010, 08:14:10 pm »
For starters when you said one of his "wives" Marion or Melanie or even one i don't know about. Doc gave me payote at a young age to young if you ask me. i witnessed first hand is lies, decit, and under handedness. I watched him get rid of countless people Bruse Torbit, Frank, Roger Crowe, a man named Joe and basicallly anyone that came against him. How many children did he have when you knew him and did you experience the child abuse first hand? And the bingo thing actually ended in 93, in South Carolina i was there. Did you ever partake in what Doc called "konah"? I know about alot of things but what i am more concerned with is the neglect of his children some that is still going on today. I know there are 6, but i have info there is more just don't know how many more. And myself and some others have tried to take him down but he's hard to get too. I pray that one day his delusional world will come crashing and burning down.

It was Melanie who told me Jerry was part of Carlos Casteneda's group. I will not dignify Dills by calling him Dr. Macaki Peshewa here. To me he was is and always will be Jerry Dills. When I left the group he had 3 children by 2 wives. I am godfather to those 3 children. I will not name them here and until you named his wives I was not going to do that. However, Dills, as you point out indirectly, is, or was, a practicing polygamist.

I have no idea what "konah" is and never heard of that. I do not know if he abused his children. That is news to me. When I left, his oldest son was 8 years old, born in 1981. That would make him 29 now. My experience was he was very VERY generous with his kids, spending tens of thousands of dollars on toys and the like. In one year I estimated he spent $50,000 on toys for his childredn, at a time when bingo was at its height, and I was getting paid $100 per week. I had heard through the grapevine that he was having marital difficulties but that was all I had heard.

What alarms me now, is that I found this NAFPS thread through a google search. I note now that this thread is no longer showing up on google. That does raise some alarms for me, in that Jerry Dills always made sure he had powerful friends. It appears now that Dills is aware of this thread and is taking action to cover his ass. I have written the moderators of this forum to express these concerns.

When I left the group Dills would still call me and be nice, but trash me to everyone else. I hung out with a fellow we'll call "Rossi" who was the only person I know that Dills was afraid of, who was a large black man who practiced voodoo and herbal medicine. To all, I know that sounds weird, but that is true. Rossie died in the mid-1990s. But he was kind to me and helped me stand on my own and I went to him for protection against Jerry. What Rossie did do was to let me listen in on phone conversations, dozens of them, with him and Jerry, so I know first-hand how Jerry would slander me in every negative way possible. What a two-faced ass he was. I had already known he had damaged me mentally, but now he was trying to take me down in every way he could. Rossi informed Jerry that I was "protected" and not to be f---ed with. Rossi knew Jerry very well indeed.

I am beginning to get a sense of who you may be. Keep telling your story please, and I am particularly interested in what "konah" is. That's a new one on me.


[personal info removed by request - k]
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 01:59:00 am by Kathryn »

Offline silver star

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Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2010, 08:50:38 pm »
Trust me when i say there WAS and IS neglect on his children, i hate to sound bad but were you "really that close".  A god father well now i'm interested, i know of several including Tom, Steve, Black Fish, and Roddy.  The reason bingo ended in SC was b/c of a federal investegation, where he hid money with several people. And in regard to "Rossi" i knew him as well. And i also knew Fritz and Jim Lee. Konah or thats what he called it, is what he smokes in his pipe. Real konah is a mix of lsd and payote. So are you any closer to finding out who i am. And believe me i got much more to lose by being found out then you are. And he is NOT half as powerful as you think he is, trust me i know. And what else would you like to know from me?

Offline clearwater

  • Posts: 105
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2010, 08:55:39 pm »
When I say I was "godfather" that was not necessarily by choice. When his children were born, I was told I was a godfather. I was not asked, I was told. So, I took that seriously. I know what that term means. I always wondered why, though, an Indian priest would use that terminology.

I am now unblocking your address and we may continue this dialogue off list.

I never smoked "konah" with Dills. And no, I am no closer to figuring out who you are, any more than you have figured out who I am.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 09:00:41 pm by clearwater »

Offline silver star

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Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2010, 06:10:56 am »
I'm sorry you blocked me again without giving me a chance to write back. First things first I have no anger toward you what so ever. Secondly, I am NOT Sandy Graves. And third, this is not about you, i just thought that i had found someone who had been screwed over by Jerry as bad as I have been. The main reason i am trying to find out who you are first is mainly so I could tell you who I am, I think if you knew you would fall out of your seat. I remember the SC bingo hall REAL well and in order for me to give you more info and more of my personal stories i would have to tell u who i am for it all to make sense. And if you do not feel comfortable to do so thats fine.  My main concern is stopping the neglect of the girls still left under him thumb. And buisness is buisness but lives are being destroyed by Jerry still to this day and God knows what else buisness wise or children wise.  If you are one of the people I have mentioned then you should know me real well.

Offline clearwater

  • Posts: 105
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2010, 12:20:36 pm »
I'm sorry you blocked me again without giving me a chance to write back.

I am just being too cautious here. I have unblocked you again. To the forum I apologize for this exchange but I am just trying to protect myself. Here is a PM I just sent to silver star:

Ok I read your post just now. I thought you were Sandy due to the omissions of who the godfathers were. You omitted Sandy, Charlie, Frank and a few others.

I am again unblocking you. If you wish to communicate that's fine, but there is an issue of trust here. As I explained, the death threat I took to heart. I believe Jerry would kill me in a heartbeat. And, possibly, his nephew(s) would too.

Whatever. You contacted me first. I am merely trying to protect myself. If you wish to tell me who you are, I will tell you who I am. But you first.

In any event, if I take this to a higher level, will you be willing to step up to the plate too? Or will doing so just me hanging myself?

Another reason I have unblocked you is because a poster here at NAFPS forum sent me a private message for concern of my safety, and I expressed to that poster my questions about you, including that I thought you were taking me to task rather than deal with the topic of the thread. That person did not see what I saw... <snip> ... I do trust that person who has been of considerable help at a psychic level. So, I defer to her opinion. My bad.

And I do tend to over-react sometimes, but when my personal safety may be at stake, I would rather over-react than not. You understand?

So, fire away. My commitment to you still stands, regarding only posting information with your express permission. It would be my hope, though, that you would choose to participate in the thread and offer what you know there, where it can actually make some difference.

I only know of a few people who were with Dills' group 20 years. And none of those people seem to fit you. So yes, I will probably be surprised to find out who you are. Are you Melanie? You do have me stumped, I admit. Which makes me ever MORE cautious and wary. Some of the folks you mentioned, Roddy for example, I don't know and never knew, but that name does ring a bell. I think he was on his way in when I was on my way out. Was he the young guy who spouted all that chemistry knowledge? And Joe, was he the mountain man artist who lived in a school bus on the property? Dim lights for me there.

So for you I stop being over-reactive but I think you probably understand why I have been so. When I sent you several PM's yesterday you were still online, just having made your public post literally while I was typing a message to you. Again, just trying to protect myself.

And as you can imagine, communicating with an anonymous person about this stuff is a little weird. As I stated in my public posts, I welcome anyone to contact me as long as you identify yourself first, which you have not done even to this point. But on the flip-side, I understand why. I just thought it was odd you would, even could, think I was Jerry, when I am publicly accusing him of committing a Class A felony. Did not make any sense.

Again, on the abuse and neglect, I left the group in 1989-1990 and all I ever saw was over-compensation on Dills' part by spending thousands of $$ on his kids. I can only assume because he grew up in poverty?

Fire away. I'm all ears.

I have told silver star that I will not post ANY private messages from him/her without his/her express permission. I will honor that silver star. As I stated to you in private, though, it would be my hope that you can share at least part of your experience here in public, to add to this thread of public knowledge.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 12:50:09 pm by clearwater »

Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2010, 07:48:35 pm »
Ok, I have to speak here, regarding: 

Quote from: clearwater on Today at 06:57:38 AM
Another reason I have unblocked you is because a poster here at NAFPS forum sent me a private message for concern of my safety, and I expressed to that poster my questions about you, including that I thought you were taking me to task rather than deal with the topic of the thread. That person did not see what I saw... <snip> ... I do trust that person who has been of considerable help at a psychic level. So, I defer to her opinion. My bad. >end quote<

I will say that I contacted you and asked about a potential leak to your identity.. and I also stated that I did not read words as you have, but that I am not familiar with Dills and have no concept of the language involved, and that if you saw it, then it may be.. 

I am not psychic. 

Thank you.   :)

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline silver star

  • Posts: 5
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2010, 09:05:05 pm »
No i understand why you feel the way you feel, b/c Jerry is nuts. He and his naphew(s) had a falling out a while back ago, they dont even speak anymore. I would never do anything to harm you, or anyone else who has espace from Jerry's hold. I do know that most of his kids either hate him, or have walked away from his "lifestyle". I do still talk to some of his kids from time to time. And its out of fear for them that i have to watch what i say when i say it.  Thank you for unblocking me.

Offline clearwater

  • Posts: 105
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #24 on: January 18, 2010, 09:39:14 pm »

I will say that I contacted you and asked about a potential leak to your identity.. and I also stated that I did not read words as you have, but that I am not familiar with Dills and have no concept of the language involved, and that if you saw it, then it may be.. 

I am not psychic. 

Thank you.   :)

PM already sent, and this has been cleared up privately. Sorry for the poor choice of words here. I guess it's that I trust your perceptions. There has been no veiled communication between me and silver star.

For me this is like a drama unfolding. silver star and I are now communicating privately. Wow. There are some notes to compare,k and catching up to do.

To silver star: I agree. Jerry "Doc" Dills is a real piece of work. "Nuts" is being very polite. I have held my silence for years, but he never could "live and let live" and it made him even nuttier that I walked away, was not thrown out. Although I am very keenly aware of the lies he has told about me, he never could let go.

Going back to "konah" that was a new one on me. All that was ever in his pipe when I was around was pot. And he really did enjoy cocaine a good bit when the bingo bucks were rolling in.

Time to get re-acquainted.

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2010, 02:08:59 am »
Googling Jerry Neal Dills:

His mother's obituary
Thelma Dills

RINGGOLD -- Thelma H. Dills, 89, died Sunday, April 13, 2008, in a local hospital.

She had been a resident of North Georgia for five years, coming from Spartanburg, S.C.

Mrs. Dills was preceded in death by her loving husband of 41 years, Henry Neal Dills; children, Phyllis Janelle Englis and Henry Neal Dills Jr.

Survivors are son, Jerry Neal Dills, Knoxville; daughter, Rebecca Dills Gregory, Ringgold; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The body has been taken to Floyd Funeral Home in Spartanburg, S.C., for services and interment.

Arrangements are by Heritage Funeral Home & Crematory, Battlefield Parkway.

Tennessee Native American Indian & Related Organizations
(which reads like a Who's Who of Wannabes and Pretendians, with a few legitimate organizations thrown in)
76. Native American Church, Inc. (1981-89, 1993- )
PO Box 53, Strawberry Plains TN 37871 . 865/ 933.1456 . elders
Jerry Neal Dills aka "Dr. MaCaki PeSheWa" drpeshewa
Darrell Ridenour

Googling Jerry Dills + Native American Church:

of Strawberry Plains Tennessee
Millennium Purification and Emergence

Thought this "research project" was interesting. Think that Sioux saying they used on this page is fitting; should be coming around to bite him on the ass.

Native Americas University Research
Research Solicitation
We are commencing a research project between the Native Americas University and the Ne'isthe' Kiva.

This research involves any and all tribal cultures including persons of American Indian descent.

We are seeking personal experiences from Anyone who has had:

Out-of-the-body experience
Near death perception
Alien encounter or abductions
You can e-mail your experience to:


If you prefer use a video or video cassette and mail to:

Native Americas University Research
PO Box 53,
Strawberry Plains, TN 37871

You may call the N.A.C. at (865) 933-1456 and leave a phone number where you can be reached. Someone will return your call and set a time and date for interview by phone.

Please include your return e-mail address along with a phone number and mailing address.

"This is the fire that will help the generations to come,

if they use it in a sacred manner.

But if they do not use it well,

the fire will have the power to do them great harm."

-Sioux Indian

Googling PeSheWa + Shawnee:

Mending the Hoop » Active TN Organizations
Active TN Organizations
Native American Church, Inc. (1981-89, 1993- )
Dr. PeSheWa, Shawnee, is a Priest in the Ne’ishte’ Kiva and in the Native American Church. He currently is working on the establishment of Sacred Ground. Nine years ago on a piece of land on Interstate 40 near Knoxville, he set the first Totem. Now there are four totems; the base for the first indigenous memorial (220 feet long); a community center, complete with restaurant; an art gallery; a gift shop; a 55 foot medicine wheel; and a 1000 foot red path.
P.O. Box 59
Strawberry Plains, TN 37871

Most of what I could find ties Jerry Dills/PeSheWa to his Native American Church in Tennessee. Was thinking that maybe someone could contact the real Native American Church, to discuss what Dills has been doing. I don't think that they would look kindly on him bastardizing their beliefs.

Edit to add: The page for Mending the Hoop can only be reached thru the cached version. If you click the link for the current version, you get this message:

To the visitor coming from: Who's IP address is: You've really done it now. Look what you've done. You've broken the Internet. Tsk tsk tsk. And all because you tried to sneak in the back door to get what? A file? Shame on you! You should go wash your sneaky little hands right now before you decide to e-mail your mother. And don't you dare try that again. BTW, you are trying to access a forbidden page. Your IP address has been logged. Keep it up, and I'll complain to your ISP provider.

Yeah, like that message is going to stop anyone. I deleted my IP for obvious reasons.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 02:55:23 am by bls926 »

Offline clearwater

  • Posts: 105
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2010, 02:49:48 am »
I have just spent the last 2 hours on the phone with silver star.

Wow. All I can say. I have nothing further to add to this thread. I know beyond anything, I have done the right thing here. I am still absorbing what has happened here. A lot has been cleared up, a lot has been shared. There are no more words I can put on what just took place. I have absolute clarity on this issue.

I will let my posts, and all that will flow from that, stand as is.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 09:17:36 am by clearwater »

Offline clearwater

  • Posts: 105
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2010, 04:13:53 am »
EDIT/DELETION: I had originally provided directions and a google map in the post to Dills' church which is also his home, located less than 1/2 mile from the "sacred grounds." However, as innocent individuals are still located there I have decided to delete this information from the public thread at this time.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 12:07:11 pm by clearwater »

Offline clearwater

  • Posts: 105
Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2010, 02:54:09 pm »
This will be a rather long post, so my apologies to all up front for that. The matters I will share in this post are directly relevant to the misdeeds of Jerry Dills and what I present here is factual, and can be verified by independent sources. I will also name the individuals and sources that can be used to verify this information you are about to read.

To the moderators of this forum: I will use some very strong language in this post, but ask that it not be edited, and remain as I have posted it.

Before I begin, I wish to comment on my use of words. I will, from this point forward, try to refrain from using words like “spiritual,” “spirit,” “psychic,” “metaphysical,” “pray” and so forth. Words carry power and can have different meanings for different people. It is my hope that all those reading this post, and the posts which come before this one, can look past the words into the heart of the matter at hand.

Also, I will not post any more information derived from observation or conversation. I will post only information that can be independently verified by public records, or living persons, and I will cite all in this post.

Firstly, regarding the issue of polygamy. Jerry Dills' has two wives and has for many years. My initial approach to this thread was to exclude those who I considered to be innocents, however, I now cannot not name these individuals now as they are clearly complacent in the extensive damage that has been done to lots of people. To put it very bluntly: They are participants in destroying many lives. Jerry Dills has two wives (that I know about) who still live together in the same house, in the same bed: Marion Dills, his first wife, is his “Christian” wife and they hold a valid marriage certificate, I believe, from South Carolina. Melanie Peshewa is his “Indian” wife, and there is no marriage certificate. They were married in an “Indian” ceremony which Dills himself conducted. The primary reason was that Marion was unable to have children. (It was a surprise to all that Marion did later bear Shakra, her only child.) The record will show that Dills' first child, Shanti Peshwa, was fathered by Jerry Neal Dills and the mother Melanie Peshewa. His second child, Shakra Peshewa, was fathered by Dr. Macaki Peshewa and the mother is Marion Dills. All his other legitimate children were fathered by Jerry Neal Dills and Melanie Peshewa as mother. These children are now mostly adults, in their mid-to-late 20's, and I consider them all to be victims here. His youngest child is 7 now, I believe, and with other siblings remains in his household. All the children are innocent victims.

Jerry will freely flaunt to those who know him, his lifestyle, and in-your-face “fuck you I'm Indian” mentality to justify having two wives. However, on paper, Dills has done everything he can to hide his polygamy from the public record. On paper, it will show that Melanie Peshewa and Macaki Peshewa are brother and sister, which is bullshit. The are in fact husband and wife. To further obscure the truth, all the Peshewa children who were mothered by Melanie Peshewa, were legally adopted by Marion Dills. On paper, this makes it appear that Marion adopted all those children fathered by Jerry Dills, her legal husband, on paper, while Jerry Dills was married or connected with Melanie Peshewa. For Shakra, the story is Macaki Peshwa and Marion Dills were the parents. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Wow those are good ones there. All the matters stated in this paragraph can be independently verified through public documents, including the birth certificates of his children, as well as the adoption papers (which may not be public?), in which the lie of the brother-sister relationship of Melanie and Macaki Peshewa is put forth. That is a lie. Put this side-by-side with the birth certificate of Shanti Peshewa, which as stated, obscures the fact that Macaki Peshewa is the father (using the name Jerry Dills on that certificate). On paper it all looks nice and makes sense. But, once you understand that Jerry Dills and Macaki Peshewa are the same person... hmmm... well now the paperwork looks really funny for sure: Let me get this straight: Jerry is hiding the polygamy by ... hmmm ... documenting that his first son and other children is the result of an incestuous relationship between him and his sister? I'm not sure which sounds better?? Almost funny, in a sad way.

Dills also has several illegitimate children born by other women out of wedlock. These are innocents and will not be named here. To those familiar with the Strawberry Plains area, go have a chat with Sue at the Bait Shop. She's their mom.

I was initially trying to refrain from naming Dills' wives or children, initially to protect them. However, his wives are complacent in inflicting damage on lots of young, misguided, wannabes who thirsted for some knowledge and a sense of purpose in life, of which I admit I was one, but no longer am, and of which Jerry Dills preys upon (present tense intended) for his own twisted intent. His wives love Jerry and it is out of that love that they are so misguided.

Jerry has six legitimate children by 2 wives, and several illegitimate children by at least one woman, that I know about, and quite possibly more that I don't know about. I had heard through the grapevine that he has fathered 12 children, both legitimate and illegitimate. I only know of the 2 illegitimate kids. They are, in fact, victims here, of a highly deranged person who has built his own peyote and sex cult.

Here are some individuals who know Jerry Dills very well, some who are highly respected, some who are unknown and, while they all will be upset (to put it mildly) by being named in this post, will not lie for Jerry, or anyone for that matter. A few of these people are completely unaware of the misdeeds and lies and still hold Jerry in high regard, to some degree. However, they ALL know of the polygamy, and quite possibly, the peyote. Some can be located immediately, others will need to be tracked down or step forward on their own:

Earl Nash: Earl is a black man living in the Knoxville community and is well known and well respected. He served on city council many years ago, and has known Jerry Dills for decades. I know Earl Nash and he is a kind, good hearted man, a man of faith. Earl is probably in his late 70's or early 80s by now, and to meet him, he looks like he's 50. This guy is an amazing human being and I am glad to have known him, and equally sorry that Jerry's lies have been told to him not only about me, but about himself. Jerry hates “niggers” Earl. Get a grip. He has used you, Earl, for his twisted  intent probably more than anyone else I know of. While Earl will be very pissed off at being named here, he will not lie on any of these matters. He knows Jerry is a polygamist, but defers to the Indian religion which allows that, apparently, so Earl has been told. Guess what Earl: polygamy is illegal, even for American Indians. I think Jerry forgot to tell you that.

Jim Lee: Jim owns and operates Tax Professionals in Knoxville, TN and has prepared Dills' personal and corporate taxes for decades, and does so to this day. He also is a good man, a kind hearted and gentle man, and too, will be pissed at being named here, but will not lie to anyone on these matters. Jim is also well known and well respected in the Knoxville community and, like Earl Nash, has a great deal of credibility. Jim has visited and been a guest in Jerry's homes dozens of times over the years. A man of faith, I do not believe he will lie for Jerry Dills. But only if asked for the truth.

William A. Hotz: Bill Hotz is a well known and respected attorney in Knoxville. He has known Jerry for decades and has helped Jerry at various times with legal and corporate matters. I know Bill personally but have not seen him in 20 years. Bill has a good heart, is a good man and is of the Jewish faith. I know for sure Bill is unaware of the misdeeds and spelled out here. I also know Bill has been to Jerry's house on many occasions and can speak to the truths outlined here. To Bill: You have no idea, my friend, how you have been used. Wake up. Take a look. And if asked, tell the truths you know. I have no reason to believe that you will, or ever have knowingly, lied for Jerry Dills. But Jerry has used you in many lies. Bill, time to stop being used.

Sandy Graves: Sandy is Jerry's nephew and was being groomed to be the next leader of the Native American Church. They had a falling out when Jerry used Sandy as the bag man to move hundreds of thousands of dollars from the bingo game in South Carolina to Dills' pocket. Sandy did not take one dime out of that game for himself. When the federal scrutiny came down on that operation, Sandy got quite pissed at being in the middle due to his love and loyalty to Jerry Dills. They had a falling out over this and have not spoken since. The statute of limitations has since passed on any illegal activities there, Sandy, so you can now be free to step forward. I have no idea where Sandy is to this day. If he can be located, or stumbles into this thread, he too is a person with a good heart, a good mind, and he will not lie for his uncle Jerry any more.

Norman Graves: Norman is Sandy's father, and here I will apologize in advance for a very painful memory that must be re-told here. To Sandy and Norman, please forgive me. But Norman's children were mothered by Janell English (now deceased), Jerry's blood sister, and Jerry helped to raise his nephews. When Jerry took over the bingo game in Memphis, Tennessee, Jerry installed several nephews to control things. One nephew, Kelley, was 19 years old and was put in charge of the concessions stand there, which Jerry owned silently in the background (he also owned the whole bingo game for that matter, but that is a side issue for now). Anyway, Kelley was very young and confused and under a great deal of pressure. The bingo game ran Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One Sunday evening, just as the doors opened, Kelley committed suicide by shooting himself in the heart. I was there. I know. Others named here in this post were also there. They know. Steve Lohrey was there. Cubert Bell was there. Days before Kelley had been feverishly writing letters and I asked his what he was doing. “I'm writing to friends and family I haven't written to in a while” he told me. He spent all day writing letters. Lots of letters. Days after his death the letters started hitting, and they were in fact suicide letters. Norman Graves, his father, received one of those letters. Norman could not handle the truth and told everyone that his son had died accidentally while cleaning his gun. This is the same lie that Jerry Dills tells. Not true. To Norman I tell you this: I, among others, warned Jerry at least a month in advance that something was going to happen, that Kelley was not able to handle the pressure, that something was going on. I personally told Jerry, in several phone calls, that Kelly was having problems with the pressure (we all lived at the bingo hall and it was indeed a pressure cooker) and I actually told Jerry, myself, that I thought Kelley would hurt himself. Now let me take a side-bar here: I have already stated above that I would not convey conversations that can't be validated, but this is the one exception I make in this post, because these words are for Norman Graves specifically. Norman, I told Jerry that I thought Kelley was going going to have an accident, like a tumble down some stairs, or cut himself while cutting a tomato, something like that. I was definitely picking up on something about to happen, and shared it with Jerry, as did Steve Lohrey (named below, following) on numerous occasions. I never, ever saw suicide. I did not see that coming. But Jerry was warned, repeatedly. Jerry did nothing, turned a deaf ear, because he wanted those dollars that Kelley was sending his way every week. Later, after Kelley was buried, and I was at Jerry's house, Jerry told me he had committed a “sin of omission.” BULLSHIT. As far as I am concerned, Kelley's death is squarely on Jerry Dills. Period. Norman, if you are located or stumble into this, and read my words, please stop lying to yourself. Please stop blaming yourself. You know the truth because you received one of the letters from Kelley. I know what is in those letters. And stop blaming yourself for Kelley's death, as I know you were trying to get Kelley to send money to you instead of to Jerry. Yes I know that is what is in those letters. You are not to blame. Kelley was confused and torn between the love and loyalty between his uncle and you. He was a lost soul and Jerry could give a damn. You must forgive yourself and see for truth how Jerry used your son for his own intent, and it cost Kelley his life. Had Jerry heeded the many warnings, it is my belief that Kelley would be alive today. I honestly believe that with all my heart.

Kelley's death can be verified by a search of the Commercial Appeal newpaper in Memphis. I do not remember the date of death. I believe he was buried in Arkansas, where Norman resided (still does?) at the time. It is a blur to me. That was a definite turning point for me as I clearly saw Jerry's deceit and lies and the real effects and real harm they could have. They could not be hidden from my view any longer. As stated, I was there. I know. I saw. Jerry too has told the lie about the “accident.” Bullshit. All total fabricated bullshit. Let me be very clear here: Jerry Dills' inaction contributed in a direct way to Kelley's suicide. Period. End of story.

Shanti Peshewa: Shanti is Jerry Dills' first born, and his only legitimate son. Shanti was given peyote at age 4. Is this a practice of the Native American Church, to give peyote to children? If located he will tell you this story himself. I do not know where Shanti is but had a conversation with him some time back, several years ago, when we sat for lunch together and brought each other up to date. That was another chance meeting where I just happened to meet him at a local church where I was visiting with a friend (I am not a member of any organized church). He had already left his father at that time and adopted the Christian faith, having been saved by Jesus Christ, much to Jerry's displeasure. I have not seen or communicated with him since. If he can be located, he will not lie for his father. He has a story to tell. That's for sure.

Tom Wilkinson: I personally feel for Tom more than anyone else cited here, because he lives in the situation and has done so since he was a young university student. Tom is still intimately tied to the Native American Church, and his home phone is actually listed on many of Dills' websites. You will pass Tom's house when you enter the driveway to Dills' "church." I know that Tom began questioning Jerry's misdeeds years ago but also know Tom is blinded by love and loyalty for Dills. Tom's son, Joey, is also tied to the church and is I fear, a lost soul. Tom, to you I say, listen to your inner truth. The light that still shines in you. See it. It is yours alone. It is not Jerry's. I know you very well, my friend, and you have a tough row to hoe here. You know exactly what I am talking about. Step up. Do the right thing. Stop being complacent. You have seen, with your own eyes, lives being destroyed. Over and over and over. Why do you turn a blind eye and a deaf ear? You own son is being destroyed. You can live with that? You have some deep issues here and I know your heart.

Steven Lohrey: Steve met Jerry as a student at the University of Tennessee in the mid-to-late 1970s. Steve participated in many peyote ceremonies. Steve was the manager of  Tennessee Indian bingo and knows all the matters presented in this thread to be truthful. Steve was one of those who was subpoenaed by the federal Grand Jury in Nashville in the mid-1980s who was also shielded from testifying by the very powerful attorney Lionel Barret. For the record, Jerry Dills, Steven Lohrey, and Fritz Niggeler (deceased) were subpoenaed. Lionel Barret shielded them all from testifying by informing the grand jury that they would all plead the “5th Amendment” to all questions, thereby wasting the jury's time. Grand Juries don't like that and will not waste their time with that crap as any good attorney knows. If Lionel only knew how he was complacent in allowing this fraud and deception and harm to real people to continue, he may have taken, and still may take, a different stance here. But Lionel is an attorney and truth has little to do with his actions. It's all about power for Lionel, and he is a very powerful man. I do not know Lionel, but I do know Steve Lohrey. Steve had a falling out with Jerry, also over bingo, but they have kissed and made up. All I can say to Steve Lohrey is, you are a good man, I know your heart, and if asked, do the right thing. The statute of limitations has long since passed and you, too, have been complacent in damaging the lives of dozens of people. You, above all others named here, need to step up to the plate if asked.

Frank Estes: I do not know where Frank is. He was the person who put together The Indian Reader publications which Jerry and his cohorts hid behind. Frank designed and laid out those newspapers and wrote most of the articles under other names. I was there and watched him do that. I also think he was involved with Native American Indian Media corp because I remember he did film work of some kind. Jerry likes to tell the tale of pushing Frank out of the church and tells a horrible story about Frank that to those listening, sounds believable. Take your pick: He told folks Frank was a) a rapist; b) a child molester; c) a thief; or d) any combination of a,b and c that sounds good to whoever is listening to the bullshit of the day. I knew Frank and know that he too is a good hearted man, and I was there when he left the church. He left the church voluntarily (the same as me) and was not pushed out as Dills likes to tell. As far as I know, he and I were the only ones to leave on our own, while others were pushed out the door when they began to see and question the bullshit. I asked him about this when I bumped into him by chance at Home Depot years later and he laughed it off. He told me he was aware of the lies and all he told me was the truth would someday come out. He and I had coffee together that day and I have never seen him since. That was probably in 2001 or 2002 and he had just divorced his wife and was very sad and heartbroken about that. Frank is a good man. I know.

Steve Stormer: Steve was also an apprentice of Jerry and in fact lives right next door to Jerry still, to this day (next driveway past Jerry's and Tom's on Oscar Armstrong Road). Steve is a good man, has a good heart, may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but will not lie on behalf of Jerry Dills. He too participated in peyote ceremonies and his son was also given peyote at a very very young age, I believe, 5 or 6. Steve Stormer is also a godly man, whether he knows it himself or not. I see him as such, anyway.

Bruce Torbett: I have no idea where Bruce is today but he too, or his son, may stumble into this thread. Bruce was a member of the church and also participated in numerous peyote ceremonies. Bruce is a decorated Vietnam veteran and was forced to live in poverty, squalid conditions by Jerry. Jerry forced him out of the church when Bruce's then-teenage son, Jody, wanted to date one of Jerry's then-teenage daughters, and Jerry would have absolutely none of that, not wanting his daughter to associate with “that kind of person.” That was in the mid-1990s. If Bruce or Jody can be located, they will also not lie for Jerry Dills.

Eugene Hager: I do not think Eugene still lives, but if he is alive, he was one of the few real “skins” that hung around Jerry. He was an elderly man when I knew him, and he too was forced to live in squalor by Jerry. Jerry used Eugene as one of the many public faces of the church to perform dances, shake the rattles, and to do all the things that non-Indians expected to see when they visited and wanted to see “real” Indians. Eugene was a good hearted man. If he is deceased, then his nephew, Patrick (cannot remember his last name) will tell the truths I tell here. I do not remember the tribal association of Eugene. However, Jerry Dills had set up Eugene with his own Corporation, and you will find Eugene's name listed on the one of the many google search results for Indian organizations in Tennessee.

Cubert Bell: Cubert is a Choctaw who resides is West Tennessee and is a highly respected member of the Choctaw Nation. Cubert will be HIGHLY PISSED about being named here. Jerry helped Cubert both personally and in business, but Cubert has a good heat and is one of the kindest human beings I have had the pleasure to know. I am also sorry, Cubert, for the lies and deceit that you have been handed. Cubert knows Jerry very well, for decades, and was involved with the Tennessee Indian Council before and after Jerry's overthrow of the board of directors. But I know for truth that Cubert is unaware of many of the misdeeds spelled out in this thread. If only Cubert knew. Well, if he reads these words, he will. Cubert has been in Jerry's home countless times. If asked, he will not lie for Jerry.

Roger Crowe: Roger Crowe is deceased, however, I believe his widow can share his story. Roger was a registered member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, was born and raised on the reservation there in North Carolina, a member of the Longhair Clan. Roger was directly involved in helping form the “sacred grounds” and it was he who carved the first totem poles found there. Roger was forced out of the church when Roger began having doubts and openly questioning Jerry in front of his family. I bumped into Roger quite by chance, in the EDIT early 2000s late 1990s, when he was set up selling his art in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee (Roger was an amazing stone carver. The real deal). Roger told me the story of the lie being told about him: that he had raped Melanie Peshewa. Kind of a familiar theme there, huh? I told Roger the lies being told about me. Roger and I got caught up to date and had a good chuckle over this. Roger fathered two children by his first wife, Eva, who was a registered member of one of the Six Nation's tribes (cannot remember which one) and who, I believe, still runs a crafts shop in East Towne Mall in Knoxville (now called “Knoxville Centre”). I think the name of her shop is, or was, “Crystal Wonders” [EDIT:] “Crystal Visions” there at Knoxville Centre. Eva met Jerry and always thought he was full of shit. Eva was also the real deal. Roger's second wife, his widow, I cannot remember her name, but she can be located through the Eastern Band of Cherokee because she was listed as his surviving spouse in the obituary. I'm pretty sure Roger was interred on the Cherokee Reservation. Roger died of stomach cancer. Roger also knew and respected Rossi.

John Paul CutThroat: John is a Lakota Sioux from South Dakota. I barely knew John but he hung around enough to see Jerry's bullshit first hand. And I know John Paul is as hard core as they come. If he can be located he will have story of his own to tell. I think he hangs around Pine Ridge Reservation but am not sure if that is the right reservation he calls home. John Paul was an artist, a painter and stone carver too (after he met Roger Crowe and Roger showed him his craft). But he for sure is registered with the Lakota. A good man.

Etta Curly: Etta is a Navajo from the reservation. She was Bruce Torbett's girlfriend for a while, and also dated Roger Crowe before Roger was pushed out and met the women who became his second wife. I have no idea how to contact Etta but she is a registered member of the Navajo Nation. She too has a story to tell. I believe Etta is still alive but have not seen or spoken to her in 20 years.

Myself: For now I wish to remain unnamed. I have no illusions that my life is in jeopardy. However, I have nothing to lose here, nothing to gain. I have no children; I have no family; my mother is dying of lung cancer and will not be here much longer. I have made her aware of what I am doing in this thread and she actually thinks it's funny. She never liked Jerry anyway. If  I am murdered because of this, well, ok. Am I being reactionary here? Yes. Absolutely. I would like to live a long life and die of natural causes. Who wouldn't? But upon my voluntary departure from the Native American Church, Jerry issued a death promise – not a threat – a promise to me. I have no reason to believe he will not try to make good on that promise, save for the fact that Rossi's protection was for forever. If I am murdered, oh well, just add that to the long list of misdeeds of Jerry Neal Dills. I'm not worried. I have been blessed in life in this way: I never went to sleep. I have always maintained my awareness and never let that go nor did I let assholes like Jerry Dills take that away from me. I will take that into death with me. Fully Aware. Stupid, maybe. Gullible, definitely. But Aware. Always aware.

After joining this thread I had considered taking these matters to both the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, but have opted not to because, well, I don't think they give a damn. My experience with FBI and TBI is that they are idiots who don't give a damn except for their own political agenda or as tools to be used by those in power. Hand them a case on a silver platter and they might, maybe, take an interest <yawn>. I will point out, the strange irony here, that the TBI is now headquartered at I-40 Exit 398, the very same exit you take to go visit Jerry and his fake Native American Church peyote cult. So, if TBI ever gets off its ass and decided to actually do something, well, they don't have far to drive, do they? Considering how lazy they are at TBI, I doubt they will drive the 2 miles to go even have an interview. If FBI or TBI does finally do something (highly doubtful) I have no problem being interviewed or testifying before a grand jury in these matters. Whatever. Who cares? I make myself available to them, but as stated, I don't think they give a damn. So, I have not approached them. Maybe they will stumble into this post and take exception to being called idiots, and prove me otherwise. Ok you TBI idiots. You reading this? Maybe I can goad you into taking an interest, but I will not plop this into your lap. Stop eating donuts and go earn a living for a change. What more can I add to piss off the TBI? I think the donut thing should do it. You think? Naaah...

So, for myself personally, I think it would be awfully funny if a boatload of real members of the real Native American Church showed up at Jerry's door and let him conduct a peyote ceremony and smoke pot and snoot cocaine. Boy, I would love to be a fly on the wall of that one, but then that's just me and my warped sense of humor.

To those named in this post: I apologize to you, you all knew/know me personally and I am sorry for the lies and twisted truths you have all been told. Enough is enough. But all of you, all I have named, through your silence, have been a part of perpetuating these lies, these myths, and enlarging the the ego of a very, very sick, perverted and deranged person. If you are approached about these truths, look in the mirror, in your own eyes, and know that you have been complacent in damaging dozens of lives. Please do so no more. Tell the truths as you know them to be. All the rest will take care of itself.

So, to Jerry Dills, I say: Deal with this bombshell of truth, you asshole.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 06:32:13 am by clearwater »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Native American church....?
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2010, 06:05:43 pm »

1. To the moderators of this forum: I will use some very strong language in this post, but ask that it not be edited, and remain as I have posted it.

2. I will post only information that can be independently verified by public records, or living persons, and I will cite all in this post.

3. Firstly, regarding the issue of polygamy. Jerry Dills' has two wives and has for many years....Jerry will freely flaunt to those who know him, his lifestyle, and in-your-face “fuck you I'm Indian” mentality to justify having two wives. However, on paper, Dills has done everything he can to hide his polygamy from the public record....Dills also has several illegitimate children born by other women out of wedlock.

4. Sandy Graves: Sandy is Jerry's nephew and was being groomed to be the next leader of the Native American Church. They had a falling out when Jerry used Sandy as the bag man to move hundreds of thousands of dollars from the bingo game in South Carolina to Dills' pocket. Sandy did not take one dime out of that game for himself. When the federal scrutiny came down on that operation, Sandy got quite pissed at being in the middle due to his love and loyalty to Jerry Dills. They had a falling out over this and have not spoken since. The statute of limitations has since passed on any illegal activities there, Sandy, so you can now be free to step forward. I have no idea where Sandy is to this day. If he can be located, or stumbles into this thread, he too is a person with a good heart, a good mind, and he will not lie for his uncle Jerry any more.

5. Norman Graves: ....One nephew, Kelley, was 19 years old and was put in charge of the concessions stand there, which Jerry owned silently in the background (he also owned the whole bingo game for that matter, but that is a side issue for now). Anyway, Kelley was very young and confused and under a great deal of pressure. The bingo game ran Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One Sunday evening, just as the doors opened, Kelley committed suicide by shooting himself in the heart....
Kelley's death can be verified by a search of the Commercial Appeal newpaper in Memphis. I do not remember the date of death. I believe he was buried in Arkansas, where Norman resided (still does?) at the time. It is a blur to me. That was a definite turning point for me as I clearly saw Jerry's deceit and lies and the real effects and real harm they could have. They could not be hidden from my view any longer. As stated, I was there. I know. I saw. Jerry too has told the lie about the “accident.” Bullshit. All total fabricated bullshit. Let me be very clear here: Jerry Dills' inaction contributed in a direct way to Kelley's suicide. Period. End of story.

6. Shanti Peshewa: Shanti is Jerry Dills' first born, and his only legitimate son. Shanti was given peyote at age 4. Is this a practice of the Native American Church, to give peyote to children?

7. Steven Lohrey:....Steve was one of those who was subpoenaed by the federal Grand Jury in Nashville in the mid-1980s who was also shielded from testifying by the very powerful attorney Lionel Barret. For the record, Jerry Dills, Steven Lohrey, and Fritz Niggeler (deceased) were subpoenaed. Lionel Barret shielded them all from testifying by informing the grand jury that they would all plead the “5th Amendment” to all questions....

8. Eugene Hager:....Jerry Dills had set up Eugene with his own Corporation, and you will find Eugene's name listed on the one of the many google search results for Indian organizations in Tennessee.

9. Roger Crowe: Roger Crowe is deceased, however, I believe his widow can share his story. Roger was a registered member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, was born and raised on the reservation there in North Carolina, a member of the Longhair Clan. Roger was directly involved in helping form the “sacred grounds” and it was he who carved the first totem poles found there. Roger was forced out of the church when Roger began having doubts and openly questioning Jerry in front of his family....

10. Myself: For now I wish to remain unnamed. I have no illusions that my life is in jeopardy....If  I am murdered because of this, well, ok. Am I being reactionary here? Yes. Absolutely. I would like to live a long life and die of natural causes. Who wouldn't? But upon my voluntary departure from the Native American Church, Jerry issued a death promise – not a threat – a promise to me. I have no reason to believe he will not try to make good on that promise, save for the fact that Rossi's protection was for forever. If I am murdered, oh well, just add that to the long list of misdeeds of Jerry Neal Dills....

11. After joining this thread I had considered taking these matters to both the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, but have opted not to because, well, I don't think they give a damn....

There's quite a bit to respond to and I've only pointed to the most salient points, esp ones needing further investigation or verification. It's something I frankly never expected. The so called NAC of Strawberry Plains had been discussed off and on at NAFPS almost from the beginning and never had we any hint it was much more than a white wannabe who'd snatched the domain name before anyone legit from the actual NAC could get it.

1. No we won't edit your post, but there are some things that need clearing up. I'm not saying we doubt you, just that to convince the public, proof is needed.

2. That is exactly what is needed, to be better able to warn the public and in some instances, prosecute if possible.

3. I'm not sure how relevant this is to much of anything, unless it's part of a pattern of abuse, or pretending to be something he's not. There are still some polygamous NDNs in some places if someone knew where to look, though obviously not recognized under the law. Same with kids outside of marriage. Only abuse or neglect of his kids is relevant.

4. We badly need sources on that fed investigation. Court records and news stories online would be the easiest way.

5. Again, sources on the death are badly needed.

6. Giving peyote to a kid is as wrong as can be.

7 and 8. Again, records are needed.

9. If possible, is there a way to contact the widow?

10. For anyone who fears threats or possible violence, take all reasonable precautions for your own safety. That includes informing the police. While they may not be able to protect you, at least it's on the record in case something does happen. And that itself may protect you a bit.

We will absolutely NOT reveal your identity if that could lead to any harm to you. We have never broken that confidence in all the years we've been around.

11. The feds are overwhelmed and understand very little of these cases. They don't prosecute spiritual abuser and exploiters, just those who break other laws like assault or theft. It looks as though the feds have already tried to get them once before. It may be the most we can do is spread the news far and wide about the harm that this group did before so fewer people are harmed.