Theres a lot of talk on this site about Fake Medicine Men and False Teachngs. What is everyone's opinion about when legitimite and sometimes respected NDNZ from real Indian communities do teachings to non-NDNZ and people who claim Indian heritage. I'd say in most of the cases that I've seen, these people "the NDNZ" get paid for it. Sometimes its at cultural events or powowws, and other times its private teachngs. I personaly beleive that spirtuality should not be open to outsiders except on rare occasions.
And sometimes these Indians that do teachngs are real close friends and have tight relationships with these Non-Indians/Indian claimants that they teach. Usually these people do learn a little something. And when the Indians that teach them leave, these people think that they really know something after these teachings. And then they go and teach other New-Agers. But now they have or beleive they have legitimacy since they were taught by "Real NDNZ" from real NDN communities.
I always hear the excuse from certain Indians and sometimes from the NDNZ themsleves that "these people/we have to feed their/our family". And they make it sound like they have to choose between that and selling Spirutual Ways.
I do know a lot of cases of whites and other non-Indians that do respect the ways, and usually keep that to them selves. But for the most part its New Agers that are exploiting the little bit of knowledge that they were taught. I think that when Indian people do these teachings, it just causes all kinds of problems. If Indians want to have personal friendships, with people of any race thats one thing. I have friends of all races. But I think that when they do these teachings for money, they are really selling out thier spirtuality and their cultural.