Author Topic: New here!  (Read 35977 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: New here!
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2009, 10:08:48 pm »
It is because non natives have no culture, no 'traditions' handed down, except for religion, which, as in the Christian religion, the book has been rewritten a few times, changing this and that, and basically, there isn't 'traditions' handed down.

But Critter, this is simply not true. People who think NDN and Eastern traditions are the only surviving "mystical" traditions are simply not looking in the right places.

Speaking as an Irish-/Scottish-American and Gaelic Polytheist: Those whose families have assimilated into mainstream culture have a lot of work to do. Even those of us who have some fragments surviving in our families, and who didn't have Christianity shoved down our throats, haven't had it easy. We've had to find others who have fragments, and over time put together something more complete. It's taken hard work and patience, but we also have our old people and tradition-bearers. And we have middle-aged people who have been doing this for most of our lives, and young adults who were raised in these fuller, revived traditions.

Many people, of all ages, were raised with the songs and stories and folklore that embody an earth-based, mystical worldview, both in the Six Celtic Nations and the diaspora. For some, maybe most, it was just cultural, but for others it has always been part of their spirituality.

Don't rule out books; there are solid collections of old prayers, songs and folklore, including ancient manuscripts with our mythologies. It's better to learn these things in one of the intact oral traditions, but if people hadn't made the choice to be less secretive and record some of these things, we would have lost even more. These sorts of historical records, and personal stories of our ancestors about their beliefs and experiences and daily lives, are of a whole different order than the occult and newage books that claim to teach spiritual techniques. You probably won't find them on the bookshelf of your local occult/nuage store, and some have never been translated into English, but they exist in University libraries, cultural centers and private collections. Of course you can't learn ceremony and spirit work from a book... though if you already have some training and aptitude, reputable, old books of prayer and song and tales can give you more to contemplate and work with. Sincere prayer and right behaviour can open doors to meeting the right people.

I know people from a variety of European ethnicities who have solid traditions that have survived. They may not all be as full and culturally-integrated and widespread as these sorts of things are in traditional NDN communities, or in a Hindu ashram, but as more and more people have looked to earth-based ways as an alternative to mainstream religions, things have improved. There are also far, far more flakes and frauds than genuine people. But like with anything, what is good and valuable and solid is not going to be found quickly or easily. We don't have to be nuagers or pretendians to have a mystical, earth-based, meaningful spiritual practice.

Re: New here!
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2009, 10:38:50 pm »

But Critter, this is simply not true. People who think NDN and Eastern traditions are the only surviving "mystical" traditions are simply not looking in the right places.

You are right, of course, I was being narrow minded thinking of American 'nuage' culture peoples..  which btw.. I've decided my idea probably won't work anyways, because nuager's are like kids.. they want the 'new shiny toy with trinkets and gadgets' rather than the old hand me down that has withstood the test of time.. 


Thanks for the great response..
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 02:14:20 am by Kathryn »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: New here!
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2009, 11:46:57 pm »
Oh, about books, yes, a book can be really great, I was more so referring to some I know who read books from one thing to the next in every category they can get their hands on, and then talk it like it's knowledge.  I think you know what I mean..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet


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Re: New here!
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2009, 09:57:26 pm »
i always end up bowing my head in dismay whenever i meet someone claiming to be a shaman. they have no idea, i'll give you an example of a true Medicine=Man. He, in his 80's. came from Hobema, came to Eskasoni, my Rez, met with my best friends family, my best friends son was born with a birth defect. one of the tiny boy's legs was 2 inches shorter than the other. The Medicine=Man met and spent alot of time with the family dialoging and sharing many things, then he left, and went back to Hobema, and 3 nites later, the little boy ran out of his room, excited, and explained in Mi'kamq, that the old man from the other nite came to him in his room, and when they looked down, the boys legs were the same size..... and are still to this day.... these people who call themselves shaman, can you enter into Ceremony, and your Spirit leave your body, to go heal the poor sick? they have no idea of the Power and the Majesty that is L'nu Spirituality, which is only can be measured by Humility....

Re: New here!
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2009, 10:45:53 pm »
There are real dangers in today's world with people 'playing' with these things.  I don't know how some people have learned this or that..  I can't even say how it is I have learned what it is I know.. and then some days, I cannot even say I know anything..

But..  there are people who've learned to do 'things' in 'energy' for lack of better word.  There is a group, for example, that I know of who meet and play practice of possessing each other.  They wanted me to join their group.  I told them it was wrong on every level to have such a group.  People do not understand it is not a game.

There is a reason these 'medicine' (for lack of better word) ways are not taught/given to the masses.  It takes a humble person to carry such a service..  and also, a lifetime.

You may or may not choose to believe when I say how I've had the opposite of good coming at me for many years.  Battling freak people who let their selfish wants/desires go before their good sense.. attacking me constantly until I was nearly dead. 

I am still not wholly well from that.  But that is the example of people who learn things they should not have ever learned.  And one more reason why ANY ways that involve such wonder, should be kept safe and secure and not taught in a world full of people who have no such clue of such things. 

Thank you for sharing you story.. it is good to know of. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline 04-2106-johanna

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Re: New here!
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2010, 12:46:23 am »
what red road has shaman practictioners? hope it didn't cost you anything.

Re: New here!
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2010, 06:02:00 am »
I don't know of any.  I don't pay money for spiritual.  I've always believed that to be wrong.  This belief was reinforced in me when I was fortunate to be allowed to attend sweat lodges.  The people there voiced it.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: New here!
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2010, 03:49:53 pm »
It is ture, sad but true, that many do not have any concept of what native medicine is about.  For sometime noe whenever someone says they are a "shawman" I ask them where in Russia or Siberia they come from.  Most have no idea why I would ask them that.  Hm . . .

I've had a few people ask me to make medicine.  I usually jerk my head around and with eyes as wide as an owl's say "Make What??!!  I'm not a medicine person!"  I've told several that they have no idea what they are asking for or even how to go about finding a medicine person.

I've only once ever had the services of a native medicine person.  I've never told anyone about it and I'm not about to go into the details here but I know this from that one experience - native medicine is powerful and nothing to be toyed with.

Offline melvingbrewster

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Re: New here!
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2010, 06:09:17 pm »
Hi I am Melvin G. Brewster, I am visiting this site because someone named Durenda slandered me on it. Do not be so quick to judge Native people with Dr. degrees and who follow the traditional road of their people! Maybe i needed to brag about all my victories and my credentials and so forth and my RED ROAD involvement?  Now take care, you want to know me or talk about me talk to my face like a Native.  The fact is, if people like me are not there for the PEOPLE we all lose, we need scietists to fight against non-Indian scientists it is simple. Without brain power, we lose, I have too often hear so-called (People who have positions bestowed upon them by their people without knowing anything) blow it for everyone because they do not know anything. All they know is their own prejudice and bias and are filled with hate and jealousy! ... Pesha Tabidua,

Dr. Brewster
Dr. Melvin G. Brewster
PO Box 10
Schurz, Nevada 89427

Offline earthw7

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Re: New here!
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2010, 06:52:55 pm »
who is Durenda where did she talk about you do you have the post???
In Spirit

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: New here!
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2010, 05:15:49 pm »
I have to also ask what Critter just asked, Dr. Brewster  I just ran a forum search for your name and the only post or topic I found it in was your post here. 


Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: New here!
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2010, 06:00:42 pm »
There is a thread that asked about Melvin Brewster.

The link is below

I don't see where anything negative was said.

The key points are quoted below...
Have you heard of this person?

educated indian
his degree is legit.

educated indian
it sounds like he's making fun of Nuage ideas

educated indian
this group sounds like it could do some very good work in badly needed fields.

educated indian
some of what they do could potentially help us here

educated indian
What was it you were concerned about Durenda?

Not questioning, just checking. Thank you!

I saw this yesterday but didn't know where to post my response as all the threads Melvin posted this complaint in, are on a different topic.

Maybe Melvin just noticed their name and what this message board generally discusses and didn't read what was actually said about them...? Maybe to make it clear that no one thought Melvin was a fraud, this thread could be moved to the Archive as no longer a concern?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 06:06:51 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: New here!
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2010, 06:11:09 pm »
Wado, Mama Porcupine, I must have typed the name incorrectly in the search window.

Dr. Brewster, if you follow the link you'll see this was some time ago and that the general consensus was that you were NOT a fraud.  Indeed, the opposite is suggested.


Offline Sparks

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Re: New here!
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2019, 11:46:31 pm »
Hi I am Melvin G. Brewster, I am visiting this site because someone named Durenda slandered me on it. Do not be so quick to judge Native people with Dr. degrees and who follow the traditional road of their people! Maybe i needed to brag about all my victories and my credentials and so forth and my RED ROAD involvement?  Now take care, you want to know me or talk about me talk to my face like a Native.  The fact is, if people like me are not there for the PEOPLE we all lose, we need scietists to fight against non-Indian scientists it is simple. Without brain power, we lose, I have too often hear so-called (People who have positions bestowed upon them by their people without knowing anything) blow it for everyone because they do not know anything. All they know is their own prejudice and bias and are filled with hate and jealousy! ... Pesha Tabidua,

Dr. Brewster

Everything about Dr. Brewster has now been archived here: